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17 Cards in this Set

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What were the Three Estates in France prior to their Revolution? What was unfair about these class systems? What was the Bourgeoisie?
clergy, nobility, everyone else
vast majority owned little or no land but paid the majority of taxes
upper middle class
What was the response of the kings in France to the plight of the poor?
The king didn't do anything to help the poor. The poor suffered and starved.
What was the Great Fear? Why did it happen? What was Bastille Day?
yearlong looting & rioting which ended serfdom and the Feudal System
High cost of bread & unfair privileges
July, 14 peasants revolted & stormed the prison
What was the national assembly? What document did they write?
French legislature, made up of represenatives from the 3rd estate, clergy, & noblemen
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man & Citizen? What were some of the major points of this Declaration?
Constitution that gave the power to the people
men are born free & equal in rights
liberty, property, security, and resistance to opression
free to speak, write, and publish freely
What is a constitutional monarchy? Why didn't this work in France?
gov. where king is head of state but laws reside in elected body
Political parties take over
Who were the Jacobins? Who were the leaders? What was their goal in France?
a radical republican group
wanted "Republic"
NO king
Gov. choosen by popular vote of all male citizens
What was the Reign of Terror? Why did it happen? How did it end?
year period where 17,000-40,000 people were executed
Parania in part by Robespierre
Robespierre is finally killed to end 2nd phase
What was the Directory? Why was it unsuccessful?
a reorganized legislature assembly that took over after the Jacobins
Napolean overthrew them
How was Napolean Bonaparte able to come to power in France so quickly-reread the handout given about this
peole wanted an end to the killings and he was also a war hero so he seemd the best fit
How did Napolean take over much of Europe? Who did he put into power? What was the Continental System? How did the Concordat help Napolean secure power?
He was a brilliant commander and his charisma was the reason he conquered so quickly.
Family members of conquered countries
taking over British ports, blockading the island, ruining trade, & attacking British holdings in Africa
alliance with Catholic Church & the Pope was given power back which people wanted
What was the Napoleanic Code & how did it's points spread across Europe?
allowed basic rights, fair rules & trial by jury
The press and conquering lands to enforce this code
What mistakes did Napolean make in his quest for domination of Europe?
He kept pushing into Russia. He didn't allow failure or feel any emotions toward his soilders which caused his downfall
How did the US become involved in the Napoleonic Wars & when did this happen?
Continental Plan hurt British which affected US trade
What were the "Hundred Days"? Why was Napolean finally defeated after them?
Napolean's returning reign over France after he escaped his exilement
defeated at Waterloo, permanently exile to St. Helena
What were the results of the French Revolution- for Europe? For Latin America? For the US?
Europe given basic rights
Haita became an independent nation
US purhcased Louisiana Purchase in 1803 for 15 mill
What was the Congress of Vienna? What was it's intention?
new international coalition
redraw the lines in Europe