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111 Cards in this Set

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April 1917: US enters War: What was the theme of the war? How was it two sided?
Viewed as an “ idealistic crusade” to spread democracy. The other side of a Crusade mindset is intolerance.
What are some key components to the war?
o The draft is used for the first time since the
o Centralization of the economy through the government, war industries board, food administrations etc. this type of government control was very much in the spirit of the progressives. Another by product of the war is strong central government
o Prohibition became very popular during the war. People thought our supplies should be used for something else, besides going into alcohol production. Also, the 19th amendment is the outgrowth of this wartime spirit-if we are spreading democracy, then why cant our women vote?
What are the major policy changes in 1918?
– In special session, TX Leg passes anti-liquor legislation, patriotism laws, and changes in election laws.
Who won the democratic primary in 1918? Ferguson or Hobby?
Hobby defeats Ferguson.
When was the 19th amendment ratified in the TX legislature?
June of 1919
What were the 2 laws/acts related to prohibition and when were they enacted?
Dean Law enacted to implement prohibition in Oct. Dean law implements prohibition in Texas in 1919. The Volstead act starts in January 1920 and this is at a NATIONAL level.
What were the main issues TX faces immediately after WWI?
1. The Hood: the Ku Klux Klan, it becomes very powerful group in TX in the 1920s as well as the rest of the South. At one point, ¼ of all white males were apart of the group. Why? The Klan was presenting itself quite differently then they are now.
2. The Bonnet: Marian Ferguson, she campaigned for governor and WON, it is the return of the Fergusons.
3. Little Round Jug: politics referring to prohibition
What year does national prohibition begin?
Pat Neff: When is he elected Governor? What are his views/platforms?
He is sympathetic to the Klan. He is a Baptist from Waco, later president of Baylor. He claims he’s never smoked, drank, never danced, hunted, and never gambled. People said this was ridiculous (Jesus even drank wine). Pat is a frustrated reformer because, unlike earlier in the 20th century, rural conservatives dominate the legislature and they do not want to pass any progressive acts.
What was the high point of the Klan in the US? Who was the man elected and who was he facing?
Earle Mayfield elected to US Senate. High point of TX Klan. He makes it to the highest point the Klan ever makes it. He does not get re-elected in 1928 because of how unpopular the Klan becomes by that point.

• Jim Ferguson is his major opponent in this election. This is the last time he runs for anything. He is afraid that if he wins anything, his competitors will put his name on the ballot and get him arrested. Ferguson is now ANTI-KLAN
What did the Klan represent?
Klan presented itself as a moral majority. They were anti-immigrant, against teaching of evolution, like most progressives. However, they did have vigilante tendencies. In some ways, they were an outgrowth of the progressive movement. They engaged in vocational Klan-isms-list a bunch of businesses to patronize and boycott.
What year does the issue of evolution hit the TX legislature? What happens?
Anti-evolution bill passes TX House. Dies in Senate but there is an executive order that bans the mention of evolution in the textbooks.
Who won the governorship in 1924 and why did she win?
1924 - “Ma” Ferguson elected Governor-the only reason she was running was she thought her husband had been cheated. She wanted to clear the family name. Because of the Ferguson base and anti-Klan sentiment, Ma won.
Who is elected governor in 1926 and how is he elected?
Moody: was elected because of his honestly. He went up against the Fergusons before, attacking their corruptness. Ferguson makes a deal that if Moody got first, Ferguson would drop out and vice versa-takes the deal even though the Fergusons are lying and do not drop out. He appointed Sterling to the State Highway Administration and he later became governor.
Which court case in 1927 made the first attempt to strike down the White Primary?
Nixon v. Herndon
In the 1928 presidential election, who does TX support? What are the candidates stances?
Texas supports Herbert Hoover (Self-made millionaire, devoted the rest of his life to philanthropy, he served in the Wilson, Hardy and Coolidge administrations. When he ran for president, he had a lot of support) over Al Smith. Al Smith is the Democratic representative (Irish Catholic against prohibition, he is VERY wet. And he receives a lot of resistance in TX. It is the first time that one of the major parties has not elected a Protestant.
Who defeats Mayfield in the Senate Race in 1928? What are his stances?
Tom Connally defeats Earle Mayfield in US Senate race. Connally is very conservative on spending, he is a white supremacist. He is a CONSERVATIVE southern Democrat, but is a internationalist.
