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98 Cards in this Set

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Section 5(2)

Can a section 5(2) be renewed?



If any individual has to wait longer then what are they entitled to?

They can claim for compensation under breach of the Human Rights Act (Article 5 (4))

Section 136

What is a section 136?

Police holding powers

Section 4

How long does a section 4 last for?

72 hours

Section 135

Can someone detained under section 135 make an appeal?


Section 136

How long does a section 136 last for?

24 hours but can be extended for a further 12 hours

Section 5(4)

When is a section 5(4) used?

Only for receiving in-patient psychiatric treatment

Section 4

Can a section 4 be renewed?



How are members of a tribunal appointed?

They are appointed by the Lord Chancellor

They are independent from the hospital

Section 4

Can someone detained under section 4 make an appeal?


Section 136

Can someone detained under section 136 make an appeal?


Section 4

Who makes the decision to detain someone under section 4?

One medical recommendation

Section 4

What is the criteria to be detained under section 4?

Mental disorder and urgent necessity

Section 135

Can a section 135 be renewed?


Section 5(2)

What is an individual entitled to?

Independent mental health advocate

Section 5(2)

What is a section 5(2)?

Doctors holding powers

Consent to treatment

Under what sections can individuals not refuse treatment?

Section 2 and section 3

Section 5(4)

How long does a section 5(4) last for?

6 hours

Section 4

Can section 4 be converted into another section?

Yes, it can be converted into a section 2 with additional recommendations

Section 135

What is a section 135?

Warrant to search for and remove a patient

Section 3

What is an individual entitled to under section 3?

Hospital managers review

Independent mental health advocate

Section 136

What is a section 136?

Police holding powers

Section 4

Who can discharge someone detained under section 4?

Responsible clinician

Hospital managers review

Thereā€™s two

Section 4

What is someone detained under section 4 for?

Emergency admission

Section 5(4)

What is a section 5(4)?

Nurses holding powers

Section 4

What is an individual entitled to under section 4?

Hospital managers review

Independent mental health advocate

Section 135

Can a section 135 be renewed?


Section 5(2)

Can someone make an appeal when detained under section 5(2)?


Section 5(2)

How long does a section 5(2) last for?

72 hours

What year was the act introduced?

Introduced in 1983

Amended in 2007

Definition of mental disorder (1983)

Includes mental illness, mental impairment, severe mental impairment and psychopathic disorder

Definition of mental disorder (2007)

Any disorder or disability of the mind

What are the code of practices guiding principles?

1- least restrictive option and maximising independence

2- empowerment and involvement

3- respect and dignity

4- purpose and effectiveness

5- efficiency and equity

Thereā€™s five

What section is informal treatment regulated by?

Section 131

Community Treatment Orders (CTO)

What is a CTO?

A person is placed on a CTO if they meet certain conditions to stay in the community.

They can be taken back to hospital if at any point they no longer meet the conditions of the CTO.

Community Treatment Orders (CTO)

A person can be discharged under a CTO if...

1- they have been detained under section 3


2- they have been diverted to hospital from the criminal justice system

Thereā€™s two reasons

Community Treatment Orders (CTO)

When can an individual not be placed under a CTO?

If they are detained under section 2


They are a voluntary patient

Thereā€™s two reasons

Nearest Relative

What section does the nearest relative sit under?

And who can this be?

Section 26

Any individual who the the person concerned normally resides with and has done for the last 5 years (must be over he age of 18)

Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP)

Under what section is an AMHP appointed?

Section 114

Section 2

What is someone detained under section 2 for?

Admission for assessment and treatment

Section 2

How long does a section 2 last for?

28 days

Section 2

Can a section 2 be renewed?


Section 2

What is the criteria to be detained under section 2?

Mental disorder

Section 2

Who makes the decision to detain someone under section 2?

And how many days do they have to do this?

Two medical recommendations - psychiatric + ā€™otherā€™

Within 5 days of each other or together

Section 2

Can someone make an appeal when detained under section 2?


Section 2

How long does an individual have to make an appeal?

And in how many days must the tribunal take place after the appeal?

Within 14 days of the start of their section

Within 7 days of the application

Section 2

Who can discharge someone detained under a section 2?

Responsible clinician

Nearest relative

Mental health review tribunal

Hospital managers review

Thereā€™s four

Section 2

What is an individual entitled to under section 2?

Managers review

Independent mental health advocate

Section 3

What is someone detained under section 3 for?

Admission for treatment

Section 3

How long does a section 3 last for?

