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22 Cards in this Set

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The mouth is also known as the _______ ______
Oral cavity
The opening between the lips is called the _________
oral fissure
the posterior opening of the throat is called the _____
What kind of epithelium is the mouth lined with?
Stratified squamos epithelium
The epithelium of the mouth is _____ in areas subject to the greatest food abrasion, such as the ____ and ____
Keratinized, Gums, Hard palate
What is the labial frenulum?
It is a median fold that attaches each lip to the gum
What is the vestibule
The space between the cheeks or lips and teeth; where your toothbrush is when brushing the outer surfaces of your teeth
The lips are divided into three areas. What are these three areas?
1.) the cutaneous area- the upper lip
2.) the red area- it has unually tall dermal papillae, which allow blood capillaries and nerve endings to come closer to the epidermal surface.
3.) The labial mucosa- inner lip
What are lingual papillae
They are bumps and projections on the surface of the tongue and are the site of taste buds.
What is the posterior 1/3 of the tongue called
the root
What is the anterior 2/3 of the tongue called
the body and it occupies the oral cavity
What is contained in the boundary between the two regions of the tongue
V-shaped Vallate papillae
What is the lingual frenulum
the attachment of the body of the tongue to the floor of the mouth
What are the intrinsic muscles and what do they do?
They are the muscles contained entirely within the tongue which produce relatively subtle tongue movements of speech
What do the extrinsic muscles do?
they have origins elsewhere and insertions in the tongue, produce the stronger movements of food manipulation.
What are the 4 extrinsic muscles of the tongue
genioglossus, hyoglossus, palatoglossus and styloglossus
These secret a portion of the saliva
Lingual glands
transverse ridges of the hard palate are _______
palatine rugae
The conical projection of the soft palate
What does the Uvula do?
It helps to retain food in the mouth until one is ready to swallow
What does saliva do?
It moistens the mouth, digests a little starch and fat, dissolves molecules so they can stimulate the tastebuds, and moistens food and binds particles together to aid in swallowing
What are the solutes of saliva?
1.) Salivary Amylase- begins starch digestion in the mouth
2.) Lingual Lipase- enzyme activated by stomache acid and digests fat after the food is swallowed
3.) Mucus- binds and lubricates food mass and aids in swallowing.
4.)Lysozyme- ezyme that
5.) Immunoglobulin A- an antibody that inhibits bacterial growth
6.) electrolytes- sodium, potassium, chloride, phosphate and bicarbonate salts