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52 Cards in this Set

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What was Henry VII's claim to the throne?

His mother Margaret Beaufort was the great-granddaughter of Edward III.

What problems did Henry face when he became king?

Richards Yorkist supporters, Treasury (money supply) was empty, the factions of York and Lancaster, Powerful nobles with private armies, breakdown of law and order.

How did Henry solve these problems?

Marriage to Elizabeth of York, Peace treaties and marriage alliances in Europe (avoid expensive wars), Justices of Peace, Private armies forbidden,

Rebels dealt with, efficient financial system.

How did Henry deal with the Nobles?

Pardoned Yorkist Noblemen and made them swear an oath to him, Marriage brought two factions together, Private armies forbidden, Court of Star Chamber put nobility on trial and issued fines and confiscated estates.

How did Henry deal with his finances and secure peace?

Created a system of tax collection, used his children for political marriage alliances (Medina Del Campo 1501), Used peace to sign trading treaties with Spain and Netherlands, French Pension (sum off France prevented invasion)

When was the Lovell conspiracy and who was involved?

1485 and Lord Lovell and the Stafford brothers

What did Henry offer the rebels?

Pardon, reconciliation or excommunication and death.

Summarise the Lovell conspiracy.

Yorkist supporters protest during Henry's royal progress, he sends an armed force, gives them 3 choices, Lord Lovell fled to flanders, one brother killed, one brother pardoned.

Who did Lambert Simnel pretend to be and when?

The Earl of Warwick and in 1487.

Which battle did Henry defeat the rebel army in?

Battle of Stoke 1487.

Summarise the Lambert Simnel rebellion.

Simnel pretend to be Earl of Warwick, has support or M of Burgundy, Henry parades real Warwick around, Earl of Lincoln sends rebel army south to fight Henry in Battle of Stoke, Kings victory.

How did Henry create the Cornish Rebellion of 1497?

He introduced a tax to help him fund an upcoming war.

Summarise the Cornish Rebellion in 1497.

Rebels grew after tax imposed, 15,000 rebels marched through country, numbers declined as they reached London, in Battle at Blackheath King was victorious.

When and why did the Yorkshire rebellion begin?

1489, King introduced a tax to raise money to aid Brittany in its struggle against France, they were outraged as they were the only county to pay and had had a bad harvest.

Who was murdered when collecting tax in Yorkshire?

Earl of Northumberland.

Who was the leader of the rebellion?

Sir John Egremont.

Summarise the Yorkshire Rebellion

Henry imposed tax, Yorkshire rebelled and murdered Earl, Royal Army easily won rebellion.

How does the outcome of the Yorkshire rebellion show that Henry's authority was weak?

The money was still not collected even after Henry defeated the rebels.

How long did the Perkin Warbeck rebellion last?

From 1491-1499.

Who did Perkin Warbeck pretend to be?

Richard, The Duke of York (one of the princes in the tower who will have been an heir to the throne)

How did Henry first deal with this threat?

He used his spy network to send out attainders to those implicated in plot, one man happened to be Sir William Stanley, the Chamberlain of Henry's household.

Where did Warbeck struggle to find support before eventually finding it?

He had no luck in Ireland, Holy Roman Empire, France, Deal and eventually found support in Scotland.

Why did James VI allow Warbeck to have residence in Scotland?

Warbeck married James VI's cousin and James could use him to invade Northern England.

Why did James VI abandon Warbeck?

Warbeck received no support from Northern England and James was given the opportunity to marry Henry's daughter Margaret.

How did it all end for Warbeck?

He received no support again from Ireland and none from Cornwall, he sought sanctuary but was persuaded to give himself up in 1497, he was eventually beheaded (1489) after it was rumoured that he was plotting to run away with the Earl of Warwick.

Why were the De la Poles angry with Henry?

Henry refused to let Edmund De La Pole be the Duke of Suffolk.

Where did Edmund and his brothers plan to raise an army to fight for Edmund's claim to the throne?

The court of the Holy Roman Emperor.

Why was the Tudor dynasty so vulnerable in the first few years of the 16th century?

1502 Arthur died, 1503 Elizabeth died.

How did Henry react to the De La Poles?

Imprisoned the rest of the Suffolk family, sent 51 acts of attainder to those with suffolk connections.

What happened in Calais which was extremely worrying for Henry?

Conversations in Calais on the future of the British monarchy which had no mention of Henry. The lord of Buckingham was in high favour.

Why was the luck on Henry's side?

In 1506, storms forced Phillip of Buckingham's ship over to England. Henry made him a deal to hand over Edmund to spare his life. Philip was a member of the court of the HRE and a very high senior member.

Positive tactics used by Henry in the rebellions.

Decisive action, Killing main leaders, persuading Warbeck's foreign backers to desert him, Henrys spy network, impoverished Cornwall by severe fines so they were unlikely to rise again, imprisoned De La Poles.

Negative tactics used by Henry in the rebellions.

Rebels weakness rather than Henry's strength led to peace, lack of spies meant he failed to stop simnel plot originally, failure to pacify Ireland( rebels had a base), Yorkshire tax never collected, Cornish rebellion went to battle, Henry failed to imprison Edmund the first time he fled to HRE and came back.

What is Patronage?

Giving Land or titles away.

Why were carrots like the Order of the Garter and Gaining a place on the council so effective?

They had no cost and the recipient does not become too powerful, great method of control for Henry.

What were acts of attainder?

Family or individual loses all titles and land. (reversible- good control over behaviour)

Bonds and Recognisances?

Bonds - Nobles fined if they break a promise

Recognisances- Huge fines

What was Wardship?

King took control of estates of minors or took minors from homes and raised them elsewhere. King could also prevent marriages.

What was retaining?

Henry made lords and nobles swear in parliament that they would not retain (practice where nobles had paid followers) illegally.

Why was the court of star chamber established?

To ensure fair enforcement of laws against socially and politically prominent peoples powerful that ordinary courts would be hesitant to convict them.

What element of Central government improved efficiency?

The creation of the King's council and smaller groups to attend meetings as well as the Council Learned in Law which appointed the second class of nobility in order to reduce nobles power.

How did Henry organise regional governments to ensure loyalty?

He made the council of London watch over the council of the North in order to ensure loyalty and goodwill.

In Local Government, what were the benefits and drawbacks of the Justices of Peace.

The benefit was that they were employed from the second rank of landowners which extends their loyalty, The drawback was that the JP's still relied on higher officials to bring offenders to them and local officials were often reluctant to bring them forward.

What was Ordinary Revenue?

Money collected regularly without the need to call parliament.

What was extraordinary revenue?

Wasn't regular, collected in times of need, needed parliament's approval.

How did Henry successfully exploit his financial resources?

Increased land crowns, 1486 Act of Resumption (seizure of land from traitors), Profits from fines, Feudal dues income, French Pension, Benevolences( forced loans in times of crisis)

Where did Henry fail to exploit his financial resources?

Custom duties did not bring in enough, income from trade depended on uncontrollable relationship between countries, Parliamentary taxation unpopular, Had to pay loans back to wealthy subjects.

What was Henry's first financial aim?

To increase his own Personal Revenue

(achieved but nothing compared to French King)

What was Henry's second financial aim?

To increase the efficiency of existing forms of revenue.

( Achieved)

What was Henry's third aim?

To reduce the dependance on Parliament.

What was Henry's fourth aim?

To use financial policies to keep the nobles in check.


What was Henry's fifth and final financial aim?

To increase the gap between him and the nobles.
