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31 Cards in this Set

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Who wrote the book of Acts?


To whom was this book written?

Theophilus - Friend of God

What is the approximate date for the writing of the book of Acts?

AD 63 and 70

How long was Jesus with His disciples after the resurrection?

40 days ( v.3)

What proofs did Jesus give as evidence that he had been raised from the dead?

Luke 24:40 He showed them his hands and feet, John 20:27 He told Thomas to put his hands into His side. John 21 Jesus miraculously put fish into the disciples net.

How many people saw Jesus after His resurrection?

Over five hundred brethren ( 1 Corinthians 15:6)

To whom was the promise of the Holy Spirit made?

The promise was made to His disciples.

Acts 1:4

What kind of kingdom do you think the apostles were looking for based on their question of verse 6?

Earthly Kingdom

What old testament prophecy foretold Christ ascension?

Psalm 68

What was the first message received from Heaven after Jesus' ascension?

Two men told the disciples that Jesus will come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.

How many people were present when the replacement for Judas was selected?

About 120

What are the qualifications for an apostle?

He have to been with the disciples all the time from John's baptism til when Jesus was taken up Into heaven.

Can apostles be appointed today?


Who was chosen to take Judas' place and who chose him?

Matthias; God chose him

What does "Akeldama" mean and why was the field given that name?

It means Field of Blood it is where Judas died

Who are the "they" in Acts 2:1 who received this baptism?

The twelve apostles

What significance that happened on the Day of Pentecost?

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the apostles

What were the signs of the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

Raise the dead, speak with inspiration, and be guided into all truth

What was the sound of Acts 2:6? What was unusual about it?

Sound of a mighty wind. They were speaking in different languages.

What was the reaction of the people to this event?

They were amazed and perplexed

What reason did Peter give to show it was unreasonable to assume they were drunk?

It was the third hour of the day (9:00) and he began to quote from the prophet Joel.

In what time period did Joel say that these things would occur?

In the last days

Who or what is added in the expression "all flesh' (17)?


Three terms describe the miracles of Jesus. What are they and what does each mean?

Works, Wonders and Signs ( Acts 2:22)

What had the people done? ( Acts 2:23)

They crucified Jesus

What did God do in response? (Acts 2:24).

He raised him up from the dead

Where is the promise of God to David recorded? (Acts 2:25)

Psalms 16:8

What was the reaction of the people in Acts 2?

They were cut to the heart.

What was the immediate result of their receiving the word? ( 2:37)

They were cut to the heart

How would you describe the church in Acts 2:42-47 ?

They were together and they shared their possessions with one another.

Who was added, who added them and to what was they added? (2:47)

Disciples, God, church