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15 Cards in this Set

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What is considered the "true" skin?
The Dermis
It has blood and lymph vessels, nerves, muscles, glands and hair follicles
What are first and second degree burns also known as?
Partial-thickness burns
Third-degree burns are also known as full-thickness burns since both the epidermis and dermis are completely destroyed
An acquired skin disease resulting in irregular patches of skin of various sizes completely lacking in pigmentation
Not to be confused with albinism which is a complete lack of pigmentation
The process of keratin formation in cells as they move up toward the surface
During this process cells lose water, their nuclei and change chemically
The most important layer of the epidermis is ___________
Stratum Germinativum
It is the only layer that can produce new epidermal cells by mitosis
The visible portion of the hair is the ___________
The shaft
Growth does not happen at this portion of the hair
Arrector pili muscle
Bundle of smooth fibers that pulls on the follicle, involuntary
It's function is to help keep the body warm. Causes goosebumps.
The oily substance responsible for lubricating the surface of the skin and hair
Combing the hair distributes the sebum to coat the hair and making it shiny
Caused by herpes zoster virus that develops after earlier infection
Chicken pox is the orginal infection that later causes Shingles
The most common type of skin cancer is:

A. Basal Cell Carcinoma
B. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
C. Malignant Melanoma
A. Basal Cell Carcinoma
This type of cancer rarely spreads and can be easily treated by radiation therapy or surgical removal
Nails do what for the body?
Protect the ends of fingers and toes.
Animals have claws or hooves, we have nails!
The white crescent at the proximal end of each nail
Luna means moon
What does sweat do for our bodies?
Essential to heat regulation of the body and it also helps get rid of waste products such as: urea, ammonia and uric acid
Sweat's chief salt is sodium chloride.
Bluish discoloration of skin caused by lack of oxygen in the blood
Cyan means blue
The acid mantle of our skin does what?
It kills most bacteria and other microorganisms that make contact with our skin.
Soaps and shampoos are often labeld as pH balanced. That indicates that these cleansers will not harm the acid mantle.