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162 Cards in this Set

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Largest portion of the brain
Surfaces on the cerebrum are highly folded and covered by a superficial layer of gray matter know as what?
neural (cerebral) cortex
Gyri are a series of ridges produced by what?
Folds of the cerebral cortex
What are sulci and fissures?
Depressions b/w gyri depending on depth
The _________ is the seat of most ________ __________ functions, including thought, memory, ________, intellect and _________ movement.
The cerebrum is the seat of most higher mental functions, including thought, memory, sensation, intellect and complex movement.
2nd largest portion of the brain
The cerebellum is located ________ and _________ to the cerebrum.
inferiorly / posteriorly
A layer of gray matter covering the cerebellum
cerebellar cortex
Allows for repeated movements (coordinates complex somatic motor patterns)
Located under the cerebrum
The thalamus(L / R) and hypothalamus are found here
Contains relay and processing centers for sensory info
L/R thalamus
Has centers for emotions, autonomic function and hormone production
What connects the pituitary gland to the diencephalon
_________ and ________ integrate the nervous and endocrine systems.
hypothalamus / pituitary
What connects the cerebral hemispheres to the brain stem?
Has processing centers which relay to and from the cerebrum and cerebellum
brain stem
Mesencephalon; Pons; Medulla oblongata
3 parts of the brain stem
Maintains conciousness
Processes visual and auditory info
GENERATION of somatic motor responses
Pons connects __________ to brain stem
Contain relay centers, as well as __________ and __________ motor control.
pons / somatic and visceral motor control
Connects the brain to the spinal cord
medulla oblongata
The medulla oblongata relays __________ info to the __________ and other parts of the brain stem.
sensory / thalamus
__________ regulates __________ functions such as heart rate, blood pressure and digestion.
Medulla oblongata / autonomic
A hollow cylinder with a fluid filled cavity that is the origin of the CNS
neural tube
The fluid filled cavity portion of the neural tube
Prosencephalon; Mesencephalon; Rhombencephalon
(3) primary brain vesicles
Part of the prosencephalon that forms the cerebrum
What are the 3 components of the diencephalon?
epithalamus; thalamus; hypothalamus
The rhombencephalon forms the ______________ and the myelencephalon.
Ventral portion becomes the pons, dorsal portion of the cerebellum
Dorsal portion forms the medulla oblongata
______________ form with the cerebral hemispheres, diencephalon, metencephalon, and medulla. Lined by ______________ - which form a lining know as the ______________.
ventricles / ependymal cells / ependyma
The septum pellucidum is a medial partition that separates ______________ - found with each cerebral hemisphere.
lateral ventricles
The third ventricle is located in the ______________.
The third ventricle is connected to each lateral ventricle by an ______________ ______________.
interventricular foramen (foramen of Monro)
Inferiorly, the ______________ extends into the superior portion of the medulla, where it narrows and becomes continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord.
fourth ventricle
What does the aqueduct of the midbrain connect?
third and fourth ventricle
Aqueduct of Silvius, cerebral aqueduct
other names for the aqueduct of the midbrain
Ventricles are filled with ______________, which circulates from ventricles and central canal into subarachnoid space of ______________.
CSF(cerebrospinal fluid) / cranial meninges
Endosteal and meningeal
The two layers of the dura mater
Outer _____________ layer is fused to the _____________ of cranial bones and has no epidural space
endosteal / periosteum
Separated from inner _____________ (meningeal) layer by a slender gap containing tissue fluid, blood vessels and large venous sinuses which receive blood from cranial veins and drain it into the _____________.
inner / internal jugular veins
What forms a smooth layer over the brain which does not follow the brain folds?
arachnoid mater
The arachnoid mater consists of ______________ and ______________ that cross the subarachnoid space to the ______________.
arachnoid membrane / arachnoid trabeculae / pia mater
Pia mater sticks to the surface of the brain, anchored by ______________ (glia responsible for maintaining brain/blood barrier).
What follows every fold and penetrates surface of brain with cerebral blood vessels?
Pia mater
______________ extend into the cranial cavity, providing extra stabilization and support to brain.
dural folds
What are large collecting veins within dural folds?
dural sinuses
The falx cerebri projects b/w the cerebral hemispheres in the ______________. Attaches to the crista galli ______________, and ______________ posteriorly.
longitudinal fissure / inferiorly / internal occipital crest
The falx cerebri contains the superior and inferior ______________, and intersects posteriorly with the ______________.
saggital sinuses / tentorium cerebelli
What covers the cerebellar hemispheres and separates them from the cerebrum.
tentorium cerebelli
What contains the transverse sinus and lies at right angle to falx cerebri?
tentorium cerebelli
The falx cerebelli divides the ______________ hemispheres along the midsagittal line inferior to the tentorium.
______________ and CSF help protect the brain by acting as shock absorbers in the case of cranial trauma.
cranial meninges
What completely surrounds the exposed surface of the CNS?
______________ cushions delicate neural tissues; supports the brain; transports nutrients, chemical messengers & waste products.
