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51 Cards in this Set

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Loot a burning house
趁火大劫chèn huǒ dà jié
Fake left go right
murderous intent behind smiles.
xiào lǐ cáng dāo
Take advantage of a good opportunity.
shùn shuǐ tuī zhōu
Strike while the iron is hot.
chèn rè dǎ tiě
Meet fire with fire.
以毒攻毒 yǐdúgōngdú
hanging onto another's coat tail.
狐假虎威 hújiǎhǔwēi
destroy sb. by taking advantage of the conflict with a third party
借刀杀人 jièdāoshārén
lure the enemy away from his base
调虎离山diàohǔlíshān id.
sex trap; sexual entrapment
美人计 měirénjì n.
You get what you pay for.
一分钱一分货yī fēn qián yī fēn huò
To catch bandits, first catch the ringleader
擒贼擒王 qín zéi qín wáng
undefended city stratagem; bluff
空城计kōng chéng jì n.
learn from one's mistakes
吃一堑长一智 chī yī qiàn -zhǎng yī zhì
bite off more than one can chew
贪多嚼不烂 tān duō jiáo bu làn v.p.
make off with sth.
顺手牵羊shùn shǒu qiān yáng id.
penny wise and dollar foolish
因小失大 yīn xiǎo shī dà f.e.
stratagem of sowing dissension/ divide and conquer
反间计 fǎn jiàn jì
Practice deception
满天过海 mǎn tiān guò hǎi
The wise appears dumb.
大智若愚 dà zhì ruò yú f.e.
①confidence game ②feigning self-sacrifice to win confidence
苦肉计 kǔ ròu jì n.
①inadvertently alert an enemy/opponent ②punish sb. as a warning to others
打草惊蛇 dǎ cǎo jīng shé id.
purely fictitious; fabricated; make something out of nothing.
wú zhōng shēng yǒu f.e.
interlocked stratagems; no huddle offense.
连环计 lián huán jì n.
fish in troubled waters
hún shuǐ mō yú id.
Golden cicada sheds its shell.
金蝉托壳 jīn chán tuō ké
f.e. loosen reins the better to tighten them
欲擒故纵 yù qín gù zòng
be friends with distant states while attacking those nearby
yuǎn jiāo jìn gōng f.e.
dé cùn jìn chǐ
wait for the enemy to exhaust himself
yǐ yì dài láo
id. ①〈humb.〉 offer banal/humble remarks to spark abler talk by others ②sacrifice a little to gain much
pāo zhuān yǐn yù
Borrow the road to Hu.

jiǎ dào fá hú
use the least expected route to attack.
àn dù chén cāng
f.e. relieve a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers
围魏救赵 wéi wèi jiù zhào
id. view sb.'s trouble with indifference
隔岸观火 gé'àn guān huǒ
①substitute one thing for another ②sacrifice oneself for another
李代桃僵 lǐ dài táo jiāng f.e.
f.e. ①revive in a new guise (of sth. evil) ②reincarnate in sb. else's body
借尸还魂 jiè shī huán hún
id. ①Take drastic meansures to deal with situation ②pull the carpet from under sb.
釜底抽薪 fǔ dǐ chōu xīn
id. perpetrate a fraud
偷梁换柱 tōu liáng huàn zhù
f.e. use softness to overcome hardness
以柔克刚 yǐ róu kè gāng
make oblique accusations; scold sb. indirectly
指桑骂槐 zhǐ sāng mà huái
Act crazy but not really crazy. feign madness
假痴不颠 jiǎ chī bù diān
play the fool/madman
zhuāng fēng mài shǎ
pretend to be deaf and dumb; pretend to be ignorant of sth.
zhuāng lóng zuò yǎ
bosom buddies, girl and boy
红颜知己hóng yán zhī jǐ
attack/criticize A to warn B
shā jī gěi hóu kàn id.
Make someone believe you can do something you can't, or are something your not.
树上开花 shù shàng kāi huā
leave sb. in the lurch
上屋抽梯 shàng wū chōu tī id.
catch a thief by closing his escape route
guān mén zhuō zéi f.e.
f.e. skill comes from practice, practice makes perfect
熟能生巧 shú néng shēng qiǎo
Failure is the mother of success.
shī bài chéng gōng zhī mǔ