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10 Cards in this Set

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The Reformation

Renaissance secularism created tension between the kingdoms and the authority of the church.

Rise of Protestant faith and more than a century of religious warfare.

Reasons of The Protestant Reformation

Dissatisfaction with church ritual and Latin overtones.

Humanism emphasized man's needs and concerns.

Mass communication of the printing press.

Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Questioned the right of the pope to grant indulgences, which was the primary cause.

Ninety-Five Theses served as a catalyst in starting the Reformation.

Lutheranism allowed for a state church system controlled by individual German princes.


Made Protestantism an international movement.

Became a revolutionary anti-Catholic movement.

The Act of Supremacy (1534)

Marked the beginning of the English Reformation.

King of England became the head of the church.

Pope's refusal to annul the marriage of Henry VIII to Catherine of Aragon initiated the break.

Elizabeth I (1558-1603) established Protestantism in England and the Anglican Church.

The Counter Reformation (Catholic Reformation)

Attempted to halt the spread of Protestantism.

The Jesuits became the official Catholic response to the Reformation.

The Jesuits initiated missionary and educational endeavors.

The Council of Trent (1545-1563) defined the doctrines of Catholicism and reinforced papal authority.

Effects of the Reformation

Medieval political unity in Europe was replaced by the spirit of modernization.

Authority of the state was strengthened.

Middle class was strengthened.

Calvinism gave capitalism it's psychological base.

Religious wars reflected the fervor of the times.

Northern Germany

Martin Luther

Salvation through faith rather than sacraments.

Rejection of papal authority and hierarchical priesthood.


Decentralized religious authority in favor of local German princes.


John Calvin

Doctrine of Predestination

Rejection of all forms of worship and practice not traced to Biblical tradition.

"Reformed Churches"


King Henry VIII

Political rather than religious break from the church.

Act of Supremacy

Created Anglican Church of England.