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96 Cards in this Set

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David: What have you been up to?
Where's Cath at?
David: She went on upstairs.
David: I tell you -- you could do me a favor Ellard. You want to do me a favor?
David: All right. Go into the kitchen, in the refrigerator, get a carrot. And take it up to Catherine, will you?
A carrot?
David: Yeah, a carrot. You know what a carrot is.
Yeah, I know.
David: Of course you do. Could you do that for me, then?
Get her a carrot?
David: Yes. She wanted one. I said I'd bring it up, but I can't get away right now.
All right....
David: That's good. You have any trouble?
David: That's fine. Could you take it up, then? I'll be up in a minute, tell her.
All right....
Catherine: Oh, Ellard.
He said a carrot.
David: No, it's all right babe. He was trying to do me a favor. Here, here's a candle.
He said bring you a carrot.
Catherine: All right. Come on, Ellard.
I thought he said carrot.
Charlie: Oh, do hurry ... Hello? May I speak to Staff Sergeant LeSeuer, please?...
What is a "Christian Hunt Club"? No. Nor I. Yes, I'll hold on.
Where's Betty at?
Betty: Ellard? You down thar now?
Betty: You on the ladder? (No answer) Are you on the ladder, Ellard?
I don't know.
Betty: What?
It's too dark.
Betty: Would ye jest reach up an' see 'f ye can feel that cross-bar? Ye feel that?
I think so.
Betty: Now slide it over 'n' open up the door. But remember, watch out the door don't drop down an' hit ye on --
Betty: On the head. You all right?
Betty: All right. Hand me that sauerkraut. Ellard -- whar's the jar I gave ye? Oh, Ellard.
Betty: Ellard, are you all right?
Betty: Here. Do this instead. Close the door. Slide the door across. Then go to the barrel, fill up the jar with sauerkraut, and bring it up with ye when ye come up.
All right.
Betty: That boy. I tell ye. (Hears a bang)
Catherine: Ellard! Did you see David?
Naw. He wud'n' in the basement.
Betty: All right. Ellard?
Betty: I'm makin' Charlie some eggs, but I know you don't like eggs. So what would ye like?
Nothin' either.
Betty: What do you want? You can have French toast? Pancakes? What.
Betty: I thought you didn't like eggs.
French toast.
Betty: You can have eggs if you want 'em. I jest thought ye didn't want 'em. You want 'em?
Betty: All right. I tell ye, Ellard -- these questions ain't that hard. Anybody'd think you 'uz trying to make me mad deliberately.
Betty: You are?
Betty: All right. How do ye like yer eggs?
Betty: How do ye like yer eggs?
They're real good. Thank you.
Betty: Ellard!
Betty: When I say, "How do ye like yer eggs" that means, "how do ye want me to fix 'em."
Betty: So how do ye like 'em?
Catherine: Ohhh, boy. You two be up for a game of Scrabble later? ... When is that gal -- gonna find a name for that -- ?
Buddy might be good.
Catherine: What?
Catherine: For what?
That little boy's name?
Catherine: Yeah. Prince Buddy. ... We named the Prince. Go back to bed, I guess.
That's my favorite name. If I ever catch me that chipmunk, that's what he's gonna be -- Buddy the Chipmunk.
Catherine: Ellard, you couldn't catch a chipmunk if all it's legs were broken and it was glued to the palm of your hand.
I wouldn't want to, then.
Betty: How d'ye like them eggs?
Betty: MIz Catherine -- ? Well. ... -- so don't go tryin' to talk to 'im. You understand?
He dudn' -- ?
Betty: No, he's from a foreign country. I don't suppose you never seed a foreigner before?
Betty: No, well, foreigners, once ye get t' know 'em they's jest reg'lar -- blokes.
Betty: Ye get used to all their strange ways, ... see, now, he didn't hear what I said, really, but he sorta knew, 'cause we got a kind o' extra circular communication goin', me 'n' him.
Betty: So you behave yerself, now, here? And don't pay Charlie no mind.
No, I won't.
Betty: Ellard, what do you call yourself doin'?
I don't know.
Betty: No Charlie, you go on ... why was you puttin' that glass on your head, Ellard?
It was -- just sump'm we were doin'.
Betty: No, now -- ... but don't let me catch you doin' it too; that looks like your makin' fun of him. You hear?
Betty: Was that what is was? Was you trying to be funny?
Betty: All right, then. All right --
I know...
It's all right, take it -- you can take it down, now. Copying me...
Why in the world --?
