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20 Cards in this Set

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Columbian Exchange
when Columbus brought unknown foods to England, and brought unknown foods from Europe to the Americas
Triangular Trade
ships from Europe came to Africa, picked up slaves, went to the Americas, dropped off slaves to do work, brought products made in Americas to Europe.
The first person to circumnavigate?
How did the Spanish become wealthy through the Americas?
They had plantations and mines in the Americas
"Enslavement of the native people is wrong" who said this, which lead to African slavery?
Las Casas
In what year did the English start to build their first permanent settlement, and what was it called?
In the year 1607, called Jamestown, Massachusetts.
Why did the Pilgrims come to Massachusetts? What was another name for these people?
For religious freedom; also called Puritans
What effect did the Columbian Exchange have on Europe?
European population growth. There were more nutritious diets.
From what year to what year did the French and Indian War last?
from 1751-1763
What marked the end of the French and Indian War?
The Treaty of Paris
What did the Treaty of Paris state?
It gives all the land to the English and France loses the lands in the Americas (the French surrender)
what is a conquistador?
any of the spanish conquerors in the Americas during the early 1500s
what 2 roles did the colonies play under mercantilism?
-supplied parent companies with raw materials that parent company could turn into useful merchandise
-were only allowed to buy items from parent country& increased money flow
Who was America named after?
Amerigo Vespucci
What were some reasons the Spanish explored?
searching for gold, land, and power
Who was the first person to sail to India?
Vasco da Gama
Who started the School of Navigation?
Prince Henry
A ship that combines square and triangular sails, used by early European explorers?
to travel completely around the globe
instrument that measures the angle of the sun and stars to determine latitude on the Earth's surface