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13 Cards in this Set

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The nervous system

You can not oversell the importance because this is the control everything

The endocrine system

Next in line after the nervous system it is the nervous system partner in crime

The human species

Is the most distinctive of all species because of how our nervous system works

Sensory inputs, integration, and motor output

All of our thoughts actions and emotions are put into these three principle functions

Sensory input

Sensory receptors on your skin detect information which is


Once your nervous system receives the sensory input it begins to decide what you should do which is

Motor output

Once you have decided what you’re going to do your action or response that occurs is the

Central and peripheral nervous system

Several layers of organization when it comes to the nervous system; two main ones are

Action pitential

The buzz feeling or binary senses

Electrical neutral

The body as a whole


There are fewer positive ions on the inside than the outside


More positive ions on the outside than the inside


To go from depolarization to polarization