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27 Cards in this Set

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This organ stores and concentrates bile
What kind of epithelium does the gall bladder have
Simple columnar epithelium
This specific part of the gallbladder leads to the cystic duct
Neck (cervix) of gallbladder
What is bile?
A yellowish-green pigment that contains cholesterol, minerals, neutral fats, phospholipids, bile pigments, and bile acids
What is the principal pigment of bile
Responsible for the brown color of feces
What are bile acids?
they are steroids synthesized from cholesterol
Bile acids and this phospholipid aid in fat digestion and absorption
What percentage of bile is reaborbed through the ileum?
What is enterohepatic circulation?
The secretion, reaborption, and resecretion of bile
What happens to the 20% of bile that is not reused?
It is excreted in the feces
this part of the pancreas secret glucagona and insulin
It is the pancreatic islets
_______ _______ controls the relase of both bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum
hepatopancreatic sphincter
What is the accessory pancreatic duct?
It is an independent duct like the hepatopancreatic duct except that it allows pancreatic juice to enter the duodenum even when bile is not
What are the three pancreatic xymogens?
1.) Trypsinogen
2.) Procarboxypeptidase
3.) Chymotrypsinogen
How is trypsinogen converted into trypsin
When trypsinogen is secreted into the duodenum an enzyme secreted by the intestine, enterokinase, converts it to trypsin
How is procarboxypeptidase and chymotrypsinogen converted into carboxypeptidase and chymotrypsin?
They are converted by the auto-catalytic effect of trypsin. That is, as enterokinase converts Trypsinogen into trypsin, trypsin in turn converts those two xymogens
This pancreatic enzyme digest starch
Pancreatic amylase
This pancreatic enzyme digests fats
pancreatic lipase
This enzyme digest RNA
This enzyme digests DNA
These cells secret enzymes and xymogens within the pancreas
This buffers the HCl arrving in the duodenum from the stomach
What are the three stimuli chiefly responsible for the relase of pancreatic juice and bile?
Acetylcholine, Cholcystokinin, and Secretin
What does acetylcholine do?
It stimulates pancreatic acini to secrete their enzymes even before food has entered. It stays stored in the acini and ducts until chyme enters the duodenum
What does cholecystokinin do?
It is secreted by the mucousa of the duodenum and proximal jejunum. Primarily responds to fats in the small intestine. Contractions of the gallbladder and the relaxation of the hepatopancreatic sphincter to release bile
What does secretin do?
It is released by the same sections of the intestines as Cholecystokinin and it responds to the acidity of the chyme incoming from the stomach. Stimulates the ducts of both pancrease and liver to secret an abundant bicarbonate solution.