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139 Cards in this Set

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Paris of Troy

The instigator of the Trojan War

Chose between Aphrodite, Athena and Hera for who is the Fairest.


Fairest woman in the world

Taken away by Paris to Troy


Husband of Helen

King of Sparta


King of Ithica

Main hero of the Odyssey


Nearly invincible except for his heel

Fated to die in Troy


Woman sacrificed to Artemis to calm the tides on the way to Troy

Daughter of Agamemnon


Commander in Chief of the Greeks

Father of Iphigenia


King of Troy

Father of Hector and Paris


Queen of Troy

Mother of Hector


Troy's greatest warrior

Prince of Troy


Died by Hector's hand

Best friend of Achilles

What are the Characteristics of the Epic?

1. The Hero is of imposing stature

2. The setting is vast

3. Actions consist of great valor/superhuman courage

4. Supernatural Forces

5. Grand simplicity

6. Epic poet recounts the story

What are the Literary Conventions for The Epics?

1. Opening statement of the theme

2. invocation to the muse

3. opens with middle with exposition later

4. catalogues of warriors, ships, armies, and weapons

5. formal speeches by main characters

6. epic similies

7. ephithets

8. repitition of significant scenes

What does Chryses want Agamemnon to do?
Return his daughter
How does Apollo react to Chryses’ prayers for help?
He sets a plague on the Greeks.
What does Agamemnon demand in exchange for returning Chryseis?
That he get Achilles’ bride Briseis
What favor does Achilles ask of his mother?
Ask Zeus for revenge on the Achaean army
Why is Zeus reluctant to punish the Achaeans?
Because his wife favors the Greeks
What does Zeus cause Agamemnon to dream about?
Launching an assault on the Trojans
How do the troops respond to Agamemnon’s declaration that he has given up?
They are excited to be going home.
Who intervenes when the troops are fleeing?
What does Odysseus talk about to reinvigorate the Achaean army?
The prophecy of victory
What qualities are Achilles and Ajax heralded for?
Their bravery as Achaean soldiers
Who seduces Helen and steals her from her husband?
What does Paris say that the duel will accomplish?
It will establish peace since one man shall win Helen.
Who rescues Paris in the middle of the duel?
Who believes that Paris has won the duel?
How does Agamemnon rally his troops?
By wounding their pride
How does Athena help Diomedes?
She gives him extraordinary strength.
Which gods does Diomedes wound?
Ares and Aphrodite
Which god does Apollo convince to fight for the Trojans?
What do Hera and Athena try to convince Zeus to do as the battle is raging on?
Let them get involved
Why are Helen and Hector upset with Paris?
Because he withdrew from battle
How do the Greeks decide who will duel with Hector?
They hold a lottery.
Which soldier draws blood first during the duel?
What does Paris offer the Achaeans in order to end the war?
All the loot that he stole
Who saves Nestor from being killed by Hector?
According to Zeus, who is the only person who can prevent the destruction of the Greek army?
Who proposes returning to Greece because the war was a failure?
How does Diomedes respond to Agamemnon’s weeping?
He says he will fight even if no one else will.
How does Achilles react to Agamemnon’s offer to fight the Trojans?
He says that he plans to return home.
What does Nestor suggest doing next in battle?
Send spies to the Trojans
What does Dolon, the Trojan spy, do when he meets Odysseus and Diomedes?
He reveals the positions of the Trojan army and allies.
What does Zeus do to the Achaeans that causes them to panic?
He rains blood on them.
What does Iris tell Hector to do?
Wait for Agamemnon to be wounded
Who wounds Diomedes?
What does Nester hope that Patroclus will do?
Disguise himself as Achilles in battle
What does the eagle drop among the Trojan soldiers?
A serpent
What does Poseidon do to the Achaeans?
He reinvigorates them to fight.
What do Hector and Paris find when they get to the left end of the line?
All the Trojans there are either dead or injured.
What does the appearance of the eagle signal?
Victory for the Achaeans
What does Hera do to Zeus?
She seduces him.
What happens to Zeus after Hera seduces him?
He falls into a deep sleep.
What does Zeus foretell of Hector?
He will die after he kills Patroclus.
What does Zeus do to the archer Teucer?
Snaps his bowstring
What does Patroclus convince Achilles to do?
Exchange his armor
Who kills Zeus’s son Sarpedon?
What happens to Patroclus?
Hector kills him.
Who does Hector plan to reward with half the war’s loot?
Anyone who retrieves Patroclus’s body
What does Zeus do to Hector?
Gives him great strength
What does Thetis want Achilles to do?
Wait for new armor before fighting
What does Achilles do that frightens the Trojans?
Yells and cries
Why do the Trojans support Hector’s foolish plan to make an assault on the Achaeans?
Athena has tricked them into thinking it is a good plan.
What does Agamemnon give Achilles when he returns?
His stolen bride
Why does Achilles reprimand his horses?
They let Patroclus die on the battlefield.
What does Achilles believe his destiny is?
To die young in battle
What does Zeus tell the gods about the battle between the mortals?
They can finally join in.
What do the gods do when Zeus lifts the prohibition against their involvement in the war?
They decide to watch from the sidelines.
How does Achilles anger the river god?
By clogging the river with Trojan corpses
What saves Achilles from the river god?
