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30 Cards in this Set

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what is the cause of delerium in all patients?
an illness or medication
what does inattention, disorganized thinking, and altered level of consciousness which developed over several days describe?
List the 5 main causes of delerium? (5)
1. Drugs
2. Alcohol
3. Infections
4. Metabolic disorders
5. Cardiovascular events
What is the most common etiology of delerium?
drugs (medication)esp. OTC's like NSAID's and cold medicines
What types of infections may be the cause of delerium? (4)
1. septicemia
2. pneumonia
3. urinary tract infections
4. systemic viruses
what does the DELIRIUM Mneumonic stand for?
D - dementia
E - electrolytes
L - Lungs... major organs including brain
I - Infections
R - Rx (esp anticholinergics)
I - Injury
U - unfavorable environment
M - metabolic
by what percentage does delirium increase risk of mortality?
200% (2 fold)
what is apraxia?
inability to carry out complex motor activities
what is agnosia?
failure to indentify objects even when sensory function if intact
T or F: the level of consciousness is not impaired in patients with delerium?
F - delerium is associated with decreased consciousness, but dementia is not
Is this describing dementia or delerium?

symptoms develop abruptly (hours to days)
Is this describing dementia or delerium?

Attention is impaired
Is this describing dementia or delerium?

Level of consciousness fluctuates
Is this describing dementia or delerium?

Speech is often incoherent
Is this describing dementia or delerium?

symptoms developed insiduously over time (weeks to months)
Is this describing dementia or delerium?

Attention is relatively preserved until advanced stages
Is this describing dementia or delerium?

Level of consciousness is normal except in advanced cases
Is this describing dementia or delerium?

Speech is often ordered and coherent
Is this describing dementia or delerium?

Attention and wakefulness are always distrubed
what four primary diagnoses causing dementia include?
1. pervasive developmental disorders (EX Autism) [50%]
2. Multiple-infarct dementia (silent strokes)[10%]
3. Alcoholism [10%]
4. Mixed disorders [10-15%]
why is it important to determine the etiological causes of dementia?
1/3 of the underlying causes may require treatment
what are the "plaques" seen in alzheimer's disease caused by
Beta-amyloid which is mutated as a result of mutations on chromosome 21
what tertameric protein can be found in high levels in the CSF in patients with Alzheimers?
Tau protein
describe the formation of neuritic plaques?
beta amyloid forms the core and abnormal tau proteins plaque bind around it
what important transfer enzyme has reduced activity in Alzheimers?
Choline Acetyl Transferase (CAT) [30-40% normal]
which drugs has the most proven efficacy for treatment of Alzheimers
Acetyl Cholinesterase Inhibitors
what type of drug is cognex?
Acetyl Cholinesterase Inhibitors
what type of drug is donepezil?
Acetyl Cholinesterase Inhibitors
what type of drug is galantamine?
Acetyl Cholinesterase Inhibitors
what type of drug is rivastigmine?
Acetyl Cholinesterase Inhibitors