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37 Cards in this Set

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when did monasticism begin
3rd century
why did st anthony live in the desert
to be closer to god
benedict of nursia
established monte cassino. created universal rule for all monks and nuns to follow.
how did a monk live according to the rule of st benedict
in chastity, poverty, obedience. he worked.
what is an abbot or abbess
the head of the monestary
when did patrick arrive in ireland
431 ad
how did patrick first arrive in ireland
he was taken captive at age 16. he escaped back to england but came back to ireland to start the conversion
what did st columba do
he established Iona (a monestary) in SW scotland. he went into scotland and created his own version of christianity
what did aidan do
he went down to england and founded lindisfarne in anglo-saxon england and tried to covert anglo-saxons to christianity
what did columbanus do
he founded luxeuil in france
what did pope gregory the great do
he sent st ambrose to england to try to convert the anglo-saxons.
what is the letter that gregory wrote
it was to the bishop miletus and it suggest that they dont destroy the temples of the anglo saxons, but destroy the idols within them
what are the three pillars of byzantine civilization
roman government. christian religion. grego-oriental culture
who is the patriarch
the ruler of the east (the pope is the west)
who was justinian
an autocrat who sought to regain the western provinces (old empire)
who was justinian aided by
theodora, his wife. she was co-ruler
what did justinian and theodora build
hagia sophia
who took north italy in 568 ad
the lombards
who is muhammad
from a merchant family. he unified the arabian community. he was the first caliph
a religious and secular leader
who is allah
a prophet, not divine
sayings of the prophet that are not included in the qur'an
secular form of law
five pillars of islam
1. profession of islam - allah is god and muhammad is his messenger
2. daily worship - towards mecca
3. ramadan - fasting for a month
4. zakat - taxing that goes directly to charity - keeps the church from getting wealthy
5. hajj - once in your life you should go on a pilgrimage to Hajj in mecca
only direct descendant of muhammad can rule. they were led by ali, muhammad's son-in-law. conservative
any capable muslim can be elected caliph. more liberal
seeking a personal, mystical connection to god. the abbasid dynasty
umayyad dynasty
sunnis. victory over ali. period of expansion to the west: spain, and attempts into southern france
golden age of abbasids
overthrew the umayyads (except spain). ruled form baghdad.
merovingian family
ruled francia before charlemagne's family
descendants of clovis
married a christian woman and became orthadox
administration of the merovingians
had an itinerary court. no capital the king would wonder form 1 wealthy home to the next. no big castle that they lived in. land is divided between sons. the king calls upon the men that are on his land when he wants to go to war - the men must provide an army for the king
charles martel
son of pepin hershtal. led battle of pointiers and defeats muslim army, forcing hem back into spain
pepin the shart
son of charles. becomes king of franks. pushes out merovingians. crowned by pope. becomes first king of franks
wifre of clovis II
balthild. a slave from britain