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13 Cards in this Set

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The Large intestine primary channel descends to what point according to The Spiritual Pivot?
Shangjuxu ST 37
Describe the pathway of the Large intestine primary channel
Begins at the radial side of the tip of the index finger, runs proximally along the radial side of the index finger and passes through the interspace between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones at Hegu LI 4 and reaches the depression btwn the tendons of the extensor pollicis longis and brevis (anatomical snuff box) where Yangxi
LI-5 is situated, continues along the lateral aspect of the forearm to the lateral aspect of the elbow ar Quichi LI-11
rises along the lateral aspect of the upper arm to the shoulder joint at Jianyu LI-15 crosses behind the shoulder to the depression between the scapular spine to the lateral extremity of the clavicle (Jugu LI-16) travels in a medial direction passing through Bingfeng SI 12 (in the center of the suprascapular fossa) in the region of Quepen ST-12 and connects to the lung before descending through the diaphragm to join with the large intestine, the Dazhui DU-14 just below the spinous process of the vertabrae
What Zang fu does the LI channnel connect to?
Large Intestine and Lung
Describe the path of the Luo connecting channel?
Begins at Pianli LI6, joins with its interiorly exteriorly associated lung channel 3 cun above the wrist ascends the arm through Jianyu LI-15,to the jaw and cheek where it divides one branch connecting with the teeth the other entering the ear
The Large Intestine divergent channel?
Seperates from the LI primary channel on the hand, ascends the arm to the shoulder at Jianyu LI15, travels medially to the spinal column; crosses to the supraclavicular fossa and descends to the thorax,breast, lung and large intestine primary channel
Li sinew channel describe
Begins at the tip of the index finger at Sahngyang LI 1 and binds at the dorsum of the wrist, ascends the foresrm and binds at the lateral aspect of the elbow, ascends the upper arm and binds at the shoulder; a branch winds around the scapula and attachesto the upper thoracic spine, from the shoulder the main channelascends to the neckfrom where a branch ascends across the cheeks to bind at the side of the nose whilst the main channel ascends to the small intestine sinew channel, crosses the temple to the corner of the forehead and crosses over the top of the head to connect with the mandible on the opposite side.
Describe pathological symptoms
Cramping and pain along the course of the channel, inability to raise the shoulder, inability to turn the neck to the left or right
What is the interior - exterior connection based on the 6 channel theory?
LI channel of the hand yangming is is coupled with the LU channel of the hand taiyin and paired with the ST channel of the foot yangming
What further strengthens the relationships?
Both the interior pathway of the LI channel as well as the LI divergent channel enter the Lung zang and the LI Luo connecting channel Pianli joins the LU channel
How many points on the LI intestine channel?
20 points
Summarize the actions and indications of the LI channel
Treating disorders of the yangming channel in the head, including face and cheeks, forehead, eyes, nose lips, gums, teeth, disorders of the ear(LI luo connecting channel, expelling wind, cold, and heat from the exterior portion of the body, clearing wind -heat and fire poison from the areas traversed by the channel especially in the head, clearing yangming fire which disturbs the heat and the spirit, assisting the lung in its function of opening the water passages
Name the 2 most important points for clearing heat?
Hegu LI 4 and Quichi LI 11
Name the important nature points on the LI channel
Jing-well,ying-spring, shu-stream, yuan prime, Jing river, luo connecting, Xi cleft, He-sea, cross point and Yangqiao