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21 Cards in this Set

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Definition of Feast of Unleavened Bread
First day of Passover festival.
Last for seven days.
Reminds Christians with God's help we must remove & avoid sin
Definition of Last Super
Final meal Jesus shared with his Apostles. This meal was in Jerusalem, before his Crucifixion. This founded the Eucharist
Definition of Passover
Most important festival in Jewish year
Jews remember children of Israel left slavery behind them led by Moses a prophet .
What's Passover in Hebrew?
Definition of The Upper Room
The place where the Last Supper took place.
Jesus sent 2 disciples to prepare for the Passover meal
He celebrated on Thursday night before His arrest
Significance for Mark
mark wants readers to make connection between Last Super & Passover
1. Turning point in Jewish faith

2. Jews liberated from slavery Jesus' ministry on Earth reaching its turning point

3. Last time Jesus with His disciples

4. Writing for Christians prosecuted, tortured and killed for their faith
What does the broken bread and the wine represent in the Last Supper?
bread broken - Jesus' body broken on the cross

wine - Jesus' shed blood
^ saves people from death (hell)
What's Martin Luther's view on the actual meaning of the ceremony? (Celebration of the Last Supper)
1. Jesus really present in, with and beneath the bread & wine offered in the celebration

2. There's no real change in bread or wine

3. The Lutheran Church & some members of the Church of England
What's John Calvin's view on the actual meaning of the ceremony? (Celebration of the Last Supper)
1. Jesus's really present in bread & wine in spiritual way as they're consumed

2. But no suggestion of change

3. The broad stream of the Church of England
What's Zwingli's view on the actual meaning of the ceremony? (Celebration of the Last Supper)
1. Bread & wine only symbols intended to remind believers of Jesus' death & resurrection

2. Evangelical Christians & most nonconformist Churches
What's the basic beliefs most Christians share about the service?
1. Jesus began this meal at the Last Supper

2. He's present as Church meets to celebrate & received by faith

3. To remind Christians about Jesus' death and resurrection

4. Enables Christians to commune with Jesus & each other

5. Through service the Church can look forward to Jesus' return to Earth & His establishment of the kingdom of God on Earth
Definition of Gethsemane
On the side of Mount of Olives in Jerusalem
Jesus went to pray there before he was crucified and arrested.
Why is Jesus' prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane important?
It shows Jesus' humanity and divinity.
Gethsemane became the place where Jesus accepted his mission to the world involved suffering and death
As God Jesus knew death awaited him.
As human he anticipated torture he would face at hands of the Roman guards.
He had to go through human agonies of despair, fear, tiredness and tried to avoid suffering.
Why might this passage cause problems for Christians today?
1. How could God the Son be 'deeply distressed and troubled' - surely should not feel this way

2. Why would Jesus ask God to take this cup away from him? Did He not trust His father, God?

3. If He had to ask questions to God perhaps Jesus isn't God?

4. Disciples fell asleep when Jesus needed them the most - not promising for people like Peter. First Pope!

5. Jesus said 'Not what I will, but what you will' - doesn't this suggest that Jesus was separate from God rather than part of the Trinity?
Who's Moses?
An Old Testament prophet.
God gave him 10 collections of laws to give to the Jews.
Who's Elijah?
A Prophet who challenged 450 prophets of Baal and won
Definition of transfiguration
When there was a supernatural change to Jesus' appearance. He changed dazzling white. Appearing before Peter, James and John were Moses and Elijah. Jesus, Moses & Elijah started talking
What does this passage show about Jesus?
Displays Jesus' authority more than human - nonetheless than an experience of the glory of God

Moses and Elijah's appearance shows Jesus fulfilling/ continuing the line of the Old Testament prophets

Shows Jesus being the messiah. The prophet Malachi foretold Elijah would return before the coming of the Messiah
Problems for Christians today? (Transfiguration)
They wonder how characters form hundreds of years before could appear with Jesus

The disciples had a vision of the event - some take it literally. 'nothing is impossible with God' (Luke 1:37)

Peter wanting to put three tents up suggest he didn't understand what was going happening.
What happened in the feeding of the five thousand
Jesus fed a large crowd of 5,000 men in a nature miracle using five loaves of bread and two small fish. left-over filled twelve buckets
Different views of what happened
1. People in crowd felt guilty because Jesus was sharing His food so they did the same

2. Others might have conjured up enough food for this number

3. made to illustrate message

4. Mark might have exaggerated the numbers - might have been only a few

5. Others believe in the story

6. People only got small scrap of bread each