When does the Great Depression Occur and how does TX react?
great depression occurs in 1929. The stock market crash begins in US in 1929, but does not affect TXs immediately. It was “felt” in TX about a year later. A lot of people are hit very hard, more than 25% unemployed in Houston. New Deal is the response to this. This is very liberal. Roosevelt’s invention: public jobs programs, gov’t providing agricultural price supports, social security act=all very liberal, and what we recognize today. This is when the Democrjats become the tax and spend party.
Who is the governor elected in 1930? What are his
Ross Sterling elected Governor. He was a rich businessman who owned a newspaper, later owned part of Exxon Mobile. He was unprepared for the depression. He tried to raise taxes and balance the budget but the legislature would not allow him to. We can deficits for quite a while, and they would not raise taxes to make money.
In 1932, What President and Vice President are elected and how do they end up running together?
Roosevelt & Garner elected. We vote for Republican at the national level, starts very slowly. We slowly become more Republican. Al Smith (defeated in ‘28) wanted another chance. Roosevelt wants the nomination, he does not have 2/3 majority of the delegates but Garner releases his delegates and Roosevelt gets his 2/3. He is grateful to Garner and offers him the vice-presidency.
Who was blamed for the depression and for what reason?
Hoover and Republicans are blamed for the depression because they were in power when it hit and when it was building. He was blamed for inaction.
What are some of the policies enacted in FDR's first 100 days?
Roosevelt sprung into action after he was elected. For the next 3 months, 15 major laws are put into place. The Banking Act, the Conservation Core, the federal emergency relief act (public jobs program), agricultural adjustment act (farming jobs act-set up something very similar to the old sub-treasury plan), harnessing the Tennessee River’s power, truth and securities act (Sam Rayburn’s committee-becomes very powerful, he is chairman of foreign state and commerce committee, he is a strong New Dealer but a segregationist)
When is the sale's tax enacted?
It is not until the 1960s that a sales tax is put into place.
In 1934, what happens to Jim Ferguson?
Texas Senate investigation reveals mismanagement of relief funds. Jim Ferguson removed from chairing Relief Committee.
In 1934, who (Hogg) is elected Governor? What is his big issue?
Atty Gen James V. Allred elected Governor- he is Very liberal; big supporter of Roosevelt. He is like Hogg-crusading attorney general who wants to raise taxes on chain stores and break up with business cells. This is going against the national recovery administration. He was more in the spirit of Wilson-bigness in business is bad.
o Big issue: old age pensions. This was a movement that began building in the 1930s. People now thought that people 65+ should have a retirement program, like modern day social security. Long was an advocate and wanted to get wealth from people worth more than 5$ million and distribute the money to others. This put pressure on Roosevelt to create social security act in ’35. State wise, the old age pension program is very important. the state cannot come up with the money until federal money comes in ’40.
RDR is reelected in 1936. What are his accomplishments during his 2nd 100 days?
social security passed during this time, rural electrical act (electricity to farms all over nation), public cooperatives created by REA, breaking up monopolies in public utilities, raising the top tax bracket, new neutrality regulations keeping us out of foreign wars. This is the last burst of New Deal legislation because the Congress does not pass any more programs after this. Roosevelt had made some big mistakes at the beginning of his second term.
1935, What happens to Prohibition at the state level?
Statewide Prohibition entirely repealed. Back to local option.
In 1937, what was Roosevelt's plan for the Supreme Court? What were the reactions to it?
FDR announces plan to reorganize Supreme Court- he had not been able to appoint any judge and they were all very conservative. He wanted to “help out” the Supreme CT by appointing 6 new justices making the total 15. People like Garner, Sumners, and Connally saw through this and began to not support him. He technically could increase the size of the CT if Congress will allow you to. He thinks Garner will help him, but he leaves town. In the end, Roosevelt did not get any more judges. First FAILURE of Roosevelt’s
Who remained loyal to FDR?
Rayburn becomes Majority Leader in U.S. House- he did not like the court backing plan but was loyal to Roosevelt, he could’ve become vice-president in ’44 but Truman was picked instead.
•LBJ elected from 10th CD in special election- Buchanan died, so special election was held. Johnson was the ONLY won whom supported Roosevelt’s court backing plan. Roosevelt learned about him through this. They met.
