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41 Cards in this Set

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in what state does the novel take place?

New York

Gatsby and Nick live in

West egg

Gatsby is originally from where

North Dakota

Myrtles sister is


In the novel, nick turns


Tom hit Myrtle because

She kept saying daisys name

Tom met myrtle in

New York

Toms mistress


Who shoots Gatsby and then kills himself

George Wilson

The object of Gatsby’s affection

Daisy Buchanan

“Incurably dishonest” professional golfer

Jordan baker

Dropped out of college

Jay Gatsby

Ex football player with hot temper

Tom Buchanan

Narrator and daisys cousin once removed

Nick Carraway

What did mr. Wilson find in myrtles drawer ?

A dog leash

Nick feels that daisy, Tom and Jordan are

Irresponsible, careless and dishonest

Gatsbys reunion with daisy takes place where

Nicks house

Drunk patron of Gatsbys library

Owl eyes

“Eyes of God” in the valley of ashes

Doctor t.j Eckleburg

Jimmys father

Henry gatz

whose voice is to be full of money?

daisy buchanan

daisy met gatsby in


Who attended gatsbys funeral

Nick, Henry gatz, owl eyes

Who wanted a police dog

Myrtle wilson

in what war did Gatsby and Nick serve?

world war I

“boarder” who played the piano during gatsbys date

ewing klipspringer

For entertainment the characters of the great Gatsby love to

drink and smoke

yes we were so nervous upon seeing Daisy again that he knocked over nicks what


what are the themes of the novel

money cannot buy happiness, you cannot relive the past, the decline of the American dream

why does Gatsby throw his weekly parties

hoping Daisy will come to one

Who wore human molars as cufflinks

meyer wolfshiem

in what era does the story take place

the jazz age

who works in the bond business

nick carraway

who fixed the world series in 1919

meyer wolfshiem

why did nick move to new york?

to learn about the bond business

who left his shoes at gatsbys mansion

ewing klipspringer

what is symbolic of money in the novel?

the green light, automobiles, gatsbys shirts

where were tom and nick educated ?


who’s gatsbys mentor and inspiration

dan cody

who is george’s neighbor and friend


define the word holocaust. what does nick mean when he says the holocaust is complete

holocaust means destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, Nick says this because all the innocent people died for no reason