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65 Cards in this Set

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Elections held to ratify constitutional amendments or fill vacancies.
Special Election
This political party activity is held in June on even-numbered years.
Party State Convention
Main goal of interest groups
Influence Decision Makers
Two main political parties in Texas
Republican & Democratic parties
Political party conventions and primaries comprise this aspect of party organizations in Texas.
Temporary Organization
Election held in November of odd-numbered years
General Election
Election held in March on even-numbered years
Primary Election
Popular media tool used to advertise someone's political campaign
What is the strongest socioeconomic characteristic that influences voter turnout?
Organization that collects and distributes funds to political campaigns.
Political Action Committee (PAC)
Most Texans say this is their principal political activity
Voting in Elections
This group were the main targets of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 aimed at increasing political participation.
Ethnic Minorities
What amendment prohibited states from denying the vote due to race?
15th Amendment
What amendment prohibited poll tax?
24th Amendment
Which law, passed in 1993, allows you to find voter registration forms at the DPS?
National Voter Registration Act
Reduction or elimination of the graduated income tax is likely to be supported by which ideology?
Conservative Ideology
Which political party dominated Texas for more than 100 years after Reconstruction?
Democratic Party
How is Voter Turnout calculated?

Voter Turnout = # of Voters Voting / # of Eligible Voters or # Voted

Identify VAP
Voting Age Population

Identify VEP
Voter Eligible Population
This Texas law requires one of seven forms of identification for a person to be able to vote.
Voters ID Law
One result of grassroots activity by interest groups is that it creates the appearance of this kind of support for the group's program.
Public Support
People participate in politics, such as voting, despite knowing that the impact of their individual participation would appear to be too small to matter.
Paradox of Participation
Level of local government that conducts the general elections.
County Government
This political party declined largely due to the Democratic Party adopting much of its platform and co-opting its leaders.
Populist Party
A political science professor at Midwestern University in Wichita Falls, TX in 1961 was the first Texas Republican elected statewide in the last half of the 20th century.
John Tower
What geographic areas include Midland-Odessa and Amarillo are important for Republican candidate fundraising?
Permian Basin & Texas Panhandle
The 2002 general elections was a banner year for the Republican Party because of this, a feat repeated very recently.
Winning all statewide races
Trend that describes voters abandoning their traditional political party allegiance.
I am allowed to vote within this number of days for early voting before a general election.
17 Days
This first amendment right is the basis of the right to form and participate in interest groups.
Freedom of Association
When no candidate obtains the majority vote in a primary election, this type of election is held.
When a voter votes in the Republican primary, but votes for the Democratic candidate in the general elections, who is this kind of voter?
Crossover Voter
Which languages must ballots be written in, as stated in the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
English & Spanish
Which occupations most represent political interest groups?
Professional & Managerial
Texas has strong _________ , but weak _________.
strong Interest Groups, weak Political Parties

Elections held between presidential elections
Midterm Elections
Details of political contributions and expenditures of a candidate are filed with this Texas commission.
Ethics Commission
Following this scandal, the Texas legislature prohibited candidates for the speakership from giving anything of value to supporters.
Sharpstown Scandal
Which type of ballot provides for secret voting?
Australian Ballot
La Raza, Reform Party, and the Libertarian Party are examples of this type of political party
Third Party
To win a statewide office in Texas, you do not want to campaign as a believer of this ideology
Liberal Ideology
The American political system which allocates powers between the federal and state governments and encourages a decentralized organization structure of interest groups.
According to studies of lobbying in Texas, the most commonly employed strategy by interest groups in influencing legislation is by providing legislators with what?
Relevant Information
Racial, gender, and religious issues are examples of this type of interest group.
Social Interest Group
Common Cause of Texas is an example of this interest group
Public Interest Group
The Texas Trial Lawyers' Association is this type of interest group
Professional Interest Group
The Texas Association of Businesses and the Chamber of Commerce represent this type of interest group
Umbrella Organization
According to election studies, what is the strongest indicated of how a person is likely to vote?
Party Identification
Texas workers do not have to join a labor union because of this law
Right-to-Work Law
In Texas, trial lawyers opposed this reform because it capped the damages they can claim for their clients in certain civil cases.
Tort Reform
How do Interest Groups and Political Parties differ?
Interest Groups aim to influence decisions of those already in office & Political Parties aim to influence policy by electing their members to political offices.
Because political parties include groups with different claim and demands, which are translated into policy platforms, they are viewed as performing this function.
Interest Aggregation
A person who obtains the benefits he wants following an election in which he did not participated is receiving this type of benefit.
Collective Benefit
Benefits awarded only to persons that actually participate to obtain them are said to receive these kinds of benefits.
Selective Benefits
Actively campaigning in support of candidates to office by an interest group
An organization that works with government officials for the purpose of influencing public policy
Interest Groups
An organization influenced by political ideology whose primary interest is to gain control of government by winning elections.
Political Party
Primaries and conventions that function briefly to nominate candidates, pass resolutions, adopt a party platform, and select delegates to party conventions at higher levels.
Temporary Party Organization
At the lowest level of political party organization, voters convene in March of even-numbered years to adopt resolutions and to name delegates to a county or district convention.
Precinct Convention
Occurs when members of one party shift their affiliation to another party.
Voting for all the candidates of one party.
Straight-Ticket Voting
A candidate who runs in a general election without party endorsement or selection.
Independent Candidate
Decentralization is achieved by dividing power between national and state governments and separating legislative, executive, and judicial branches at both levels.
Decentralized Government
Communicating with legislators or other government officials on behalf of an interest group for the purpose of influencing decision makers.