What was born as a reaction to FDR's attempted purge?
FDR's attempted purge backfires-campaigned against Tx congressmen who were disproving of him but all were elected anyway. Birth of Conservative Coalition- coalition of Southern Democrats and Republicans begins, Republicans gain more seats in the house
Who is elected governor in 1938 and what was his platform?
•Wilbert Lee O'Daniel elected Governor- better known as “Pappy O’Daniel”: he was a showman and his program had sponsored the radio program that was heard throughout the state, it featured swing country music. It was new music of blend of country and big band sound of the era. Daniel was the announcer, but also recited poems and gave sermons on the show-it was very cheesy. In ’38, he decided to run for governor as a publicity stunt for his flower company and show. He was touring for publicity but the public took his campaign seriously. His slogan was “the 10 commandments” and he believed in the golden rule. He favored the sales tax “transactions tax”. People believed in his sincerity. He would’ve done well in times like now. He was refreshing and a change for TX. Politicians had let people down at this point and he represented the forces of “good” against the “bad” politicians.
-He eventually left office because he was accused of doing nothing (not being able to get the state out of debt or give old age pensions, he tried to raise taxes)
In 1940, who replaces Garner as VP and what military related act is enacted?
Select Service Act (Draft)
After Morris Sheppard dies, what happens with O' Daniel vs. LBJ?
(O’Daniel decides to replace Sheppard; cannot appoint himself so he brings in A.J.Houston who does not want the bid. Johnson learned something from this special election-he allowed O’Daniel to steal votes at the end. All Daniel won was to serve out the rest of Sheppard’s term-only until 1942. )
In 1942, Allred, Moody and O' Daniel face off for the Senate seat. Who wins and what happens?
O’Daniel defeated Allred in the run off but never wins another election again. He is a complete flop in the Senate, he has no influence)
Who is elected Governor in 1942? What are his stances?
Coke Stevenson elected Governor (very conservative and very tight lipped, beginning in 1942, the US is in the war, and there are suddenly a surplus of jobs and many parts of the economy were aiding in war manufacturing) The US economy had been so stagnant, but this changed during the war. He started the Texas Good neighbor organization-invest complaints about discrimination. He was not very interested in minority rights but in the courts big victories begin to be won for minorities.
What Court case and in what year finally ended the white primary, although no one really listened?
1944 - Smith v. Allwright ends White primary
What was Rainey known as and what does it mean?
. He becomes the first post-war Liberal Democrat in state politics. He’s for sales tax and ending the poll tax etc. shows that the liberal wing is small but it does exist.
What year is the Taft Hartley act implemented and what does it do?
Taft/Hartley Act-1945
never require en employee to join a labor union as a condition for having a job.
When does Truman become President and why does he make many conservatives upset?
1945 Truman had not done a lot before he was elected, he is put on the ticket because he is viewed as a “safe” choice. It is assumed that he would be a typical Southerner. He is actually a huge new dealer like FDR, and he is interested in civil rights). They really regret this later on because he turns out to be more liberal.
Who is elected governor in 1946 and what was he very much against?
Beauford Jester elected Governor (Moderate Conservative, he looks progressive however compared to many of his predecessors. He was responsible for some prison and education reform) a rash of strikes occurred because price fixes were taken off, causing them to soar, but the wages were not raised. Labor unions rose up, and there was a huge anti-labor backlash. Jester is very anti-labor.
Was Truman reelected in 1948 or did Dewey defeat him?
Truman elected over Dewey (everyone thought Truman would lose, but Dewey is one of the worst campaigners in history.
In 1948, who wins the US senate seat, LBJ or Coke Stevenson?
•LBJ defeats Stevenson for U.S. Senate nomination (Johnson argues that Stevenson is the party of organized labor even though this is false, Stevenson does not renounce the support from the labor organization, Johnson is against the anti-lynching law, repeal of poll tax, and civil rights acts. Johnson is at the most conservative phase of his career. He gets into a runoff with Stevenson, and he wins.
In the 1950 case Sweat vs. Painter, which University opened its doors to blacks?
UT Austin! More blacks getting into higher education in general.
What are some of the main issues of the 1950s?
civil rights, red scare and communism, labor unions, scandals in the state land office)
In 1950, who does the supreme court side with when deciding who owns the Tidelands in the Gulf of Mexico?
