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57 Cards in this Set

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the smallest level of organization in the body that exhibit life
extracellular fluid
also know as interstitual fluid, cell are surrounded by this watery medium
separates the cell contents
plasma membrane
encloses the contents of a cell
subdivided into; cytosol, a liquid; intracellular structures known as organelles
the principle fluid medium of the cell, make up 70% - 85%
inorganic chemical needed for cellular reactions, and the operation of some cellular control mechanisms
most important electrolytes are:
potassium, magnesium, phosphate, sulfate, bicarbonate
the second most abundant substance in most cell, constituting 10% - 20% of cell mass
considered the most important cell constituent because all the main metabolic processes; because contains the enzymes
consist of several different types of substances that share the common characteristic of being fat soluble
very important to the nutrition of cells, but provide minimal structural support
contains; endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, mitochondria, lysosome, peroxisomes
plasma membrane
surround the cell, a very thin elastic structure composed primarily of proteins and lipids
determines what moves in and out of the celll
- a large membrane bound structure
- control cener of the cell
- compose of protein and DNA
endoplasmic reticulum
a broad flattened network of interconnecting tubules that function in storage and transport
rough endoplasmic reticula
manufacture proteins for secretion and internal use
ribosome are attached
smooth endoplasmic reticula
manufacture lipids, carbs, and peroxisomes
golgi apparatus
-flattened membraneous sac stacked upon each other
- modifies, packages, and distributes protein and lipids
-small bean shaped structures with numerous infoldings
-cell powerhouse
-converts nutrients into cell energy (ATP)
membrane-bound vesicular structures that pinch off from the golgi apparatus, and serve as intracellular digestive system
membrane bound vesicles, formed from smooth endoplasmic reticula and are smaller than lysosomes
-contains enzymes that break down fatty acid and amino acids
active transport
requires energy, passive doesnt
diffusion (passive transport)
random movement of molecules results in net movement from areas of higher concentration to lower
osmosis (passive transport)
when substances pass directly through the membrane
filtration (passive transport)
when substances pass through holes in the cell wall
facilated diffusion (passive transport)
when substances pass through the membrane aided by carrier molecules
active transport
moving substance from a lower con. to high con. using atp
phagocytosis (active transport)
cell eating, eliminiation of harmful subs from the body
pinocytosis (active transport)
cell drinking, how cell take in substances
property of a solution in reference to a particular membrane
isotonic (tonicity)
same concentration of salts as cells
hypertonic (tonicity)
higher concentration of salts than cell
hypotonic (tonicity)
lower concentration of salts than cells
cell shrinking
cause a cell to rupture by swelling
the study of tissue
connective tissue
consist of cells separated, and contains various amounts of water, fibers, and hard minerals
soft connective tissue
comprised of adipose(fat) and fibrous connective tissue
hard connective tissue
comprised of cartilage and bone
liquid connective tissue
comprised of blood and lymph
nervous tissue
contains conductive cells known as neurons and support cells known as neurolglia
muscle tissue
has the ability to contract to produce movement
skeletal muscle tissue
responsible for body movement
cardiac muscle tissue
responsible for pumping blood through the circulatory system
smooth muscle tissue
forms the walls of hollow organs, the pupil of the eye
epithelial tissue
lining tissue
simple (arrangement)
single layer, involved in passive transport
stratified (arrangement)
consists of many layers, protective roll
cuboidal (shape)
square shaped cells with a larger cell volume, function is to secrete and absorb
flat and irregular shape, and function is in diffusion and filtration
columnar (shape)
which have a long and narrow shape, and whose function is to secrete and asborb
coordinates the activities of tissue
swelling, redness, warmth, pain
the presence of dammaged tissue
involved with regeneration and replacement
tissue inflammation
occurs when tissues are damaged or in association with an immune response
tissue repair
begins with substitution of viable cells for dead cells through regeneration or replacement