The gods
Why does Zeus not bother to intervene to save Hector?
Hector’s death has been destined.
How does Athena trick Hector?
She disguises herself as his friend.
How does Hector’s armor enable him to be defeated?
Achilles knows its weak points.
What does the dead Patroclus ask of Achilles in his dream?
To hold his funeral
What does Achilles do in Patroclus’s honor?
He hosts athletic competitions.
What does Achilles do to Hector’s body?
He drags it around the city.
What does Apollo do to Hector’s body?
Protects it from damage and rot
How does King Priam convince Achilles to spare Hector’s body?
He talks about fatherly love.
Whom does the narrator of the Odyssey invoke in order to inspire him to tell the story?
The Muse
When does the story take place?
Ten years after the Trojan War
Why won’t Calypso let Odysseus leave the island of Ogygia?
Because she has fallen in love with him
What does Athena predict for Odysseus?
That he is alive and will return to Ithaca
When does Penelope say that she will choose a suitor?
When she finishes knitting a burial shroud
What did Clytemnestra do while Agamemnon was at war?
She married another man.
How do Menelaus and Helen know that Telemachus is Odysseus’s son?
There is a distinctive family resemblance.
What do Menelaus and Helen say about Odysseus?
They give examples of his cleverness and masterful disguises.
Who reveals to Menelaus that Odysseus is trapped by Calypso?
Who comforts Penelope when she fears that she will lose her son?
Athena, in the form of Penelope’s sister
What do the gods decide to do about Odysseus?
Force Calypso to let him go
What is Calypso’s big gripe against the gods?
Male gods are allowed lovers and goddesses are not.
What does Poseidon do when he realizes what the gods have done?
He generates a violent storm.
Who gives Odysseus a veil to keep him safe after his ship is destroyed?
Whom does Nausicaa find when she goes to the river?
What does the young girl do to help Odysseus get to the palace?
She conjures a protective mist for him.
What does Alcinous fear Odysseus to be?
A god
Why is Arete suspicious of Odysseus?
Because he is wearing Nausicaa’s clothing
What does Alcinous offer Odysseus?
His daughter’s hand in marriage
What saddens Odysseus at the feast?
The mention of battles he has fought
What happens to Odysseus’s men after they destroy Ismarus?
They narrowly escape attack from the natives.
What happens when Odysseus’s men eat the lotus fruit?
They lose all desire to do anything but eat the fruit.
Who is the Cyclops Polyphemus’s father?
What do Odysseus and his men do to Polyphemus when he gets drunk?
Blind him
What does Odysseus say that his name is?
What does Aeolus give Odysseus?
A bag of winds that will direct him home
Why won’t Aeolus help Odysseus a second time?
He refuses to go against the gods.
Why won’t Aeolus help Odysseus a second time?
He refuses to go against the gods.
What does Circe do to some of Odysseus’s men?
She turns them into pigs.
Why does Odysseus stay with Circe for a year?
He becomes Circe’s lover.
What does Tiresias prophesy for Odysseus?
His return home and his reunion with his wife
What does Odysseus do when he approaches the islands of the Sirens?
He listens to the sirens while tied to the ship’s mast.
What are Scylla and Charybdis?
A monster and a whirlpool
What do Odysseus’s men do on the Island of the Sun?
They kill forbidden cows.
What does Poseidon ask Zeus?
He wants to punish the Phaeacians.
What does Athena do to help Odysseus in Ithaca?
She disguises him as an old man.
What does Athena warn Telemachus of in his dreams?
The suitors’ planned ambush
How does Helen interpret the eagle swooping beside Telemachus?
As an omen for Odysseus’s return
Why won’t Telemachus allow the stranger to stay at the palace?
He is afraid of the suitors.
What do Telemachus and Odysseus want to do with the suitors?
Slaughter them
What does Amphinomus encourage the rest of the suitors to wait for?
A positive sign from the gods
Why does Telemachus want the gifts from Menelaus to be kept outside the palace?
He is afraid the suitors will steal them.
How do the other suitors greet the disguised Odysseus?
They insult and beat him.
How does Odysseus respond to Amphinomus, who toasts his victory?
He warns him to leave the palace.
What does Athena do to Penelope?
She enhances her beauty.
What does Athena ask for from the suitors?
Presents to win her hand
What do Telemachus and Odysseus do while the suitors are sleeping?
Hide the suitors’ weapons
How does Eurycleia recognize Odysseus?
An old scar on his foot
What does Penelope resolve to do after her nightmare?
Choose a new husband
What does Athena believe will help Odysseus and Telemachus in their plan?
The gods
What does Theoclymenus interpret as a bad omen?
Blood covering the walls
What is Penelope’s challenge to the suitors?
To string and shoot Odysseus’s bow
What does Odysseus promise to Eumaeus and Philoetius if they help him?
To treat them like sons
What do the suitors initially think when Odysseus shoots Antinous?
That it was accidental
How does Odysseus want to punish the disloyal servants?
Stab them
Why does Telemachus want to hang the disloyal servants?
Because it is a disgraceful death
What does Penelope do during the battle?
What does Telemachus criticize Penelope for?
Not being loving enough
What is Odysseus afraid of?
That the massacre will anger people
How do the families of the suitors respond to the battle at the palace?
They seek revenge on Odysseus.
What happens to Odysseus at the end of The Odyssey?
He becomes king.