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30 Cards in this Set

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the roman catholic church was ruled by...

the pope

changes in the 16th century

Renaissance humanism, especially in the north,led people to question religious practices, such asthe power of relics or the value of living life as amonk/nun.

the printing press was used mostly for...


the black death

bubonic plague, killed 1/3rd of the population, pushed people to question the church.


a measure ofdisrespect toward the clergy.


idea of a directrelationship between the individual and God,reducing the importance of the Church.

Pope Clement V

moved the seat of power fromRome to Avignon in France

Avignon Papacy

ended with a return to Rome,but it sparked the Western Schism (Great Schism),where 3 popes claimed leadership over theCatholic Church.

Lower priests

poorly educated, knew little Latin, were unableto offer a response to serious questions about theChurch.


selling Churchpositions to the highest bidder.

John Wycliffe

questioned The worldly wealth of the Church, The miracle of transubstantiation, The teachings of penance, The sale of indulgences. translated the bible to english.

Wycliffe followers


Jan Hus

led a religiousrevolt against the Church. openly questioned theinfallibility of the Church and the immorality of theclergy. found guilty of heresy and burned at the stake.

Martin Luther

Catholicmonk who was troubled by the sale ofindulgences.


punishment for sin


a temporary form of hell


sold by the church to release someone from penance.

Albert of Hohenzollern

offeredthe position as Archbishop of Mainz, at theprice of 10,000 ducats, which he borrowedfrom a bank. To pay off the debt, the papacy allowed him to sellindulgences: ½ the money would pay his debt, ½went directly to Rome.

Johann Tetzel

Dominican friar, was set topreach the indulgence across Germany. “As soon as the gold in thebasin rings, right then the soul to heaven springs.”

95 Theses

The Theses were mostly attacks on the sale ofindulgences.The list was printed and spread all over Germany.It was ignored by Pope Leo X. on a church door in Wittenbergin 1517.

luthers 3 important texts.

Address to the Christian Nobility: arguedthat secular governments could reformthe Church.

On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church: attacked Church teachings, including sacraments.

Liberty of a Christian Man: he developed thebasic ideas of a new Church:Grace is the sole gift of God.One is saved by faith alone.The Bible is the only source of that faith.

Pope Leo X

issued a papalbull (an official decree) demanding Luther torecant or be burned as a heretic. Luther publicly burned the bull.The pope excommunicated Luther.

luthers powerful patrons

Some Northern German princes, most famouslyFrederick the Elector of Saxony, wanted him tohave a public hearing.

Diet ofWorms

meeting of the German nobility. Charles V, askedhim to recant: Luther refused. He was banned in the Empire but was safelyhidden in Wartburg Castle by the Elector ofSaxony.

luthers new church

reduced the Catholic’s seven sacraments totwo: communion and baptism.He rejected transubstantiation.He ended monasticism and did away with the ideaof celibacy for clergy.


spread through much ofnorthern Germany, Scandinavia, England,Scotland, the Netherlands, France, andSwitzerland.

German Peasant’s Revolt

Peasants revolted because of worsening economicconditions and because they believed Luther hadcalled for social equality.

German Peasant’s Revolt misinterpretation

luther wrote “Against the Robbingand Murderous Hordes of Peasants.” He urged them to be shown no mercy.

luthers successes

willing to subordinate his church to theauthority of German princes. didn’t worry about political questions, anddidn’t criticize the princes. encouraged them to confiscate CatholicChurch land.1/4 of the Holy Roman Empire was under Churchcontrol.

Peaceof Augsburg.

granted legal recognition of Lutheranism interritories ruled by a Lutheran prince.