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67 Cards in this Set

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Per Capita Income
The average income per person which increased by two times in the post war years
A large corporation that owns many smaller companies that produce entirely different goods and services, these happened for fear of investing all resources in one business after the depression
THe right to open a restaurant using a parent company's brand name and system. The first of these was McDonald's
A tiny circuit device that amplifies, controls, and generates electrical signals. Used to create the first computers
Baby boom
A greatly increased birth rate from 1945-1965
GI Bill
Servicement's Readjustment Act(1944) which gave WWII vets low-interest mortgages to purchase their new homes
Rock and Roll
Type of music that grew out of rhythm and blues and became popular in the 1950's
The young generation in the 1950's that stressed spontaneity and spirituality instead of apathy and conformity
Taft-Hartley Act
Act that allowed the president to declare an 80-day cooling off period when strikes hit industries that affected the national interest. Strikers had to return to work during this period while the government conducted a study of the situation
Modern Republicanism
President Eisenhower's approach to government, described as "conservative when it comes to money, liberal when it comes to human beings."
National Defense Education Act
(1958) Designed to improve science and math instruction in the schools so that the U.S. could meet the scientific and technical challenge from the Soviet Union
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
"seperate facilities are inherently unequal"
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Protest in 1955-1956 by African Americans against racial segregation in the bus system of Montgomery, Alabama
The bringing together of different races
Who was the Democratic candidate in the election of 1952?
Adlai Stevenson
Who was Adlai Stevenson's running mate?
Under what slogan did Stevenson run?
"You've never had it so good"
Who was the Republican candidate in the election of 1952?
Who was Eisenhower's running mate?
Under what slogan did Eisenhower run?
"I like Ike"
What was Nixon accused of in the 1952 election?
He was accused of maintaining an $18,000 slush fund
What were the main issues in the election of 1952?
Korean War, communism, Cost of living, and technology (hydrogen bomb)
What was the famous speech by Nixon and what was it about?
Checkers speech; it was a speech saving himself and denying the slush fund, it talked of his personal finances and his dog named checkers
Why were people newly interested in religion?
It was a response to the cold war struggle against anti-communism
-Added the words under God to the pledge
-In God we trust appeared on currency
What role were women expected to play in the 1950's?
Supporting roles such as cooking, cleaning, and raising children
-Campfire girls
-Charity cases
Who was a major teen idol and film legend?
James Dean
What book was a major controversy in the 1950's?
Catcher in the Rye by Holden Caulfield
What did the 13th amendment do?
Abolished slavery or conditions of servitude
-exception was criminals who could be forced to labor at a penetentary, serve on a jury, or go into the military
What did the 14th amendment do?
Defines citizenship:
-"jus soli"-law of the land;born here automatically a citizen
-"Jus sanguinis"- law of the blood; If either parent is an american citizen you are a citizen
-Naturalization-Legally immagrate to U.S. and obtain citizenship
-Due Process
-Equal protection clause
What did the 15th amendment do?
Right to vote shall not be denied no matter race or color
Jim Crow Laws
Laws that found loopholes in amendments
-mostly in South
-poll taxes, literary tests, grandfather clause, segregation
Plessy v. Ferguson
Plessy wanted to sit in whatever train car he wanted to. Went to supreme court
-Supreme Court ruled "seperate but equal"
Brown v. Board of Education
Linda Brown wanted to go to nice white school 2 blocks away
-went to supreme court
-Decided seperate but equal was unconstitutional
Who was the lawer of the B v. B of education?
Thurgood Marshall
-1st black supreme court justice
"Operation Paperclip"
Kidnapped Germ. engineers and scientists(127), V2 equip., and 14 tons of documents
-Used Germ. resources to gain advantage over soviets
When did the U.S. explode its first hydrogen bomb?
When did the U.S.S.R send Sputnik into orbit
October 1957
What U.S. satellite failed to launch?
What was the first successful satellite the U.S. launched and when?
Explorer I, Feb. 1958
When did we land on the moon?
July 16th, 1969 (race urged by JFK and Khrushchev
Who was Ike's secretary of state?
John Foster Dulles
What was Dulles famous for?
-Active use of CIA to topple govs. and promote democracy
-Aid to anti-communists($60 million to france in indochina to fight Ho Chi Min and aid to Shah of Iran)
-Summits with leader Nakita Khrushchev
Sold Gov. rubber factories to public....Conservative or liberal?
Ended price and wage controls on industry during the Korean War.....Conservative or liberal?
Allowed offshore oil drilling...Conservative or liberal?
Broadened the social security system to include more people(severe disabilities).....Conservative or liberal?
Created Cabinet position of health, education, and welfare....Conservative or liberal?
Increased money for medical research in hospitals...Conservative or liberal?
Sold damns on Snake River...Conservative or liberal?
Wanted to cut budget and taxes....conservative or liberal?
New programs for urban slums and public housing...Conservative or liberal?
What did the candidates of the election of '56 rely heavily on?
What is the outcome of the election of '56?
Ike wins and the democrats increase majority in house
What were 3 advances of the civil rights movement in the 1950's?
-Federal supreme court decisions
-Ike and Congress led by Linden Johnson pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957
-Exposure by the media of bigotry and discrimination throughout society
What dictator in 1958 was overthrown by Fidel Castro?
What did Castro do once he seized power?
Seized foreign holdings, collectivised farms, made ties to U.S.S.R, and set up prison camps
What did Khrushchev to when he came do the U.S.?
(1959)Went to the west coast, wanted to go to disneyland, and met with Ike at camp david
When did Khrushchev announce that the u.s.s.r. had shot down a u.s. plane?
May 5, 1960-pilot was captured and confessed to spying
After what term did Ike step down and what did he warn the u.s. about?
His second term, warned of foreign dangers
Where did Ike retire to?
Who was considered a mudslinger?
Who ran as president while holding the title of government of Illinois?
Who was a senator from California when he ran for office?
Where was Orval Fabus from?
Who invented the polio vaccine?
Who created McDonalds?
Ray Kroc
What was the most popular movie of 1955?
Rebel without a cause