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73 Cards in this Set

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George William Friedrich Hegel
Historical idealism. Mind accounts for reality/knowledge mind. Reality is a construction of the mind or manifestation of absolute spirit (God) which in each era develops the story
Who says reality is a construction of the mind or manifestation of absolute spirit
All reality is
How does the principle of rationality unfold?
Spirit plato's ideas never changed their minds
Dynamic idealism
Truth is not being but becoming. Reason and reality are dynamic
Absolute spirit of God
Manifested and realized through finite minds. God is spirit immanent in the world and comes to self consciousness in human reason identification of God and reason
An idealistic philosophy of history
History is the unfolding of a logical process, a dialectic.
Dialectic triad
Thesis, antithesis, synthesis
Spirit/mind (through individual finite minds) poses a thesis
The antithesis is found as a contradiction within itself
After the thesis and antithesys are resolved we have synthesis which does not negate the 2 but draws them up in "mediation" to his/her understanding which includes the 2
HIstory does not reveal
truth "behind if" but it is dynamic truth - movement.
What does Hegel give impetus to?
historical studies
Study of events in history, history is the study of the nature of universe/spirit.
Pretty influential for a while. History of ideas and how they unfold
What an be said about the dialectic?
Always in progress, moving higher.
There is a seemingly linear progress of spirit in history.
Concept of being example
Being (and every concept) contains its own contradiction within itself.
Being implies non-being.
From this contradiction, spirit/mind moves to higher synthesis: becoming.
What does Hegel say Christiantity is?
He says it is a movement within the dynamic of the unfolding within the dialectical dynamic of reason. REligion is subsumed with in the dialectic/dynamic of reason. Representation of absolute spirit.
What does the dialectic culminate in?
Why is Christianity the culmination of the dialectic?
Because of the incarnation: the final coming together of God and humanity.
Christianity is a synthesis of God and world. Universal and particular.
Evaluation of Hegel
Reason/spirit dominates all reality which is an unfolding of manifestations of absolute. Accounts for particular events but subsumes the min the dialectic.
How is God made immanent to the world?
As absolute spirit
What is theology transformed into?
History of the absolute spirit or dialectic.
Soren Kierkegaard
Considered father of modern existentialism
Who was Kierkegaard in opposition to and why?
HE was against Hegel and Schliermacher who want to find a way to know/touch God.
What does Keirkegaard say?
He says that there is an infinite distance between God and the human person. No reconciling faith with universal reason.
What does kierkegaard separate?
Separates faith from reason/universality.
Christian faith not to be identified with virtue or the good/decent life of exemplary citizen. Not universal reason but the individual stands before God. Such a relationship and its demands/rewards cannot be explained by reason.
Critique of Hegel
System has no room for "existence" for the particular individual which must be sacrificed to find universal.
What does Hegel say about existence?
Existence is primary and can't be formulated by a system or be mediated by universal.
What does Hegel place the focus on?
Hegel places focus on individual human person
Human person standing before the all powerful God who does not fit into our rational system. Each of us can choose who we become we anguish over this.
What is Hegel's view on anguish
With human freedom and fallibility comes anguish of individual
What is Sin in Hegel's system
Sin is an attempt to base identity on oneself rather than on relationship/God
Hegel's 3 stages of life
1. Aesthetic stage
2. Ethical stage
3. Stage of faith
Aesthetic stage
pursuit of pleasure-live for the moment. Includes refined pleasure such as painting ect. Final outcome: despair-to live for the moment means life is meaningless just a string of sensations.
Ethical stage
Follow universal principles of decency and good.
Gain authenticity life of duty and responsibilitly
Also leads to despair because there is no remedy for sin
Stage of faith
Faith requires a leap and involves dread and anguish. Jump into darkness. Universal princop;es may be set aside b/c of a higher command/call from God. Rule not by ethical principles but by God.
Abraham example illustrates stage of faith
God commands Abraham to kill his son Isaac. This is against moral law. No way to reason your way out of it. Religious may be unethical and absurd.
Belief in the absurd
What is faith in the individual related to?
Not to law but directly to God.
Faith is the opposite of
despair seems impossible by reason, by faith, or by virtue of Christ you believe.
Jesus Christ as paradox
The man-God is the absolute paradox. AGainst those who negate the divinity
Against those who want divinity in philosophy
Christ belongs to the supernatural order paradox only faith can accept. Double scandal to reason
What is the double scandal to reason?