The Federal Government.
After Jester dies 1949, Shivers runs what sort of administration?
We see mostly conservative gov’t by Shivers (jester dies in ’49) Shivers is a strong governor, and is an important party leader. He is the leader of the Shivercrats-leads Democratic Party in TX away from supporting the Democratic National presidential candidate, and instead to support Republican Eisenhower.
In 1952, how does Truman respond to TX's claim to the Tidelands?
Truman vetoes bill giving states right to lease tidelands.
In 1952, who is reelected Governor? Who is voted to the Senate?
Shivers. Price Daniel.
Yarborough elected to fill Daniel's seat in special election –Yarborough is finally elected to something, Daniel elected to governor but gives it up to go to senate. Yarborough is way too liberal for the state, strong supporter of civil rights while as a senator.
Brown Vs. Board?
What is Truman's stance on TX and the Tidelands?
He believes the Tidelands belong to the Federal Government.
In what year is Allen Shivers first elected Governor?
What scandal damages Shiver's popularity in 1955?
Veterans Land Board scandal, Insurance Commission scandal damage Shivers’ popularity (land developers were faking people into paying inflated prices, developers were getting extra money and members of the Board) they were doing nothing to regulate
inrush, a thrust(into) [suddenly + enter]
in 1958, who are the two main candidates for Governor? Which Mexican American senator loses and to whom?
Yarborough vs. Blakely. Gonzales vs. Daniel.
Who is elected in 1960 for President and VP? Why did one need the other?
still very few primaries at this time, and only ran in these to show you had widespread voting appeal. Kennedy was young and inexperienced and most importantly CATHOLIC. He had to show he could win in the states. Kennedy also had a hormonal disease that made him sick. Kennedy had no following in the South so he needed Johnson.
Who is the first Statewide Republican elected since Reconstruction and when is he elected?
1961 - Tower wins Senate seat in special election- first state wide Republican since Reconstruction, 70 candidates at this place it was chaos.
Who wins the Governor's Office in 1962 and what gives him an advantage? What does he accomplish?
1962 - Connally defeats D. Yarborough for Governor
o Connally is wounded in Kennedy’s assassination. He is seriously wounded. From then on, Connally’s political popularity greatly increases and is re-elected. He is very interested in higher education. He believed the state could not flourish or strengthen without higher education. He is also a huge promoter of tourism (first time we try to appeal our state to tourists). He is not a civil rights activist. He is close with Ben Barnes (who is the Speaker of the TX House). Showed that the governor by himself cannot do a lot, and only is powerful when they have a relationship with the Speaker or Lieutenant Governor. The Barnes and Connally team was accomplished a lot.
What date is President JFK assassinated?
1963 Nov 22
In 1964, who ran for President and who won?
LBJ defeats Goldwater (Johnson has to run for re-election because he is serving out the last year of Kennedy’s term. Goldwater is a conservative Republican and he had no chance of defeating Johnson. Johnson claimed that Goldwater was a warmonger and was rash and impulsive and would get us into a nuclear war with Russia
Who faces off for the Senate Seat in 1964 and what are both party's politics?
Yarborough defeats George H. W. Bush (Bush was running as a Goldwater Conservative, which was untrue to his true politics, Republican from Connecticut) Yarborough was the Democratic nominee through Johnson’s help-gives him 6 more years in the Senate.
What 2 things happen in the 1960s that change TX politics from 1 party state to 2 party state?
2 things that happen in the 1960s that remake TX politics from a one party state from a two party state: 1) end of the poll tax, people can now afford to go vote who were previously disadvantaged 2) one person/one vote decisions of the supreme court causing re-districting to make voting fair and district populations relatively even. Going from a dominant conservative Democratic state to a two party system of a conservative Republican Party and a moderate/liberal Democratic Party.
What acts and policies were implemented by the Johnson administration in 1965? What role did the Vietnam War play?
Voting Rights Act (this finally backs up the registration system allowing minorities to vote), Federal Aid to Education, Medicare and Medicaid, and Vietnam-Johnson makes a huge effort to try and get these reforms underway, but the war took most money for these reforms away. There were great victories in 64/65 and deteriorated in 65.
In 1966, who faced off against Tower and what was the outcome?
Tower defeats Waggoner Carr- Tower was willing to step aside in favor of someone else, but Waggoner was a terrible campaigner. The outcome was close.
