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24 Cards in this Set

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Loss of Muscle Mass

As we age we lose up to 5% of muscle mass each year after the age of 30. Decrease in muscle mass can cause weight gain. Regular strength training increases muscle ratio and improves the appearance of the body.

Regular strength training.

Muscle burns fat

The human body naturally burns more calories each day to maintain a pound of muscle than it does a pound of fat. Therefore the more muscles you have the more calories you burn. By building muscle you'll significantly increase your metabolism and turn your body into a fat burning machine.

Muscles burn calories

Risk factors for illness

Increase in muscle mass help raise the rate with which the body burns fat, which in turn leads to the improvement and prevention of obesity, lowers the risk of various illnesses and metabolic syndrome.

Prevention of...

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome is the medical term for a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. It puts a greater risk of heart disease, stroke, and other conditions affecting blood vessels. Building muscle mass increases your metabolism in turn helps lower the risk factors for illnesses and prevents and improves Metabolic Syndrome.

Immune system

Strength training helps promote growth hormomes, which raises the functions of the body's immune system. With improved immune system, your body is more resistant to infectious diseases and illnesses.

Growth hormones

Blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and cholesterol

Increasing muscle mass assists the body in burning fat more efficiently and improves high cholesterol. This leads to lower blood pressure, glucose levels, and lower cholesterol levels.

Arteriosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack.

Strength training helps improve high cholesterol which in turn decreases risk of arteriosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack.

Stress incontinence

Training pubococxygeus (PC) muscle helps strengthening all the perineal muscles to prevent and improve stress incontinence and female genital prolapse.

Female genital prolapse

Training pubococxygeus muslce helps prevent and improve female genital prolapse.

Back Pain

Weak muscles lead to back pain. Training muscles that surround the spine helps alleviate stress on your spine and back.

Muscles around spine

Knee Pain

Training the quads and hamstring muscles helps steady thigh lifting and foot landing in walking. It alleviates stress on the knees in each step. It prevents and improves knee pain.

Quads and hamstrings.

Shoulder Pain

Training the trapezius, pectoralis major, and deltoid muscles helps loosen arms and neck movement. It alleviates stress on shoulders.

Training muscles

Bone Strength

Like muscle, bone is living tissue that responds to exercise by becoming stronger. With age, we can begin to lose bone. Bone loss can be prevented with regular exercise. Exercising allows us to maintain muscle strength, coordination, and balance, which in turn helps prevent falls and related fractures.

Joint pain

Training muscles around the hips (gluteus maximus, abductor, and adductor) helps to support hip movement.


Strength training helps retain calcium in the bones that are bearing the load. It increases bone density, hence, improving bone Strength and preventing osteoporosis.

Blood circulation.

Repeated muscle contraction and relaxation helps the body's circulatory system enabling more efficient blood circulation.

Shoulder pain/blood circulation

Intensive training of the shoulder muscles helps blood circulation and alleviates shoulder pain.

Poor circulation

You feel less cold when your body circulation is improved.


Better circulation helps improve the body's metabolism. It improves your complexion and hair and helps your perspire.

Body Temperature

Strength training contracts and relaxes muscles and raises body temperature. Elevated body temperature can help the body's immune system and prevent disease.

Emotional and Physiological Health

Strength training increases sympathetic nervous system activities. After the workout parasympathetic nervous system reacts to help your body rest and relax. Balanced sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system raises the functions of the autonomic nervous system which helps respond to stress.


Exercise can be effective in boosting serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter in the brain. Serotonin is important for managing mood, appetite, sleep and dreaming. Boosted serotonin levels helps you feel happy and relieve your stress and depression. Exercise probably helps ease depression in a number of ways including:

- Realeasing endorphins

- Reducing immune system chemicals that worsen depression.

- Increasing body temperature, which may have calming effects.


Psychological and emotional benefits.

- Gain confidence.

- Take your mind off your worries.

- Get more social interaction.

- Cope in a healthy way.

Improving daily activities.

You can perform daily activities such as going up the stairs with less effort. Strength training can increase physical strength. Adequate amount of exercise during the day helps secrete melatonin and aids in sleeping better at night. Strength training improves the body's flexibility and range of motion