______________ is a combination of specialized ependymal cells and permeable capillaries that produce CSF.
choroid plexus
A combination of ependymal cells and permeable capillaries that is found in the 3rd 4th and lateral ventricles.
choroid plexus
How many times a day is 150cc of CSF replaced, at total of 500ml/day?
3 times/day
CSF circulates from plexus through ventricles into central canal of ______________.
spinal cord
CSF reaches subarachnoid space through __ lateral apertures and __ median aperture in the roof of the fourth ventricle, then flows around the brain, spinal cord and ______________.
1 / 2 / cauda equina
What do arachnoid villi form?
arachnoid granulations
The arachnoid granulations penetrate the ______________ layer of the dura and extend into the superior venous sinus.
meningeal layer
What leads to the accumulation of excess CSF?
hydrocephalus - a fault in the re-absorption of CSF
The brain blood is supplied by ______________ arteries and vertebral arteries.
internal carotid arteries
What drains the dural sinues, which shunts blood out the cranium?
internal jugular veins
______________ also known as stroke is when the blood supply to a portion of the brain is hut off. Brain damage occurs within minutes.
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
______________ cells lining the capillaries of the CNS are interconnected by ______________ that prevent diffusion of materials b/w adjacent endothelial cells.
Endothelial cells / tight junctions
BBB only allows ______________ soluble compounds to diffuse into the interstitial fluid of the brain and spinal cord.
The BBB is maintained by ______________ which cover the outer surface of endothelial cells.
The blood-CSF barrier in the choroid plexus, is maintained by specialized ______________ cells which cover the plexus capillaries.
T/F: Glucose circulates freely, while NT's such as NE, EP, DA, SA are restricted to control stimulation of brain neurons.
Hypothalamus; neurohypophysis; pineal gland; choroid plexus
the 4 exceptions of the BBB
The pineal gland, a ______________ structure, is located on the posterior, superior surface of the diencephalon. The capillary permeability allows pineal secretions into the general circulation.
Most inferior portion of the brain region
medulla oblongata
______________ provides attachment for 11 of the __ paired cranial nerves.
medulla oblongata / 12
______________ portion of the medulla oblongata opens into the fourth ventricle.
All the communication b/w the brain and spinal cord passes through the ______________.
Coordinates complex autonomic reflexes(cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive system activities) and control visceral functions
medulla oblongata
nucleus gracilis&nucleus cuneatus; solitary nucleus; olivary nuclei
3 groups of medulla nuclei
Mass of gray matter that extends from medulla to mesencephalon
reticular formation
Reticular formation contains reflex centers that receive input from cranial nerves, cerebral cortex and ______________ and is responsible for regulation of vital ______________ functions.
brain stem / autonomic
A type of reflex center that adjusts heart rate, strength of cardiac contractions and peripheral blood flow.
cardiovascular centers (cardiac and vasomotor)
What are the two types of reflex centers?
cardiovascular centers and respiratory rythmicity centers
The medulla contains sensory and motor nuclei associated with __ of the cranial nerves.
5 (VIII - XII)
The cranial nerves in the ______________ provide motor commands to muscles of the pharynx, neck , and back as well as to the visceral organs of the thoracic and peritoneal cavities.
______________ and ______________ of the medulla pass somatic sensory info to the thalamus. Tracts from each cross to opposite sides of the brain which is termed ______________.
nucleus gracilis / nucleus cuneatus / decussation
Receives visceral sensory info from spinal and cranial nerves and transmit it to autonomic centers in medulla
solitary nucleus
Relay info about somatic motor commands to cerebellar cortex
olivary nuclei
Links cerebellum with mesencephalon, diencephalon, cerebrum and spinal cord.
Innervate the jaw muscles, anterior facial surface of the face, lateral rectus and sense organs of the inner ear.
sensory and motor nuclei of cranial nerves (V-VIII)
There are two ______________ one on each side of the pons, the ______________ center and the pneumotaxic center, which modify activity of respiratory rythmicity center in the medulla
respiratory centers / apneustic
______________ fibers cross anterior surface of pons and link nuclei of pons (pontine nuclei) to with opposite cerebellar hemisphere
transverse fibers
Coordinates learned and reflexive patterns of muscular activity at the subconscious level.
T/F: Cerebellum adjusts postural muscles of body and programming & fine tuning movement, conscious or subconscious
______________ are folds of the cerebellar surface.
Anterior and posterior lobes of the cerebellum are separated by the ______________.
primary fissure
Vermis is a narrow band of cortex separating ______________.
cerebellar hemispheres
______________ lobe is b/w the roof of the fourth ventricle, cerebellar hemispheres and vermis.
flocculondular lobe
Huge highly branched cells in the cerebellar cortex, each receiving input from up to 200k synapses
purkinje cells
Branching of internal white matter that resembles a tree
arbor vitae
T/F: Motor commands reach the cerebellum indirectly from the cerebellar nuclei within the arbor vitae.
______________ tract links the cerebellum w/ nuclei in the midbrain, diencephalon and cerebrum
superior cerebellar peduncles
______________ connects cerebellar hemispheres with sensory and motor nuclei in pons.
middle cerebellar peduncles
Communicates b/w cerebellum and nuclei in medulla and carries ascending & descending tracts from spinal cord.
inferior cerebellar peduncles
Trauma to the cerebellum, which leads to disturbance in muscular coordination.
