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71 Cards in this Set

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a written change or addition to the constitution
the 1st 10 amendments to the constitution
Bill of Rights
what is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?
to set forth basic rights guaranteed to all Americans
amendment that states that americans have the right to practice any religion, or not at all
freedom of religion
the right to express ideas and opinions through speech; the right to listen to the ideas and opinions of others
freedom of speech
spoken false statements that damage another person's reputation
the act of publishing false info that can damage a person's reputation
the freedom to have meetings to discuss problems and plan actions peacefully
freedom of assembly
the right to ask the governmentt to do or stop something
freedom of petition
a legal document that allows for a search
What five rights are stated in the 1st Amendment?
freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, freedom of petition
to formally accuse one of a crime
a group that decides whether or not there is enough evidence for a trial
grand jury
testifying against onself
Can you be forced to testy against yourself?
being tried for the same crime twice
double jeopardy
the fair application of the law to one's case
due process of the law
the power to take private property for public use
eminent domain
a trial jury of between 6-12 persons
petit jury
court cases over money
civil cases
money or property paid to guarantee one's appearance in court
protects people right to own fire arms
2nd amendment
restricts government from forcing homeowners to quarter troops in their homes
3rd amendment
protects people from unreasonable search and seizures
4th amendment
protects people for being held without indictment, double jeopardy, self-incrimination and uncompensated eminent domain
5th amendment
guarantees a speedy trial, impartial jury, confront witnesses and right to a lawyer
6th amendment
guarantees jury trial in civil court cases over $20
7th amendment
guarantees that punishments will be fair and not unusually cruel' no excessive bail
8th amendment
states that other rights aside from those listed in the bill of rights will exist
9th amendment
any power not granted to the federal government belongs to the state or the people
10th amendment
abolished slavery in the US
13th Amendment
redefines how the President and Vice-President is elected and makes the two positions cooperative
12th Amendment
ensures citizens rights on the state level, citizenship of slaves
14th amendment
ensures that race or previous condition of servitude cannot be voting criteria
15th amendment
initiates graduated income tax
16th amendment
shifts the election of senators from the state legislatures to the people
17th amendment
prohibits sale, manufacturing, and transportation of alcohol in the US
18th amendment
states that gender cannot be used as voting criteria
19th amendment
eliminates the name duck, sets new dates for the starts of terms of congressmen and the president
20th amendment
repeals the 18th Amendment
21st amendment
set a limit on the number of terns a president can be elected for
22nd amendment
removes the poll tax
24th amendment
clarifies the line of succession even more and establishs rules for a president who becomes unable to perform his duties in office
25th amendment
states thatany person 18 or older may vote
26th amendment
requires that any increase of pay for congressmen may not take effect until after a reelection
27th amendment
why do we change the constitution?
to meet the needs of a changing society
who is protected by the bill of rights?
all Americans
What does it mean to keep and bear arms
to carry firearms
What do grand juries decide?
if there is enough evidence for a trial
What do petit juriez decide?
guilt or innocence
When can private property be taken for public use?
when proper compensation is given
6 Elements of a Fair Trial
1. indictment by grand jury
2. right to a lawyer
3, right to be released on bail
4. right to a jury trial
5. right of appeal
6. presumed innocence
When can one be denied a trial by jury?
in a civil cases under $20
What is a motto for graduated income tax?
the more you make, the more they take
When does the president take office?
January 20
How is a vice presidential vacancy filled?
the president appoints one
What amendment refers to double jeopardy?
5th amendment
Can an accused person face his accuser?
According to the sixth amendment, what kind of trial does an accused person have a right to?
a speedy trial
must witnesses appear in court?
When can private property be taken for public use?
when proper compensation is given
6 Elements of a Fair Trial
1. indictment by grand jury
2. right to a lawyer
3, right to be released on bail
4. right to a jury trial
5. right of appeal
6. presumed innocence
When can one be denied a trial by jury?
in a civil cases under $20
What is a motto for graduated income tax?
the more you make, the more they take
When does the president take office?
January 20
How is a vice presidential vacancy filled?
the president appoints one
What amendment refers to double jeopardy?
5th amendment
Can an accused person face his accuser?
According to the sixth amendment, what kind of trial does an accused person have a right to?
a speedy trial
must witnesses appear in court?
Does the supreme court consider the death penalty cruel and unusual punishment?