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35 Cards in this Set

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What percentage of how we age is due to non-inherited factors such as nutrition and exercise?


What are examples of health behaviours?

Smoking habit

Fruit and veg intake

Alcohol intake

Physical activity

What is the correlation between the Mediterranean diet and age?

Increase Mediterranean diet decreases mortality risk (therefore longer lifespan)

What does Mediterranean diet also reduce?

Cancer, stroke, CHD

What does the bulk of the Mediterranean diet involve?

Bulk of diet from plant-based foods (fruit, veg, whole grain)

Where does most of the animal protein in the Mediterranean diet come from?


What is there a reduction of in the Mediterranean diet?

Poultry, eggs, dairy products and very little red meats and sweets

How is the Mediterranean diet scored?

With points - the lower the score, the less similar to the Mediterranean diet it is

What point increase in diet score is associated with a decreased mortality?

2-point increase

What is the percentage decrease in mortality with a 2-point increase?


What study looked at the secondary prevention of CVD with a Mediterranean diet?

Lyon diet heart study

What did the lyon diet heart study use as their participants?

People who had already had a heart attack but survived (therefore at higher risk for a second)

What did the data of the Lyon diet heart study show?

People who were on the Mediterranean diet had many fewer events in the 5 years that followed - no subsequent heart attack etc therefore Mediterranean diet prevents further events.

What study looked at the primary prevention of CVD with Mediterranean diet?


What ages of participants did Predimed use?

Men = 55-80

Women = 60-80

Did the participants have history of suffering from CVD in the Predimed study?

No, however they did have a higher risk of CVD by either having type 2 diabetes or 3 other risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, high LDL levels, low HDL levels, obese, family history

What were the 3 different treatments used in the Predimed study?

1) Mediterranean diet + extra virgin olive oil

2) Mediterranean diet + nuts

3) Low fat (control) diet that has been recommended to reduce the risk of CHD anyway.

What were the results of the Predimed study?

The Mediterranean diet reduced the incidence on CVD therefore proving that it is good for primary prevention.

What different factors did the Predimed study look t to obtain the results?

Change in LDL increased with MD

Decreased inflammation with MD

Decreased BP with MD

Increased atheroma plaque stability with MD

What is the most common form of dementia?

AD (70%)

What is the second most common form of dementia?

Vascular dementia (17%)

What is vascular dementia?

Post-stroke dementia

How much doe the age-specific prevalence of dementia increase every 5 years after the age of 65?

It doubles

By 2050 how much will the prevalence of AD increase?

It will quadruple

There will be 1 in 85 people worldwide living with it

What is the main genetic risk factor for AD?


What is a diet risk factor for AD?

Plasma homocysteine

Does an increase or decrease of plasma homocysteine increase the risk of AD?


What does B vitamin folate cause?

A decrease in cysteine (found in fruit and veg)

What is the most abundant long chain PUFA (fatty acid) found in the brain?


Where is DHA found in food?

Oily fish

If there are higher intakes of DHA what does this result in?

A decreased risk of AD

However what did a study show using DHA supplements?

That the response was only present in APOE 4 negative patients (don't have the genetic side of AD)

How does dietary restriction cause an increase in lifespan?

Possibly by decreasing TOR activity

What has an experiment shown with Rhesus monkeys?

There is a decreased risk of age-related disease in energy-restricted monkeys.

What is obesity associated with?

Higher risk of death from heart disease and stroke