When GHW Bush was elected to the House in 1966, what were his political tendencies?
o Bush, once he got to the House, voted in favor of the Open Housing Act etc policies, which were not favored in his district. His tendencies were to be a moderate Republican, but many pressured him to make conservative Republican decisions.
What year is the poll tax struck down?
What year did LBJ retire and what caused his downfall?
1968 - LBJ, Connally retire (The Vietnam War destroys LBJ’s popularity, the
“Great Society’s” policies money went into Vietnam, and he would not raise taxes, causing high inflation during the 1970s. Huge crowds of demonstrators show up wherever he is. Everyone assumes Robert Kennedy will then win after LBJ drops out, but he is assassinated. MLK is also assassinated).
In 1968, who runs for President and what was the winner's and loser's platform?
Nixon defeats Humphrey (liberal and loyal VP to Johnson but liberal Democrats turned against him). Wallace tried to gain the Democratic nomination and wanted to bomb Vietnam in order to win (white backlash of the working class) Nixon rides on a “law and order” platform-so many riots going on at this point that this is highly appealing. The “silent majority” wanted order. Humphrey does win TX though.
Who is elected governor in 1968?
Preston Smith elected Governor (moderate conservative, interested in higher education, responsible for UH becoming 4-year school, made new medical schools in Houston and Lubbock. Pretty forgettable man though)
Who defeats both Ralph Yarborough and then defeats GHW Bush in the year 1970?
Lloyd Bentsen.
When did the Sharpstown Bank Scandal take place and what happened?
1971 – January. Sharpstown Bank Scandal begins.
The bank was established by Sharp in Sharpstown, a town he created and named after himself. His bank was engaged in illegal lending practices. He sold life insurance stock to individuals at a below market place and loaned money to these people to buy it, THEN bought it back from them at market place, and finally sold it at above market price to Strake school in Houston. Smith was involved, but not sure how. It slowly was developed that Sharp was given immunity for his testimony-facts had a huge effect on state elections.
In 1972, how did the Sharpstown Scandal cause a complete turnover in TX politics?
(“dirty 30” led to the dramatic turnover-"Dirty Thirty" was the name given to thirty members of the 1971 Texas House of Representatives who grouped against Texas Speaker of the House Gus Mutscher and other Texas officials charged in the Sharpstown scandal. The coalition of thirty Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals, has been given credit for keeping the Sharpstown stock fraud scandal alive as a political issue)
Even though Smith ran in 1972, who was actually elected?
o Briscoe is elected in 1972. Biggest interest is in restoring the statutes of the death penalty-had to make it under a reasonable system, there was too much disgression
What court case gave women more personal choice when it comes to abortions?
1973 - Roe v. Wade strikes down state’s antiabortion law
IN 1974, when the Legislature meets, what is the right to work requirement?
-Right to work requirement-you cannot be required to be in a union if you are applying for a job.
In what year do the governorship and other statewide offices expand their time to 4 years?
In 1974, what is Connally indicted for?
accepting bribes?
.One of 3 major ct cases that come from William Wayne Justice, in the 70s and 80s most of the legislature is conservative, reform comes from the Court systems. The state agencies involved were all violating the constitutional rights of their residences, kids being incarcerated at this instance. They were being subjected to cruel and unusual punishment. They put them under court order and monitored them.
1974: Morales vs. Turman
In 1975, the TX legislature rejects 8 amendments. This is the first time that we try to rewrite what?
8 proposed amendments adopted by Leg & presented to the voters are rejected in Nov. by 3-1 margin-only time since 1875 that we are trying to re-write our state constitution, budgetary problems have been more important than re-writing the constitution, public doesn’t really care that much about it. Briscoe came out against the amendments seeing that this may add an income tax.
What system ended in 1975 in Washington?
In 1975, the seniority system ends in Washington in committees. The oldest usually became chairman of the committee and there was nothing to do about it. From then on, committee chairman are elected by secret ballot. The nominees are usually picked with major influence from the party leaders.
Does Texas influence in the US House increase or decrease?
Texans do not have anywhere near as much of an influence anymore. A lot of this has to do with the seniority ending.
In 1976, who runs for President? What's the notable difference?
