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69 Cards in this Set

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What are the dates?


What is a nation?

A nation is a large group of people united under one government.

What were the three First Nation?

England, France and Spain

The population more than _________ in 300 years


By 1300 AD how much new towns were there in Europe?

2500 new towns

In what century did the last barbarian invasion occurred?

In the 10th century

What does "Paix de Dieu" mean?

"Paix de Dieu" meant less war. The church forbid fighting on certain days. Hurting certain people was not allowed. You could be excommunicated.

Front (Term)


What was the middle class?

The middle class was a new social class of the late Middle Ages made up of rich merchants, bankers, lawyers.

What is a bourgeoisie or burghers?

Someone who lives in a town.

"Burg" means town.

What was the hierarchy triangle?



Middle Class


What happened when the middle class became more popular?

As the middle class rose to power feudalism and the power of the nobles began to decline

What happened when the middle class became more popular?

As the middle class rose to power feudalism and the power of the nobles began to decline

What happened during the 11th century?

By the 11th century there was less warfare and famine.

What happened when the middle class became more popular?

As the middle class rose to power feudalism and the power of the nobles began to decline

What happened during the 11th century?

By the 11th century there was less warfare and famine.

Where did merchants travel to?

Fairs and ports

What happened when the middle class became more popular?

As the middle class rose to power feudalism and the power of the nobles began to decline

What happened during the 11th century?

By the 11th century there was less warfare and famine.

Where did merchants travel to?

Fairs and ports

What were fairs?

Fairs lasted several weeks, several times a year and it was where you could buy luxury goods.

Why were goods traded at weekly markets and annual fairs?

They were demanding more new products.

Why were goods traded at weekly markets and annual fairs?

They were demanding more new products.

What towns became trading centers?

Venice and Flanders.

What was the Hanseatic League?

An association of 80 towns to protect and encourage trade.

What was the Hanseatic League?

An association of 80 towns to protect and encourage trade.

What kind of coin did the Hanseatic League use?

Thaler (origin of modern dollar)

What were good impacts about growth of towns?

1)Fewer Invasion 2) manors produced more food 3) population grew 4) trade increased 5) more freedom in towns

What were bad impacts about the growth in towns?

1) dirty 2) unsafe many thieves and murders 3) many fires wood buildings 4) 1/3 of the people living in towns were beggars 5) poor hygiene

How did farmland increase?

Swamps were drained and forests were cut down.

What happened to the farming techniques?

Better farming techniques and tools which led to a surplus of food to help people living in towns.

What is a charter?

A legal document giving a town control over its own affairs

Why would they do charters?

In return for annual payments the king could grant the town a specific charter

What did a charter allow?

1) vote for a mayor 2) raise taxes 3) have a fair or a market 4) administer justice and the army 5) decide what to do with the money raised

What did a charter allow?

1) vote for a mayor 2) raise taxes 3) have a fair or a market 4) administer justice and the army 5) decide what to do with the money raised

What was the first known charter signed?

The first known charter was signed in 1080 in San Quentin, France.

What did a charter allow?

1) vote for a mayor 2) raise taxes 3) have a fair or a market 4) administer justice and the army 5) decide what to do with the money raised

What was the first known charter signed?

The first known charter was signed in 1080 in San Quentin, France.

What was the difference of towns and manors?

Towns were more democratic.

What do towns have?

A cathedrals

A monastery


Town hall


Guild house


Markets etc

What were the people free to?

The people were free to move, to sell products.

What were the people free to?

The people were free to move, to sell products.

What did people not have to do?

People did not have to pay taxes to the lord, give farm products or give free labour to a lord.

What were the people free to?

The people were free to move, to sell products.

What did people not have to do?

People did not have to pay taxes to the lord, give farm products or give free labour to a lord.

What can people join?

People can join associations to protect their interests..

What was freedom based on?

And what did the people have to obey?

Freedom in a town depends on wealth and status.

People must obey the common law, pay property taxes and transportation taxes

What was divine right?

Kings believed they were chosen by God to rule. King's executive control included; administrative, legal, army, courts, tax, and treasury

What was a sovereign?

King or queen

What was centralized government?

Uniting all power and control under one person

What did the bourgeoisie include?

Lawyers, bankers, artisans, and merchants

What was oligarchy?

Rich merchants had most of the power within the town

What was oligarchy?

Rich merchants had most of the power within the town

What were the stages to become a craftsman?




What was a guild?

A guild was a trade association which protected the interest of its members

What were the purpose of a guild?

It set maintained standards, it fixed prices, no untrained people would sell things.

How did the guild provide social service?

They assisted widows, orphans, and sick members

What was a guildhall?

Rich guilds held meeting in guildhall they were a place of meeting.

How did a medieval guild differ from a modern trade union?

Guild members could be elected mayor.

What was a masterpiece?

A masterpiece was a perfect ire that proved that you could become a master

What is capitalism?

The burghers made money for themselves

Merchants include?

Carpenters, tailors, butchers, shoemakers, jewellers, and cabinet makers

What did trade lead to?

Trade led to the development of bills of exchange and a rich social class; the middle class

What were bills of exchange?

Bills of exchange were cheques, they took away the problem of carrying large sums of money

What were money changers?

Money changers were used to change any type of currency into another since products were traded in distant regions with different currencies.

What is interest?

Interest is the money earned on the money lent

What is a Hanse?

A Hanse is a powerful association of merchants

What did banks lend to the church and kings?


Characteristics of a typical craftsmen house

Windows had wooden shutters

Glass was rare

Building were in wood they had no running water