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30 Cards in this Set

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What is the name of the two muscle masses that the palm of the hand divides in to?
1. Hypothenar eminence: at the base of the little finger side
2. Thenar eminence: at the base of the thumb
What is the Central Palm Covered by?
The palmar aponeurosis
The Palmar Aponeurosis also serves as an insertion for ?
Palmaris Longus (when present)
The Thenar Eminence is made up of what 4 muscles?
1. Abductor Pollicis Brevis
2. Felxor Pollicis Brevis
3. Adductor Pollicis
4. Opponens Pollicis
The Ulnar Nerves supplies what muscles of the Thenar eminence?
1. Flexor pollicis Brevis (deep)
The median nerve supplies what 2 muscles of the Thenar Eminence?
1. Adductor Pollicis
2. Opponens Pollicis
Name the muscles of the Hypothenar Eminence (little finger)
1. Abductor digit minimi
2. Flexor digiti minimi brevis
3. Opponens digiti minimi
What is the deepest muscle of the Thenar Eminence?
Adductor Pollicis (Transverse head)
What muscle covers the Opponens Pollicis?
Abductor Pollicis Brevis
Which two lumbrical muscles are innervated by the Median N.?
The lateral two ( 1 & 2)
Which two Lumbrical muscles are innervated by the Ulnar N.?
The medial two ( 3 & 4)
What muscles produce flexion of the MP joints?
Lumbricals & Interossei
What muscles produce Extension of the DIP and PIP joints
Lumbricals and interossei
What muscle produces Extension of the MP joints
Extensor Digitorum
What muscle produces Flexion of the DIP joint
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
What muscle produces Flexion at the PIP joint
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
The superficial Palmar arch is made up of?
The Radial and Ulnar Artery
What is Ulnar Tunnel/ Guyon's Canal/ Guyon's Syndrome?
Compression of the Ulnar Nerve in Guyon's canal at the base of the palm
Which two bones are often responsible for compressing the nerve and causing Ulnar Tunne?
The hamate and pisiform
What is Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome?
Occlusion of the palmar arch vessel
-Occurs in athletes and workers whos hands are exposed to repated blunt trauma or gripping activites
What is the Allen's test?
A test used to test how well your Ulnar or Radial nerve supply blood to the hand if the other is blocked off.
What is Raynaud's Disease?
A vascular problem
-Spasmodic vasoconstriction at that wrist will cause one or more fingers to become cyanotic/ ischemic
Tenosynovitis: Definition
Irriation and swelling causing inflammation of a tnedon and its enveloping sheath
What is de Quervain's disease?
a tenosynovitis of the Ext. compartment (tunnel that transmits the EPL & EPB) due to repetitive wrist deviation or use of the thumb
Mallet Finger
Tip of the finger is forcefully bent which tears the ext. Tendon from insertion at the distal phalanx
-Unable to ext. distal end of finger
Boutinniere Deformity
Rupture of Ext. Tendon dorsal to middle phalanx
-Inability to ext PIP joint
Swan Neck deformi
-Distal tear of palmar plate due to finger trauma
-PIP is hyper-extened and DIP is flexed
reverse of boutonniere
Texting thumb is a tenosynovitis of what tendons
De Quervains disease is a tenosynovitis of what tendons
What test is used to test de Quervains
Finkelstein- make a fist and adduct the wirst