-Rep pres primary between Ford & Reagan swells Rep ranks. Last time TX goes Democratic for President. Ford becomes president in 1974 when Nixon resigns, so he does not have the usual support incumbents have. The Panama Canal is a major issue. Reagan wins the nomination in TX. Carter gets the nomination. Carter carried all of the South, and is the last time we vote Democratic for the presidency.
Who is Briscoe defeated by in the democratic primary?
Briscoe defeated in Dem primary by Atty Gen John Hill. He gets a lot of criticism for not doing anything, so Briscoe loses in the Primary. This is the first time that a Democratic Primary was won by the Liberal candidate.
Why do we turn against Carter?
We begin to turn against Carter, he supported Equal Rights Amendment, tried to straddle the abortion issue, and was not as conservative as we had hoped. He was not pleasing to the religious right.
In 1979, who is elected the first Republican Governor since Edmund Davis?
- Bill Clements first Rep Gov since EJ Davis. He won but not by much. Hill lost. He ran on a platform (like “tea party” today) and accomplished none of it. He didn’t realize that the governor by himself couldn’t do anything.
In 1979, who does Tower defeat?
Tower defeats Cong Robert Krueger of New Braunfels by 20,000. Tower had gone through a messy divorce so charges were made that he was an alcoholic and a womanizer. He won, but the charges were brought up again when he is nominated to be Secretary of Defense by George H.W. Bush. They were just stories, nothing true to them. He will be turned down.
What does the case of Ruiz vs. Estelle have to do with?
comes out of the federal district court, William Wayne Justice. Have to do with charges that state agencies are inflicting cruel and unusual punishment on prisoners or state mental patients or students. This is one of the three, also the case below (Lelsz v. Kavanaugh), dealing with these issues.
In 1979, who is elected the first Republican Governor since Edmund Davis?
- Bill Clements first Rep Gov since EJ Davis. He won but not by much. Hill lost. He ran on a platform (like “tea party” today) and accomplished none of it. He didn’t realize that the governor by himself couldn’t do anything.
Who carries the TX ticket for the Presidency in 1980?
In 1979, who does Tower defeat?
Tower defeats Cong Robert Krueger of New Braunfels by 20,000. Tower had gone through a messy divorce so charges were made that he was an alcoholic and a womanizer. He won, but the charges were brought up again when he is nominated to be Secretary of Defense by George H.W. Bush. They were just stories, nothing true to them. He will be turned down.
Who defeats Clements in 1982? Who else is elected? What is this considered for liberalism?
1982- Mark White defeats Clements-Clements assumed he would be re-elected but the economy is going down, the oil prices were decreasing. Jim Hightower (very huge liberalist) elected Ag Comm, Ann Richards State Treasury (later elected governor), Jim Mattox AG (former congressman), Gary Mauro Land Comm. Democrats win every statewide race- high point of Democratic Party. A later good year for Demos is 1990. After that, ’94 Democrats are re-elected. Then in 1996, Republicans win everything.
What does the case of Ruiz vs. Estelle have to do with?
comes out of the federal district court, William Wayne Justice. Have to do with charges that state agencies are inflicting cruel and unusual punishment on prisoners or state mental patients or students. This is one of the three, also the case below (Lelsz v. Kavanaugh), dealing with these issues.
Who carries the TX ticket for the Presidency in 1980?
Who defeats Clements in 1982? Who else is elected? What is this considered for liberalism?
1982- Mark White defeats Clements-Clements assumed he would be re-elected but the economy is going down, the oil prices were decreasing. Jim Hightower (very huge liberalist) elected Ag Comm, Ann Richards State Treasury (later elected governor), Jim Mattox AG (former congressman), Gary Mauro Land Comm. Democrats win every statewide race- high point of Democratic Party. A later good year for Demos is 1990. After that, ’94 Democrats are re-elected. Then in 1996, Republicans win everything.
What is the economic situation for TX in the 1980's?
The 1980s is an economic fiasco for the state. Foreclosures occur, savings and loan companies go bankrupt. There were still laws barring out of state banking companies from doing business in TX. Instead, there were a lot of homegrown banks from the state. There were no Bank of Americas etc. we raise the sales tax in order to get out of the economic fiasco.
Ross Perot is elected to chair of what committee in 1983?
1983- Ross Perot appointed to chair Gov. White's Select Committee on Education
Who retires from the House in 1983 and then switches to Republican and runs for his own seat in a special election?
