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36 Cards in this Set

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What is Bipolar I?
Combinations of one or more manic episodes and one or more depressive episodes.
What is a manic episode?
A distinct peroid of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, lasting a week.
For a manic mood you need three of more of the following:
Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity.
Needing little sleep, great amount of energy
Talking fast, other can't follow
racing thought or flights of ideas
easily distracted
increase in goal-directed activities or psychomotor agitation
inflated feeling of power, greatness or importance
reckless behavior (money,sex,drugs)
Manic/Hypomanic Episode
F-functioning is severely impaired.
A-activities pursued with the potential for painful consequences
S-substance related disorders need to be excluded
T-talkative both rate and amount of speech are increased
D- distractability
I - Ideas racing (flights of ideas)
G-grandiose- inflated self-esteem
E- elevated or expansive mood
R-rule out general medical conditions
S-sleep requirement is lessened
Numerous periods of mood swings between hypomania and depressed mood lasting less than four days
Mood and affect of bipolar?
they are on cloud 9, euphoria, exuberant, grandiosity, false sense of well-being, angry, verbally aggressive, sarcastic, irritable
Judgement and insight of the bipolar?
Judgement is poor, insight is limited here is where you see reckless behavior
Roles and relationships of the bipolar?
rarely can fulfill role responsibilities, invade intimate space and personal business of others, can become hostile to others
Physiologic and self care consideration for the bipolar?
inattention to hygiene and grooming, hunger or fatigue, bowel and sleep disturbance, here the patient is not sitting still so you should feed them finger foods.
What are some nursing diagnoses for Bipolar?
Risk for injury
risk for violence
Imbalanced nutrition
disturbed thought processes
What is a delusiuon
a fixed belief you can't change it for the patient and your best response should be "I understand this is what your feeling however it's not my reality"
List the mood stabilzers used for bipolar?
List the antipsychotics used for bipolar?
Other medications are given besides mood stabilizer and antipsychotics for bipoloar what are they?
antidepressants - used during the depressed phase
benzodiazepine - short term agitation
JACHO patient safety goal #15 is?
Always screen for suicide.
Suicide ideation
Thoughts and ideas of suicide
the act of killing oneself
failed attempts
Passive death wish
think about suicide but don't act on it
the degree of probability that an individual will be successful in completing the suicide
Who is at high risk for suicide?
Higher in males - white, divorced, single or widowed
unemployment or wealthy
certain medications
certain diseases such as cancer, AIDS
Risk takers
Distortion is no way out
Whne coming onto the ward when is suicide most likely going to happen with a patient?
Within the first week but very high with the first 48 hours of being admitted high risk for suicide or elopement
You should check for suicide how often?
Predisposing factors of suicide
Low levels of serotonin
Anger turned inward
past history of suicide attempts
lack of support
interpersonal stress
What are the main Red Flags for suicide?
Previous attempts and a sense of hopelessness
What to look for in behavior before suicide?
Verbal cue and or statements,
changes in school work performance,
people contemplating suicide begin to withdraw from relationships and become more isolated, sudden interest in their assets,
obtaining a weapon such as a gun.
Guidelines for treatment of the suicidal client on an outpatient basis:
Do not leave the person alone,
enlist the help of family or friends,
schedule frequent appointments and most important only give MEDS FOR THREE DAYS otherwise at risk for overdosing.
What is a no-suicide contract
Normally don't see anymore also not a legal contract it is written or verbal agreement between health professional and the client.
What is psychosis?
a state in which a person is unable to comprehend reality and has trouble communicating to others.
Schizophrenia of all other mental illnesses causes more:
Lengthy hospitalizations, chaos in the family, exorbitant costs to people and causes the most fears
What is schizophrenia?
A disorder in the brain with a combo of affective, behavioral, cognitive abnormalities, disordered thinking, perceptual disturbances, impaired social competency.
Define Hallucinations
sensory perceptions of people or objects that are not present in the environment. Hear, see, feel things that other people do not
False fixed belief
Whta part of the neurotransmitters affect schizophrenia?
Dopamine. It is thought that there is increased dopmaine activity in the schizophrenic brain. Therefore anti-psychotic drugs block dopamine there by decreasing the levels.
What are the three phases of schizophrenia?
First Phase - Schizoid Personality (isolate and often very alone - don't enjoy close relationships.
Second Phase - Prodromal Phase (Neglect of hygiene, socially withdrawn, bizarre ideas and blunted affect - negative symptoms)
Third phase - Schizophrenia (Decompensate and now have full blown disease both positive and negative symptoms hallucinations and delusions)
List the positive symptoms of schizophrenia?
Delusions - erotomanic, grandiose, jealous, *persecutary most common*, somatic
Hallucinations -auditory *most common* gustatory, olfactory, tactile, visual
Disorganized speech - clang, concrete thinking, echolalia(repeating back the other person's words), incoherence, word salad
Grossly disorganized behavior - disheveled appearance, inappropriate sexual behavior, restless, agitated behavior.