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28 Cards in this Set

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The kidneys:
are retroperitoneal
The kidneys:
help maintain proper acid-base balance
The medulla of the kidney is:
the inner part of the kidney
The pelvis of the kidney is:
an expansion of the upper end of the ureter
Bowman's capsule is:
the cup-shaped top part of the nephron
The distal convoluted tubules are:
the part of the nephron between the loop of Henle and the collecting tube
Which part of the nephron can be found in the medulla of the kidney?
the loop of Henle
The cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus help regulate:
blood pressure
The dissolved substances and fluid that move from the glomerulus into Bowman's capsule are called:
glomerular filtrate
Which hormone is secreted by the adrenal glands and increases the absorption of salt?
The production of an unusually large amount of urine is called:
Urine leaves the body through the:
Urine is held by what structure until it leaves the body?
urinary bladder
The trigone is found in what structure?
urinary bladder
Emptying of the bladder is called:
voiding, urinating, micturition
What condition occurs when a person urinates involuntarily?
When urine backs up into the kidney causing swelling of the renal pelvis and calyces, the condition is called:
A neurogenic bladder is casued by:
disruption of nerve impulses to the bladder
The production of an unusually large amount of urine is called:
Urine leaves the body through the:
Urine is held by what structure until it leaves the body?
urinary bladder
The trigone is found in what structure?
urinary bladder
Emptying of the bladder is called:
voiding, urinating, micturition
What condition occurs when a person urinates involuntarily?
When urine backs up into the kidney causing swelling of the renal pelvis and calyces, the condition is called:
A neurogenic bladder is casued by:
disruption of nerve impulses to the bladder
The most important regulator of the amount of sodium in the body is the:
- increases sodium reabsorption by the kidney
- increases water reabsorption
- increases the water volume in extracellular fluid