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64 Cards in this Set

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Protestant Reformation
Northern European calls for church reform that eventually unleashed foces that would shatter Christian unity
What were people like in Renaissance Italy?
Poor and life would be violent
What began in the alte Middle Ages?
The Church had become increasingly caught up in worldly affairs; popes competed with Italian princes for political power
What did the Church fight for?
Expand it's own interests
a lessening of the time a sould would have to spend in purgatory
John Wycliffe
Lauched a systematic attack against the church, using sermons and writings to call for change
Martin Luther
Triggered revolt against Church abuses; german monkk; professor
What caused Martin Luther to take action?q
An incident in the town of Wittenberg
Johann Tetzel
Setup of a pulpit and offered indulgances to any Christian who contributed for the rebuilding of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome
Luther's response to Tetzel
Tetzel's actions wer the final outrage; meant that poor peasants could not get into heaven
95 Theses
Arguments against indulgances
Result of 95 Theses
Printed and distributed overnight; stirred furious debate
Church's response to 95 Theses
Called on Luther to recant (give up his views); Luther refused
After Luther says no to recant
Comes up with an even more radical new doctrine
Excomunicated Luther
Pope Leo X
Summoned Luther to the diet at the city of Worms
Charles V
Assembly of German princes; comes from a Middle English word, meaning "a day for a meeting"
What did Charles V order?
Luther give up his writings
Charles V's response to Luther not giving up his writings
Declared Luther an outlaw
Jan Hus
Led a reform movement in the Czech Republic for which he was executed
Who sheltered Luther for many years?
Prince Frederick the Wise of Saxony
Luther's teachings
All Christians have equal access to God through faith and the Bible
What did Luther want?
Ordinary people to be able to read and study the Bible (had it translated into German); every town to have a school so that all children could learn to read the bible
By 1530, what was the new name being used for the Lutherans?
What did Clergy see Luthers reforms as?
The answer to chruch corruption
German Princes reactions to Protestants
Embranced Lutheran beliefs (for selfish reasons)
In 1524, What erupted across Germany?
A peasants revolt
Result of the Peasants revolt
Tenos of thousands killed and leaving thousands more homeeless
1530s and 1540s: What did Charles V try to do?
Force Lutheran princes back into the Catholic Chruch, but with little success
Peace of Augsburg
Allowed each prince to decfide which religion- Catholic or Lutheran- would be followed in his lands
Princes' decisions (Peace of Augsburg)
Most nothern German states chose Lutheranism- The southern German states remained largely Catholic
Ulrich Zwingli
Priest and admirere of Erasmus; stressed importance of the bible
John Calvin
Born in France; trained as a priest and lawyer; published a widely read book that set forth his religious beliefs and explained how to organize and run a Protestant Chruch
The idea that god had long ago determeined who would gain salvation
2 Types of People according to Calvinists
Saints and sinners (calvinsists tried to livelike saints)
In 1541, what did Protestants in Geneva do?
asked Calvin to lead their community
Governement run by chruch leaders
Calvinist citizen's punishments
Faced offenses for fighting, laughing in chruch, or dancing
By late 1500s, 5 places Calvinsim had taken root
Germany, France, Netherlands, england, Scotland
Argued that infaants are too young to understant what it means to accept the Christian faith
Were anabaptists peaceful or radical?
2 Things anabaptists called for
Relgious toleration and seperation of chruch and state
3 groups that trace back to anabaptists
Mennonites, Baptists, Amish
Who annuled Henry VIII's marriage?
Thomas Cranmer (Under Pope Clement Vii
Act of Supremacy
Made Henry the only supreme head on Earth of the church of England
What happpend to Sirt Thomas More?
Canonized, recognized as a saint by the Catholic Chruch
What did Henry VIII order close?
Catholic Convents and monasteries
Henry's inheritor
Edward VI (son of Jane Seymour)
Edward's inheritor
Half-sister, mary tudor
Mary's inheritor
Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth
Elizabethan settlement
A series of reforms that were enforced slowly
Elizabeth made...
England a firmly protestant nation
Catholic Reformation
Led by Pope Paul III and took hold within the Catholic Church
Council of Trent
Called by the pope to establish the direction the reform should take; led by cardinal Carlo Borromeo, met off and on for almost 20 years
4 things declared by Council of Trent
Salvation comes through fatih and good works; The bible, while a major source of religious truth, is not the only source; took steps to end abuses in the Church; established schools to create a better educated clergy who could challege protestant teachings
Index of Forbidden Books
List of works considered too immoral or irreligious for Catholics to read
A new religious order recognized by the pope
Ignatius of Loyola
Founded the Jesuits; Spanish knight reaised in the crusading tradtiion
Led by Ignatius, the Jesuits...
Embarked on a crusade to defend and spread the Catholic faith worldwide
Accomplishment of Jesuits
Set up schools that taught humanist and Catholic beliefs and enforced discipline and obedience
Teresa of Avila
Born into a wealthy spanish family, entered a convent; established her own order of nuns
Superiors in Church response to Teresa
Asked her to reorganize and reform Spanish convents and monasteries
Most victims of the witch hunts died in... (3 places)
German states, Switzerland, France
4 groups that were accused of witch-craft
Social outcasts, beggars, midwives, herbalists