6 months

Section 3

Can a section 3 be renewed?

If so how long for?


For 6 months then in periods of 1 year

Section 3

Who makes the decision to detain someone under section 3?

And how many days do they have to do this?

Two medical recommendations - Psychiatrist and ā€˜otherā€™

Within 5 days of each other or together

Section 3

Can someone make an appeal when detained under section 3?


Section 3

How long does someone have to make an appeal?

And how long after the applications made should the tribunal take place?

An individual can appeal once in the first 6 months and once in each subsequent period of detention

The hearing takes place within 6-8 weeks of the application

Section 3

Who can discharge someone detained under a section 3?

Responsible clinician

Nearest relative

Mental health review tribunal

Hospital managers

Thereā€™s four

Section 3

What is an individual entitled to under section 3?

Hospital managers review

Independent mental health advocate

Section 4

Who can discharge someone detained under section 4?

Responsible clinician

Hospital managers review

Thereā€™s two

Section 4

What is an individual entitled to under section 4?

Hospital managers review

Independent mental health advocate

Section 5(2)

What is a section 5(2)?

Doctors holding powers

Section 5(2)

How long does a section 5(2) last for?

72 hours

Section 5(2)

Can a section 5(2) be renewed?


Section 5(2)

Can someone make an appeal when detained under section 5(2)?


Section 5(2)

What is an individual entitled to?

Independent mental health advocate

Section 5(4)

What is a section 5(4)?

Nurses holding powers

Section 5(4)

How long does a section 5(4) last for?

6 hours

Section 5(4)

When is a section 5(4) used?

Only for receiving in-patient psychiatric treatment


If any individual has to wait longer then what are they entitled to?

They can claim for compensation under breach of the Human Rights Act (Article 5 (4))

Section 5(4)

Can a section 5(4) be renewed?



How are members of a tribunal appointed?

They are appointed by the Lord Chancellor

They are independent from the hospital

Section 4

What is someone detained under section 4 for?

Emergency admission

Section 4

How long does a section 4 last for?

72 hours

Section 4

Can a section 4 be renewed?


Section 4

Can section 4 be converted into another section?

Yes, it can be converted into a section 2 with additional recommendations

Section 4

What is the criteria to be detained under section 4?

Mental disorder and urgent necessity

Section 4

Who makes the decision to detain someone under section 4?

One medical recommendation

Section 4

Can someone detained under section 4 make an appeal?


Section 5(4)

Can a section 5(4) be changes?

If so by who and what to?

Can be changed to a section 5(2) by a doctor

Section 5(4)

Can someone make an appeal when detained under section 5(4)?


Section 5(4)

What is someone detained under section 5(4) entitled to?

Independent mental health advocate

The right to refuse treatment

Section 135

What is a section 135?

Warrant to search for and remove a patient

Section 135

How long does a section 135 last for?

Up to 36 hours

Section 135

Can a section 135 be renewed?


Section 135

Can someone detained under section 135 make an appeal?


Section 135

What is someone detained under section 135 entitled to?

Independent mental health advocate

Section 136

What is a section 136?

Police holding powers

Section 136

How long does a section 136 last for?

24 hours but can be extended for a further 12 hours

Section 136

Can a section 136 be renewed?


Section 136

Can someone detained under section 136 make an appeal?


Section 136

What is someone detained under section 136 entitled to?

Independent mental health advocate

Section 117

What is a section 117?

Placed a duty on health and social service authorities to provide after-care to a person detained under sections 3, 37,45A, 47 or 48

Section 117

How long does a section 117 last for?

Service provided until no longer required

Section 117

What is a section 117 there for?

Provided for the purpose of the Care Act 2014

Consent to treatment

What part of the act covers patients who are detained for more than 72 hours (except those who are remanded by the courts underway section 35)?

Part IV

Consent to treatment

What are the two reasons why treatment could be given if consent is not given?

1- inability to give consent (not having capacity)

2- objecting to the treatment

Consent to treatment

Under what sections can individuals not refuse treatment?

Section 2 and section 3

Consent to treatment

Psychosurgery (including ECT) needs consent from....

The individual receiving the treatment and a second opinion from a professional

Consent to treatment

Who oversees this part of the act?

Independent mental health advocate commission

Consent to treatment

Patients not covered by ........ of the Act have the same legal position as any other patient in a general hospital e.g. they cannot be treated against their consent except where it would be allowed in common law (in an emergency to save the individuals life)

Part IV