Roof of mesencephalon
Collectively, are the two pairs of sensory nuclei that process visual and auditory sensations.
corpora quadrigemina
Receives visual input from ipsilateral lateral geniculate nucleus of thalamus.
superior colliculus
Receives auditory input from medulla and pons.
inferior colliculus
T/F: Superior colliculus controls reflex movements of head, neck and trunk in response to auditory stimuli
false (correct answer: the inferior colliculus controls reflex mvmts in response to auditory stimuli
Contains red nucleus and is is anterior to aqueduct of midbrain
Receives info from cerebrum and cerebellum; issues subconscious motor commands affecting upper limb position and background muscle tone
red nucleus
T/F: Substantia nigra is a nucleus lateral to red nucleus containing darkly pigmented cells
Nerve fiber bundles on ventrolateral surfaces of the mesencephalon.
cerebral peduncles
Cerebral peduncles contain ____________ fibers that go to cerebellum via pons, and ascending fibers that carry ____________ motor commands by cerebral hemispheres.
descending / voluntary
____________ integrates sensory and motor info at subconscious level.
What forms the lateral walls of the diencephalon? What forms the floor?
Neural tissue concentrated in left and right thalamus / hypothalamus
Ascending sensory data from spinal cord and cranial nerves synapses in ____________ prior to reaching cerebral cortex.
The roof of the diencephalon, superior to third ventricle. Contains extensive choroid plexus.
____________ is a endocrine gland that produces melanin, regulating day-night cycles. Also is posterior portion of the epithalamus (roof of diencephalon).
pineal gland
Relays(final relay) info b/w basal nuclei and cerebral cortex.
T/F: Thalmic nuclei are paired masses on either side of the third ventricle; extending from the anterior commisure to the inferior base of the pineal gland
____________ are paired projections from each lateral nuclei in the ____________ ventricle. No fibers cross the midline.
interthalmic adhesion / third
____________ is part of the limbic system, and is involved with emotion and motivation.
anterior nuclei
The medial group connects emotional centers in the ____________ w/frontal loves of cerebral cortex, providing awareness of emotional states.
Relays info from basal nuclei of cerebrum to somatic motor areas of cerebral cortex.
ventral group
____________ relays sensory info about touch, pressure, pain, temp, and propioception to sensory areas of ____________.
Ventral group / cerbral cortex
Pulvinar nuclei, lateral geniculate nucleus and medial geniculate nucleus make up the ____________.
posterior group
Part of the posterior group that integrates sensory info for projection to cerebral cortex
pulvinar nuclei
Part of the ____________ , the lateral geniculate nucleus, receives visual input over optic tract. Output goes to ____________ lobes of cerebral hemispheres and mesencephalon.
posterior / occipital
What forms feedback loops with the limbic system and parietal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres?
Lateral group
____________ extends superior to optic chiasm to posterior margins of mamillary bodies
Processes sensory input, including olfactory sensations
mamillary bodies
____________ contain motor nuclei that control reflexes such as chewing, licking and swallowing, as well as control and integration centers
Posterior to optic chiasm, connects hypothalamus to pituitary gland
____________ area b/w infundibulum and mamillary bodies.
tuberal area
Tuberal area contains nuclei involved in ____________ gland function.
T/F: A function of the hypothalamus is the subconscious control of skeletal muscle contractions
The ____________ controls autonomic function and coordination of activities of nervous and endocrine systems.
____________ secretes the two hormones ADH and oxytocin.
____________ or vasopressin, is produced by ____________ to reduce water loss at kidneys.
ADH / supraoptic nucleus
____________ is produced by the ____________ nucleus. It stimulates smooth muscle contraction in uterus and mammary glands in females and prostate in males.
oxytocin / paraventricular
T/F: Thalamus drives feeding and thirst centers
false; hypothalamus drives feeding and thirst centers
T/F: The medulla oblongata regulates body temp adn controls ciracadia rythms
false; hypothalamus regulates body temp and controls circadian rythms
The ____________ system consists of a group of tracts and nuclei along the border b/w the cerebrum and diencephalon.
T/F: the mamillary body establishes emotional states, also facilitates memory storage and retrieval.
false; the limbic sytem
The ____________ facilitates in memory storage and retrieval.
What is also known as the "motivational system?"
limbic system
What plays a role in the "fight or flight" response and regulates heart rate.
amygdaloid body (amygdala)
The limbic lobe or ____________ and underlying structures adjacent to diencephon.
T/F: The cingulate gyrus is inferior to the corpus callosum
false; the cingulate gyrus is superior to corpus callosum, the cingulate gyrus is acutally inferior to the corpus callosum
Posterior portion of limbic lobe
dentate gyrus
Inferior portion of limbic system
parahippocampal gyrus
What connects the hippocampus w/ the hypothalamus?
The fornix curves medially to meet opposite side, then proceeds anteriorly, ____________ to corpus callosum, then curves to hypothalamus