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17 Cards in this Set

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Define synarthroses:
The sutures in the skull join bone to bone and are not moveable (ie: skull)
Define diarthrosis:
Joints move freely (ie: knee joint, joints in fingers, hip joint)
Define amphiarthrosis:
Slightly moveable joints (ie: ribs)
What are the components of the joint?
Contains bone, cartilage, synovial membrane & synovial fluid. Surrounded by muscle, tendons & ligaments
Components of a moveable joint?
1. Articular cartilage
2. Synovial membrane
3. Ligaments
4. Synovial fluid
What is Articular cartilage?
Type of connective tissue that covers the bone surface and works to reduce friction
What is Synovial membrane?
Tissue that lines the joint & seals it into a joint capsule. Secretes synovial fluid (clear & sticky fluid) around joint to lubricate it
What are ligaments?
Strong elastic bands of connective tissue that surround the joint to give support & limit joint's movements
What are synovial joints?
Diarthroses joints where the ends of the opposing bones are covered w/hyaline cartilage, articlular cartilage & separated by joint cavity
4 Components of Diarthroses
1. Enclosed in a dense fibrous joint capsule
2. Outer layer consists of ligaments
3. Inner layer is synovial membrane
4. Capable of moving freely
What joints in the hand are most commonly involved in RA?
Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) & Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) JOINTS
After the MCP & PIP joints are affected, what other
joints are affected?
wrists, knees, elbows, ankles, hip & shoulders
What is the major site of involvement in almost all patients with RA?
NOTE: DIP joints are most always spared
Early RA in the hans is characterized by _____ and late involvment consists of both _____ & _____.
swelling; swelling & deformity
RA complications in the wrist include:
1. Thickening of tissue compresses nerve to thumb
2. Chronic inflammation may lead to separation of the joint
3 characteristics of RA in the feet.
1. Second only to hand involvement
2. Involves the MTP joints
3. Joint subluxation is common
2 characteristics of RA in large joints (knees, ankles, elbows, hips & shoulders)
1. Usually occurs later in the course of the disease
2. Entire joint surface is involved