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71 Cards in this Set

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Trace a drop of blood - Heart to lungs and back
1. deoxygenated blood flows from Right Atrium
2. through tricuspid valves in Right Ventricle
3. through pulmonary semilunar valve to pulmonary trunk
4. through pulmonary arteries to lungs
5. gas exchanges occurs
6. oxygenated blood flows through pulmonary veins to Left Atrium
Trace a drop of blood - Heart to entire body and back
1. Oxygenated blood flows from Left Atrium
2.through bicuspid valve to Left Ventricle
3.through aortic semilunar valve to aorta and out to body
4. arteries branch from the aorta to feed head, trunk and limbs
5.deoxygenated blood flows from peripheral veins into the Inferior Vena Cava/Superior Vena Cava to Right Atrium
What are the first vessels to emerge from the aorta and why?
The coronary arteries
So the heart can feed itself first
What stimulates the heart muscle?
What is the pacemaker node of the heart called?
The sinoatrial (SA) node
What is the AV node?
The atrioventricular node of the heart
Name two specialized fibers of the heart?
The 'atrioventricular bundle' and the 'purkinje fibers'
What is the role of the SA node?
It initiates heart beats by creating impulses
What is a heart attack?
Damage to a portion of the cardiac muscle as a result of ischemia.
What causes a heart attack?
Usually a coronary artery blocked by plaque causing lack of blood flow.
What happens when the heart muscle gets damaged by ischemia?
Some portions die - they do not get replenished but replaced by non-elastic scar tissue.
What is the damaged area in the heart muscle called?
An infarct
What is atherosclerosis?:
Hardening of the arteries
Name three common forms of aneurysms?
Saccular, fusiform and dissecting
What is an aneurysm?
A bulge of a vein, an artery or the heart.
Define 'thrombus'.
Clots that are stationary
What are clots that travel called?
What is 'rapid heart beat' called? How fast are the beats?
Tachycardia - 100 beats/min
Another word for slow heart beats? How slow are the beats?
Bradycardia - at 60 beats/min
What is the only destination for clots on the vein side of the circulatory system? What is this ailment called?
The lungs; pulmonary embolism
The active phase of the heart is?
Systole phase
The diastole phase is the ... ?
The relaxed phase
Describe the Sinus rhythm.
1. SA node initiates impulse for heartbeat
2.The electrical impulse travels thru each atrium causing a contraction. Impulses also travel to the AV node
3.The AV node is stimulated at a slower rate causing the ventricles to fill completely before they contracts.
4. The impulse wave travels thru bundle of His and Purkinje fibers.
5.The ventricles contract
Mention 4 unchangeable risk factors for atherosclerosis.
Age, gender, heredity and kidney disorder.
Mention 5 changeable risk factors for atherosclerosis.
Diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sedentary life style and smoking
What can be the impact on massage of a client takes a blood thinner?
They might bruise easier
Name two kinds of angina and which is the better predictor of heart disease.
1. Stable angina pectoris; with excursion
2. Unstable angina pectoris; comes and goes
Massage for clients with atherosclerosis?
Ask if they have been cleared to exercise rigorously
What muscle is sometime s called 'the second heart'?
The soleus
Define heart failure.
Heart is unable to pump sufficient blood
Describe what happens during heart failure.
Heart fails to pump enough blood, heart chambers enlarge, blood accumulates in lungs. Ventricular muscles have decreased ability and fluid accumulates in lungs, liver, legs and abdomen.
Name 7 symptoms of an aging heart.
Heart shrinks, decreased contraction strength, valves become inflexible, murmur develops, cardiac output decreases, abnormal rhythm and heart block.
Left-sided heart failure leads to ... edema.
Systemic edema comes from what kind of heart failure?
The vascular system is a closed system. True or false?
The vascular system consists of a)..... and b)......
Blood vessels and the four heart chambers
Name the 5 types of blood vessels.
Arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules and veins.
Does the artery or the vein have valves?
The veins
Which has thicker walls arteries or veins?
Veins and arteries have how many coats and what are they?
3 - inner, middle and outer
What is the formal name for the innermost coat of veins and arteries?
What type of tissue makes up the middle layer of the arteries and veins and how is it controlled?
Smooth muscle; nervous system
How many cell layers make up the wall of the capillary?
Does the pulmonary artery carry blood that is low in oxygen?
Name three ways the body helps carry blood back to the heart.
Valves, breathing and contraction of skeletal muscles
What is blood pressure?
The force exerted against vessel walls, which is determined by the heart's output and resistance to blood flow.
Why are taking deep breaths good?
The diaphragm contracts and pushes against the vena cava.
Where is blood pressure measured?
Brachial arm artery
What is normal blood pressure? Which is systolic versus diastolic?
120 systolic over 80 diastolic
Name 7 causes of high blood pressure.
Age, arterio/atherosclerosis, diabetes, fitness level, genetic disposition, gender and obesity.
Name 5 pulse points.
Carotid, radial, femoral, popliteal and dorsalis pedis.
What influences pulse rate? 7 factors
Age, body size, body temperature, emotion, gender, muscular activity and thyroid secretion
What is the largest artery in the body called?
The Aorta
Name 4 parts of the aorta.
1. The ascending aorta
2. The aortic Arch
3. The Thoracic/Descending aorta
4. The Abdominal aorta
Name two exceptions to the naming conventions of corresponding Artery and Vein.
1.Superior and Inferior Vena Cava Vein
(instead of aorta)

2. External and Internal Jugular Vein
(instead of carotid artery)
What are the most common areas for varicose veins?
Lesser and Greater Sapheneous veins
Name three superficial veins in the arm.
Basilic, cephalic and median cubital.
What are the final 6 divisions called of the abdominal artery?
1. Common iliac artery
2. External iliac artery
3. Femoral artery
4. Popliteal artery
5. Tibial arteries (anterior and posterior)
6. Dorsalis pedis
Name the 6 arteries that branch off to the arm and head.
1. Common carotid artery
2. Subclavian artery
3. Axillary artery
4. Brachial artery
5.Radial artery
6. Ulnar artery
Initially, the reflexive effects of percussive massage strokes cause....... in the cardiovascular system.
..local vasoconstriction
Sustained percussive massage strokes can result in .....
Massage increases permeability of capillary walls, increasing oxygen and nutrient exchange. TRUE or FALSE?
What massage stroke increases capillary wall permeability?
Pulmonary embolisms are primarily caused by these 3 ailments.
Deep Vein Thrombosis, complications of trauma or orthopedic surgery.
If a needle has an air bubble and you get a shot with it, what could happen?
You could get a blood clot.
Name 7 risk factors to pulmonary embolism.
1. Cardiovascular disease
2. Recent child birth
3. Bed rest
4. Overweight
5. Smoking
6. Birth control pills
7. Hormone replacement therapy
What are the symptoms for pulmonary embolism?
Usually none - could look like a heart attack.
Arterial embolism - what are the causes?
Atherosclerosis, bacterial infection, atrial fibrillation, rheumatic heart disease.
The emboli in arterial embolisms are usually clots, but could be.....
Plaque, bone chips, bubble or a knot of cancer cells.
Where is the only place an arterial embolism would not go?
The lungs
Massage for clients who tend to form clots?