Don't tell me you've never seen a knife. Knife. That's a knife. Use it to cut things. Cut things. Like -- ham. If we had some ham. Or bacon, or sump'm. I can't believe you don't -- Or butter. If we had some butter, you could use it to spread it on--. You don't really need it. No, you don't need it. Put it down. Bad. Uh--. Yeah, now that's your spoon. Use it to put sugar in your coffee, if you had some sugar, here. And you had some coffee -- shoot. I don't really know why we got all these things. But your fork -- man, I wish somebody else'd help you with this, 'cause I don't know anything, but -- I think that your fork -- your fork'd be the main thing you'd use. ' Cause you got your eggs, and you got your grits. Y'see? Eat 'em with a fork, just like we been doin'. Can -- you -- say -- fork? "Faw-werk"? "Faw-werk."
Charlie: "Faw...."
"-- werk." Two parts. "Faw-werk."
Charlie: "Faw ... werk."
Right. Put 'em together. "Faw...werk."
Charlie: "Faw-werk."
Good! That was great! Yeah. That was great.
Charlie: "Faw-werk."
Yeah. "Aigs" ?
Charlie: "Aigs"?
Yep. Real good.
Charlie: "Aigs"?
Uh-huh. Let's see -- "grits"?
Charlie: "Gris"?
"Grits." It's called "hominy grits" really.
Charlie: "Hom--."
That's all right. Grits is fine for now. Just "grits."
Charlie: "Grits."
Yeah. That's fine. Let's see, what else? Plate?
Charlie: "Plate"?
Charlie: "Sofa"?
Charlie: "Stove"?
Charlie: "Rug"?
Charlie: "Layump"?
"Bottle" ?
Charlie: "Bottle"?
Charlie: "Glass".
Well -- That's all the important stuff in here. You wanna -- what do we wanna do now? You wanna -- ?We could go outside -- check out the trees, 'n' stuff? We don't have to, but -- we could. Or -- yeah. No, let's just take a break, right now. All right? Rest up. An' then we'll check out the trees and all, directly. 'Cause you will, that's, those are all things you'll want to know about, too. 'Cause, like if you ever want to ask somebody, like, where a tree is, or sump'm? Then -- you'll want to know that. Or cars? Or chipmunks, or things, 'n' all? All that outdoorsy stuff? But ... yeah. Or. You know what I could do... I could go outside and bring some stuff in. I just might do that. 'Cause, since that way we wouldn't -- we won't have to go outside, or anything, and we'd have everything right in here where -- where we want it. Okay? All right, You wait here, then. No you wait here, I'll be right back. No. Stay. All right.
Betty: Where you goin'?
Miz Meeks, I'd like to talk, but I'm just real busy right now.
Catherine: Hey. Thank you.
Here, this ought to hold us for a while, and then -- oh, hey, Cath. Could you scoot over? Then, uh, I thought of sump'm else we could do. We could look at pictures of stuff in books, and that'd be -- you know, not quite as good, but just about.
Catherine: Ellard?
Catherine: What are you doin'?
We're workin' on some words. He wanted to.
Catherine: Oh...
Show you, look.Ready to do some words, Charlie? What's that?
Charlie: "So -- fa"?
"Sofa", yep. An' what's that?
Charlie: "Rug"?
Catherine: Well, Ellard?
What's that?
Charlie: "Stovva"?
Charlie: "Stove"?
Yeah? That's good.
Catherine: Well, Ellard, I declare.
What's this here?
Charlie: Ahh ... ?
Ends with ump.
Charlie: "Lay -- ump"?
"Layump", that's right.
Catherine: Ellard, you taught him to say all these words?
Betty: He is?
'Kay, Charlie, here's some new ones. "Rock"?
Charlie: "Rock"?
Betty: Well, my land.
Betty: Laws.
All right. Charlie? So what I'm gonna do now, I'm gonna take allll these things we just learned, an' I'm gonna mi - i - i - x 'em up, okay? All right, now, then, no peekin'. Here --. Shhh!
David: English -- ?
'Kay, Charlie. Hands down. Down. All right. Now, wha -- at's this?
Charlie: "Breek"?
Yeah? This?
Charlie: "Boosh"?
Real good.
Catherine: Idn' that sump'n?
Charlie: "Rock"?
"Rock"! Yeah. Okay, some new things. "Jar"? Charlie? "Ja - ar"?
Charlie: "Ja - ar"?
Charlie: "Nail"?
Charlie: "Board"?
Charlie: "Leaf"?
Together --.
"Ja - ar"? "Na - ail"? "Bo-oard"? "Le - eaf"?