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69 Cards in this Set

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the motor division of the peripheral nervous system

autonomic nervous system

this controls cardiac muscles, smooth muscles, and glands

autonomic nervous system

what are the 2 divisions of the autonomic nervous system?

sympathetic and parasympathetic

what does the somatic nervous system innervate?

skeletal muscle

what does the autonomic nervous system innervate?

smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands

this division of the peripheral nervous system is a one-neruron system

somatic nervous system

this division of the peripheral nervous system is a two-neuron system

autonomic nervous system

efferent neuron sends its axon out through a cranial or spinal nerve and that axon goes all the way out to impact skeletal muscle

one neuron system

this neuron in a two neuron system has its cell body in the CNS and sends its axon out into the PNS

preganglionic neuron

this neuron in a two neuron system sends its axon out to the effect organ

postganglionic neuron

collection of neuronal cell bodies in the periphery


where do the neurons of a two neuron system synapse?


what neurotransmitter is released by the somatic nervous system? is it excitatory or inhibitory?

acetylcholine; always excitatory

the preganglionic fibers in the autonomic nervous system release what neurotransmitter onto the postganglionic neuron?


what neurotransmitter do the postganglionic sympathetic fiber release? excitatory or inhibitory?

norepinephrine; can be either

what neurotransmitter do the postganglionic parasympathetic fibers release? excitatory or inhibitory?

acetylcholine; can be either

why do the sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers release different neurotransmitters?

so the effector cell knows what division is giving out the signal

where do some sympathetic presynaptic neurons head to?

adrenal medulla

the center portion of your adrenal glands

adrenal medulla

the cells in this organ develop from the same embryonic tissue that gives you sympathetic ganglia but they just never developed an axon

adrenal medulla

what hormones does the adrenal medulla release?

epinephrine and noepinephrine

the release of hormones when you are scared helps to increase what?

the body's sympathetic response

does it take longer to get rid of hormones or neurotransmitters from the blood stream?


what are the sites of origin of the parasympathetic fibers?

brain and sacral spinal cord (S2-S4)

what division of the peripheral nervous system is the craniosacral division?


what division of the peripheral nervous system is the throacolumbar region?


what are the sites of origin of the sympathetic fibers?


this division has long preganglionic fibers and short postganglionic fibers


this division has short preganglionic and long postganglionic fibers


collection of neuronal cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system


this division's ganglia are in/near visceral organs


this division's ganglia are close to the spinal cord or vertebral column


the rest and digest system


its roles include helping with active digestion, elimination of urine and feces, constriction of pupils, lowering our heart rate to normal resting levels, reducing blood pressure and respiratory rates to normal levels


where are the cell bodies of the parasympathetic presynaptic neurons located?

in the brain stem (associated with CN III, VII, IX, and X) and the lateral gray better of the second through fourth segments of the sacral spinal cord

is there enough grey matter within the lateral grey matter to make another horn?


presynaptic neurons send their axons out and synapse with postsynaptic neurons in _____________ _______________

terminal ganglia

if terminal ganglia of the parasympathetic division don't have a specific name they are called this

intramural ganglia

these ganglia synapse near or actually in the wall of the organ they are innervating

intramural ganglia

collection of neuronal cell bodies in the central nervous system


where do cranial parasympathetic axons travel?

in the brainstem associated with CN III, VII, IX, and X


oculomotor nerve

these innervate smooth muscle in the eyes and causes the pupils to constrict allowing less light in protecting the retina and causes the lens to bulge so you can focus on objects right in front of you



facial nerves

these innervate the nasal, lacrimal, submandibular and sublingual glands; all of these glands become excited and produce fluids

facial nerves


glossopharyngeal nerves

these innervate the parotid glands (largest salivary glands) to stimulate it

glossopharyngeal nerves


vagus nerve

this nerve provides parasympathetic fibers to almost every organ in the thoracic and abdominal cavities

vagus nerve

ventral roots only contain what type of neurons

motor (efferent)

axons in segments S2-S4 of the preganglionic pre sympathetic neurons exit the spinal cord via what?

ventral roots

when the preganglionic parasympathetic neurons exit the ventral rami they form these?

pelvic splanchnic nerves

splanchnic refers to what?


these innervate the distal 1/2 of the large intestine, urinary bladders, and reproductive organs

from S2-S4

where are the cell bodies of sympathetic presynaptic neurons located?

in the lateral horns of the gray matter of T1-L2

all neurons found in the lateral horns are what?


one axon coming off of the cell body and 2 or more dendrites


in lateral horns what type of neurons are there?


thoracolumbar outflow from the cord segments supplies what?

visceral organs and all visceral structures in the superficial/somatic part of the body

when sympathetic preganglionic fibers leave the spinal cord through a ventral root they pass into what?

a spinal nerve

what do sympathetic presynaptic neurons travel via to get into a paravertebral galgnion on the sympathetic trunk

white ramus communicans

what are the 2 types of rami communicantes

white and grey

these rami communicants are myelinated, contain preganglionic fibers, are only fond at the T1-L2 cord segments and are how our preganglionic sympathetic axons get on the sympathetic chain


these rami communicants are unmyelinated, contain postganglionic fibers, are found all along the spinal cord, and are how we get off of the sympathetic chain


do typical visceral organs receive dual innervation?


the cardiac muscles o the heart and smooth muscle of the digestive and urinary tract organs receive dominant innervation from what division?


blood vessels are typically only innervated by this division


this division mediates body temperature


the adrenal medulla, sweat gland of skin, arrector pili muscles of the skin and the kidneys only recei
