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139 Cards in this Set

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facio, ere, feci, factus
do, grant, perform, offer, suppose
fama, ae f.
fame, report, reputation
fare, fari; fatur; fatus, a um
speak, say, tell, utter
fatum, i n.
fate, destiny
fero, ferre, tuli, latus
bear, endure; report, say; wear, carry off; extol; tend; grant, offer
ferrum, i n.
iron; sword; weapon, tool
fessus, a ,um
tired, weary, feeble, worn
finis, is m. (f.)
end, limit, border, country, goal, starting place
flamma, ae f.
flame, fire, torch; love
fluctus, us m.
wave, tide, flood, sea
for, fari, fatus
say, speak, tell, utter
fore; forem, es, et
see "sum"- to be
fors, fortis f.
chance, fortune, hap
fortuna, ae f.
fortune, chance, luck
fuga, ae f.
fugio, ere, fugi
flee (from), escape, shun
fundo, ere, fudi, fusus
pour (out), shed, lay low, slay
furo, ere, ui
rage, reve, be frantic
futurus, a, um
future, destined (to be), impending, about so be; see "sum"
fabricator, oris m.
constructor, maker
fabrico (1)
fashion, make
facesso, ere, ivi, itus
do, make, fulfill
facies, ei f.
appearance, face, aspect
facilis, e
easy, doable
factum, i n.
deed, act, exploit
fallo, ere, fefelli, falsus
decieve, cheat, mock, beguile, escape the notice of
falsus, a, um
false, deceitful, mock
fames, is f.
fames, is f.
famula, ae f.
female household slave
far, farris n.
spelt, a kind of grain
fas n. indeclin.
right, justice, divine
fastigium i(i) n.
top, roof, summit
fatalis, e
fatal, deadly, fated, fateful
fateor, eri, fassus
confess, agree
fatigo (1)
weary, tire out, harass
fatisco, ere
split, open, gape
fauces, ium f.
jaws, throat, pass, entrance
faux, faucis f.
jaws, throat, gulf
fax, facis f.
firebrand, torch
felix, icis
happy, fortunate, blessed
femina, ae f.
woman, female
femineus, a, um
feminine, of women
femur, oris n.
fenestra, ae f.
fera, ae f.
wild beast
ferina, ae f.
game, venison
ferio, ire
strike, smite, beat, kill
ferox, ocis
fierce, spirited, wild, savage
ferus, a, um
wild, savage, fierce, cruel
ferus, i m.
beast, monster, horse
ferv(e)o, ere, (ferbu)i
glow, boil; be busy
furvidus, a, um
burning, fiery
festino (1)
hasten, hurry, speed
festus, a, um
festival, festal
fetus, a, um
teeming, pregnant, filled
fetus, us m.
offspring, shoot, swarm, brood
fibula, ae f.
rooch, buckle, clasp
fictum, i n.
falsehood, fiction
fides, ei f.
faith, belief, trust, honor, pledge
fides, ium f.
lyre, strings, cords
fidus, a, um
faithful, trustworthy
figo, ere, fixi, fixus
fix, fasten, pierce
filius, i m.
filium, i n.
thread, chord, clue
fingo, ere, finxi, fictus
fashion, pretend, imagine, form
fio, fieri, factus
become, be made, arise
firmus, a, um
strong, solid, firm
fassilis, e
easily split, cleavable
flamen, inis n.
flammo (1)
inflame, burn, fire, kindle
flatus, us m
blast, wind, blowing
flavus, a, um
yellow, tawny, blond
flecto, ere, flexi, flectus
bend, move, turn, guide
fleo, ere, flevi, fletus
weep, lament, mourn
fletus, us m.
weeping, tears, lament
floreo,ere, ui
bloom, flourish
floreus, a, um
flos, floris m.
flower, blossom, bloom
fluentum, i n.
stream, flood
flumen, fluminis n.
river, stream, flood
fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluctus
fodio, fodere, fodi, fossus
foedo (1)
befoul, defile, pollute
foedus, a, um
foul, loathsome
foedus, foederis n.
treaty, agreement
folium, i n.
leaf, foliage
fomes, fomitis m.
tinder, fuel, shaving
fons, fontis m.
fountain, source
foris, is f.
door, gate, entrance
forma, ae f.
form, beauty, shape
formica, ae f.
fositan adv.
perhaps, possibly, perchance
fortis, e
brave, strong
fortunatus, a, um
fortunate, blessed
foveo, ere, fovi, fotus
fraglans, antis
fragrant, sweet-smelling
fragor, oris
m. crash, uproar
frango, ere, fregi, fractus
break, crush, shatter
fraudo (1)
defraud, deprive
fraus, fraudis
f. deceit, guile, fraud
fraxineus, a, um
ashen, of ash(wood)
fremo, ere, ui, itus
murmur, lament, groan, roar, rage
freno (1)
curb, check, restrain
frenum, i
n. rein, curb, check, bridle
frequens, entis
(in pl.) in great numbers
fretus, a, um
relying on (+abl.)
frigidus, a, um
cold, chill, frigid
frigus, oris
n. cold, frost, chill
frondens, entis
leafy, fronded
frondesco, ere
leaf, sprout
frondeus, a, um
frons, frondis
f. leaf, foilage, frond
frons, frontis
f. front, forehead, brow
frumentum, i
n. grain
adv. in vain, uselessly, ineffectually
frustum, i
n. piece, partq
frux, frugis
f.fruit, grain
fucus, i
n. drone
fugo (1)
put to flight, rout
fulcio, ire,lsi, ltus
support, prop
fulg(e)o, ere, (or ere), lsi
shine, flash, gleam
fulmen, inis
n. thunderbolt, lightning
fulvus, a, um
tawny, yellow, blond
fundamentum, i
n. foundation, base
found, establish, make fast
fungor, i, functus
perform, fulfill (+abl)
funis, is
m. rope, cable
funus, eris
n. funeral, death
furiae, arum
f. furies, madness
furibundus, a, um
wild, frenzied
furor, oris
m. madness,frenzy, fury Furor, oris m. Madness, Rage, Frenzy
adv. stealthily, furtively, secretly
furtivus, a, um
secret, stolen
furtum, i
n. stealth, theft, trick, fraud
futurum, i
n. the future, what is to be
Geatulus, a, um
of the Gaetuli, a tribe north of Africa
gaela, ae
f. helmet
Gallus, a, um
Gallic, Gaul