That an individual concrete man is God
That God lowers himself and suffers
Kierkegaard contributions
Combats modernism in the name of Christ.
Defends particular individual and revelation
Rejuvinates Lutheran sola fides
Criticism of Kierkegaard's system
Exaggerated individualism-seems one faces God alone how do some fit in to Churches teachings. Faith impossible to communicate no rationality
Does Kierkegaard believe in doctrine?
No he has little need for Church or doctrine
Defends not so much faith as transcendence of God. Irrationality of faith.
Albrecht Ritsch
Germanfollowed historical critical method.
Following Kant rid theology of metaphysics. Religious knowledge is not speculative but practical=ethics. Opposes Schleiermacher and priests.
2 focal points of Ristch
Redemption and Kingdom of God
Salvation for individuals
"reconciliation" rather than justification
Focus on the effect of the sinner rather than the removal of God's judgement.
Freedom from sense of guilt
Free to realize human ideal within horizon of history in this world. Results in vocation to work in the kingdom.
What does redemption result in?
vocation to work in the Kingdom
Kingdom of God
Ethical concern/work for world/society
what does he say about the kingdom of God?
Not supernatural but here and now begun by Jesus.
In the kingdom, highest good realized through love of neighbor.
What is the accent in the kingdom of God placed on?
Accent placed on praxis is not theory.
Work in the world is to participate in kingdom.
In Ritschl's system what is sin?
Sin is an action which opposes the kingdom of God. It's about justice material not spiritual goal.
Does Ritsch's system have concern for direct relationship with God?
How does he see God as our savior?
Not objective work of expration of sins
Rather, a teacher whose example frees our conscience from power of guilt which separates us from god.
So rejects observations and judicial theory of attonement and favors subjective
Summary of Ritschl
Tried to liberate prot theology from dogma, mysticism, pietism, romanticism.
historical approach used
Focuses on history and ethical work of the kingdom
Sin and grace reduced in importance
What is sin
a type of ignorance faulty consciousness/guilt separates us from God.
What is grace Ritchel
Grace is little more than our awareness of God's love
David Strauss
Questions historical basis of gospels says they are not about history
Hegelian philosophy
What book did Strauss write?
Life of Jesus Critically Examined
What did the book say
that both supernaturalists and rationalists are wrong
assert all is literally true
assert all false give natural explanations
what does Strauss conclude about the Gospels?
He says they are myth
Natural mode of perception of primitive mind
Representation of an event/idea in pictorial or imaginative form through experience of a primitive age.
Not literal truth based in history but not mere falsehood
Where does myth of gospel originate from?
1. Idea of messianic expectation
2. Exceptional personality of Jesus influence on expectation
Do we have enough evidence to construct historical jesus? What does this mean?
No so this means jsus is mythic
How do they view Jesus?
Ultimate meaning is the reconcile human with divine faith w/infinite
Christ expresses truth of ultimate unity of God and humanity.
Largely reflecte by academic and public, yet influential
Why didn't he think Bible was historical
Dubious assumptions about what counts as history. Not much history in the Gospel. Must strip them of everything mythic.
Adolf Von Harnack
Uses historical method to strip faith nude, strip dogma, strip all things that came by philosophy
What does Von Harnack
wants to extract timeless "kernal" of essential Christianity from the "husk" of Church history and dogma.
Liberate Christianity from weight of Hellenization
Liberate Christianity from
Gospel in its origin didn't deal with dogma. Church translated gospel into philosophical concepts of Hellenistic culture for apologetic reasons: doctrinal author itariaions.
Protestant reformation attempted to
Recover the Gospel and strip it from philosophy.
Reformation Churches fell back into dogmatism
Efort must be completed by the historical-critical method.
Corelessence of the Gospel:
A disposition that he Father of Jesus Christ awakens in heart of men and women by the Gospel. A yearning for presence of the eternal in time (Hegelian influence)
3 evangelic principles in Gospel
1. Fatherhood of God
2. Infinite worth of Human soul
3. Ethical idea of kingdom of God and its coming
Evaluation of Hornack
Places historical method and reasoning above light of faith
Sees only negative influence of helenization
Thinks of Gospel as nude
Hostility to dogma whereas dogma seems to protect and reveal the Gospel.