Phil Gramm resigns from House. He switches to Republican and runs for own seat in special election (Gramm was a Democrat and spies on them in the House. He resigned his seat and tried to run for his own seat as a Republican. He did not need to resign in order to change his party but it gave him more credibility. He won and in 1984, Gramm runs for the Senate seat when Tower retires. He holds this seat until 2002.
Who retires in 1984 and who takes his place?
1984 -John Tower retires. Replaced by Phil Gramm who defeats liberal State Sen Lloyd Doggett (later elected to House).
What is the climate during the 1986 elections?
1986 - Oil drops to $10/barrel. Sales tax expanded to make up shortfall. 9.1% unemployment just before election. bust in oil, bust in real estate market, S&L crisis. White had to raise the sales tax twice, which made him very unpopular. This is the climate in which the elections were held. The real estate and savings and loan offices were going broke everywhere.
What was ironic about Clement's campaign vs his policy implementation in 1986?
. In '87 signs $5.7 b tax increase, largest in TX history, after campaigning on pledge of no new taxes-he promised he wouldn’t raise taxes, though this is the first thing he does.
Who becomes the 1st Hispanic to hold statewide office?
Raul Gonzalez 1st Hispanic elected to statewide office (TX Supreme Court)-success for minorities
What was the change in atmosphere for Banking in the mid1980s?
Legislature rewrites banking laws to allow out-of-state banks and holding cos. to own TX banks-have to or the banking industry will simply disappear. It was so restrictive branches were not even allowed. Each bank was allowed to only have one office in a city.
What does Edgewood v. Kirby in 1987 change?
Legislature must come up with new school finance plan. The state constitution said that we had a duty to establish an “efficient” way of organizing public schools. Clark said this meant “fair” though many said this simply meant cheap. It went all the way to the TX Supreme CT. In the early 1990s, the courts finally said the legislature had a deadline in order to figure out a plan or they would get no support. 150 richest school districts eventually got no money, and have to give the state money in order to fund the rest of the poorer schools.
Jim Wright was elected as Speaker of the House in 1987. What scandal was he involved in?
. 3rd TX to become Speaker; He only lasted 2 years because he was involved with scandal. The major charge was that he was trying to get around limits about outside income-this occurred after Water Gate. Congressmen could not go acquire other money by saying extra speeches and gaining money for it. Charges were brought against him. Gingrich brought the charges against him, Wright felt like his ethics had been questioned and that he could not remain Speaker.
Election of 1988
•Bentsen runs simultaneously for V-P and U.S. Senator w Dukakis. Bush/Quayle carry state. After the election, there were feelings that the Bush campaign was scandalous and not honorable. The kinds of advertisements that Bush ran were “low”. Bush was very uncomfortable running this way, but did anyway in order to win.
In 1989, who is rejected for position of Sec of Defense? Who resigns from Speaker of the House?
Tower rejected by Senate for Sec of Defense, Wright resigns as Speaker.
In 1990, who runs for governor?
Ann Richards defeats Clayton Williams (had a cell phone company, and everyone knew him because of the ads that he ran. He liked to play the cowboy role. He called himself “lonesome gov”. He won the Republican primary and invited reporters to spend the weekend to get to know him. He eventually became known as a buffoon and did not know what he even stood for and fumbled over what he said. He ruined it for himself) to be elected Governor
Clinton v. Bush. Bush carries Texas. Perot gets 22% TX vote. Bush is running for second term, his approval rating after the first term was over 90%. He thought there was no way he could win. Perot was a very private person and people invaded in his private life by posting pictures of his house etc. he dropped out then came back, but the damage was already done and people did not take him running seriously. Clinton wins.
Bentsen resigns Senate seat to become Sec of Treasury-appointed by Clinton. Richards appoints Bob Krueger to B's seat-people thought Cisneros would get the bid but he was too stubborn to “ask” for the job and Krueger got the job instead. Loses to Kay Bailey Hutchison in special election.
Reps take control of U.S. House and Senate. Dick Armey becomes H Majority Leader. Tom DeLay H Whip, Bill Archer Chm of H Ways and Means- republicanism has swept the state
George W. Bush defeats Ann Richards to be elected Governor. After 98, all statewide offices held by Republicans. No one thought Bush would win as he did, he was simply a nice guy. Richards did not take him seriously and thought he was a joke.