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10 Cards in this Set

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1. What is the title of the article?
The Authority of God’s Law Today
2. How should a people live?
It all depends upon the standard we use. Better: it all depends upon the standard that God Himself uses for judging good and evil.
3. Where did the negative opinions about the law of God standard for Christian obedience started?
The many negative opinions about the law of God as a standard for Christian obedience in out day represents a setback from the theological insights of past generation of Christian scholarship, notably the tradition of the Puritans and the Westminster Standards.
4. What is the passage in Peter 1:25?
“But the word of the Lord abides forever”
5. In the theonomic and pro-nomian approach what is the first of the ten theses?
Since the Fall, it has always been unlawful to use the law of God in hopes of establishing one’s own personal merit and justification, in contrast or complement to salvation by way of promise and faith: commitment to obedience is but the lifestyle of faith, a token of gratitude for God’s redeeming grace.
6. In the theonomic and pro-nomian approach what is the seventh of the ten theses?
Christian involvement in politics calls for recognition of God’s transcendent, absolute, revealed law as a standard by which to judge all social codes.
7. In the theonomic and pro-nomian approach what is the tenth of the ten theses?
The civil precepts of the Old Testament are a model of perfect social justice for al cultures, even in the punishment of criminals.
8. What is theonomic ethics?
Theonomic ethics likewise rejects legal positivism and maintains that there is law above the law to which appeal can be made against the tyranny rulers.
9. Where can we turn for socio-political wisdom which can effectively counter the degeneration and disintegration of our culture?
The only acceptable answer will be to turn to God’s directives for social justice, and those are found in the Old Testaments.
10. What has the preceding book attempted to do?
The preceding books has attempted to provide a principled , systematic, and consistent approach to the question of whether and how the Old Testament law constitutes a standard for making moral decisions today.