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80 Cards in this Set

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What is study of the universe called


What name was given to the theory of the ancients that the earth was at the center of the cosmos in the planets revolvedabout it

Geocentric theory

Who first published the theory that the Son is at the center of the universe and that the earth and other planets revolve about it

Nicolas Copernicus

What was the name given to the new theory

Heliocentric theory

What contributions does johannes Kepler make to the understanding of planetary orbits who's astronomical observations help make this discovery possible

He discovered the planets move around the sun in elliptical orbit

Tycho Brahe

What did Henrietta leavitt discover about

Cepheid variable stars

The larger a Cephic Star is the slower it pulsates since larger stars are brighter this pulsation can be used to find the exact brightness of a cephic star

What did Edwin Hubble's use of cepheid cereal bowl stars lead him to conclude about the Andromeda nebulae

It was too far away so it had to be a separate galaxy

What did Hubble's measurements to other galaxies suggest about the universe

It is always expanding

What is red shift how is it analogous to the Doppler affect

Red shift is when the light source is moving away from the observer or when the space between the observer and the wave is stretched the analogy works because the light or sound wave gets really close to the observer but also goes far away from the observer just like red shift

How did Edwin Hubble's measurement of the distance to other galaxies together with the measurements of red shift by other astronomers lead to the formulation of the big bang theory

It showed that everything started close and is moving away in the universe is expanding

Describe what scientist speculated happened in the instant of the big bang and in the subsequent intervals of time

There was an inflation of small volume of matter at extremely high density and temperature in the first few moments after the Big Bang the universe was unimaginably hot and dance as the universe expanded it became less dense and began to cool after only 1 millionth of a second protons and neutrons could form after a few minutes some of these subatomic particles came together to create helium nuclei however it was not cool enough to for electrons to join with protons or helium to make the first neutral Adam until about 380,000 years later

What is the approximate age of the universe according to the big bang theory

13.8 billion years

How does the abundance of elements in the universe support the big Bang theory

It takes time fuse in the helium and heavier set is the big bang this take place inside the stars in a process called nucleosynthesis for the universe to have 74% hydrogen over 12 billion years

How does the age of stars support the big bang theory

The hydrogen and stars is being changed by fusion into helium and bigger elements as time goes on hydrogen continues to be used up and turned into helium when the first elements formed after the big bang about 92% were hydrogen what the rest being 8% helium and traces of lithium today we have about 74% hydrogen and 24% helium with the 90 other naturally occurring elements forming the remaining 2% by measuring how much hydrogen the universe started with in the rate that stars use it we can determine when stars began fusing we can also use this rate to estimate how much longer fusion will continue

What were some of the objections to the theory that the earth is not stationary but moving

The planets move around the sun in elliptical orbit

What useful information about stars did the use of red shift first provide what subsequent astonishing discovery was made possible by the use of red shift

The farther away galaxy is the faster it is moving away from us it means that the universe is expanding

Do astronomers discovered a relationship between the total brightness of a star and its temperature and color what were their names

Ejnar hertzsprung and Henry novis Russell

What does it mean to be a main sequence star

It is located in an S shaped region running different temps and colors

Explain the birth life and death of a star from its formation in a nebula to its remnant as a neutron star or a black hole

Stars are born in clouds of gas and dust called nebulas they burn through there hydrogen then explode may form black hole or neutron star

How did the solar system form

Formed from nebula left over from Big Bang spun really fast with the gravity made into a disk form

What was the first object to form in the solar system

the sun

What role did gravity play

Gravity pulled matter together to the center of the disk

What is a planetesimal

No pieces of dust clumping together with other clumps

How did planetesimals form into the current planets

All the pieces group big enough to be planets or moons

What is the name of the flat disc like region in which all the planets orbit


Do all the planets orbit the sun in the same direction


How does Hubbles law support the big bang theory

Hubbles law supports the big bang theory because it says the galaxy is constantly expanding and that would be the case if the big bang theory did happen

Since 2006 with criteria must a heavenly body meet in order to be considered a planet

Orbit the sun the massive enough to be round from its own gravity but be small enough that it is not a star itself and clear the area of its orbit of smaller objects

And what units are distances in the solar system measured what is one such unit equivalent to

AU 93,000,000 miles

The estimated age of the solar system

4.56 billion years

Name the planets in order of their proximity to the sun

Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

What should the planets have moons how many

Earth one moon Mars two moons Uranus 27 moons Neptune 13 moons Jupiter 14 moons Saturn 62+ moons



Which is the closest to the sun


How long does it take mercury to orbit the earth

88 earth days

Why I have the impact craters on mercury changed a little overtime

Little atmosphere no tectonic plates

Venus is named after which Roman goddess

Goddess of love

How does the presence of cosmic background radiation support the big bang theory

As electrons were captured and into the first true atoms a burst of light and heat was released which we still see today called cosmic background

Venus is most like earth in what respect


Why are no photographs of the surface of Venus available

Because it is covered by a thick layer of clouds

Venus is the hottest planet despite the fact that it is not the closest to the sun why

Because of the greenhouse affects it keeps he in and doesn't let it out

Which planet has more volcanoes than any other


What features of earth help keep its surface temperature steady

It's oceans and atmosphere

What are plate tectonics what causes plates to move

Plate tectonics move around the surface crashing into things convection in the mantle

What geological activities are caused by plate movement

Earthquakes volcanoes build up of mountains

How many planets are known to have plate tectonics


What is the only planet who surface can be observed from earth through a telescope


God of war

God of war

According to the text what is a star

A star is a self luminous Celestial body consisting of a mass of plasma held together by its own gravity

Why does Mars appear red

Iron oxide in the soil

Mars is home to both the largest volcano in the largest canyon in the solar system what is the name of the volcano and the canyon

Olympus mons valles Marineris

Why are the outer planets called gas giants

Because they're mostly made up of gas mainly hydrogen and helium

What to gases predominate in the outer planets

Hydrogen and helium

Why do the inner planets lack these gases

Gases were too hot for the system to keep in so they evaporated

What name was given to the four moons of Jupiter discovered by Galileo in 1610

The Galilean moons

What are the names of the four moons

Io Callisto Ganymede Europa

What is the name of Jupiter's biggest moon


What is the planet Jupiter is most noticeable feature

Great red spot

What is Saturns most distinctive characteristic

The beautiful rings

Why do stars shine

Because of nuclear fusion

Of what our Saturns rings made

Ice particles with dust

Is Saturn the only outer planet with rings

No all of them have rings

What is the name of Saturn's largest moon


When was Uranus first discovered


What gives Uranus its distinctive blue green color

Uranus has methane gas icicles that absorb red light and cause the color

Uranus is tilted on its side its axis being almost parallel coach orbit how did it get this way

It was struck by a large object in its early stages of forming

In what year was Neptune discovered


When is to reach what speed on Neptune

700 mph

Why is this fact surprising to astronomers

Because Neptune receives very little energy from the sun

What is the name of Neptunes only round moon


Stars are made mostly from these two lightweight gases what are they

Hydrogen and helium

What are astroids

Irregularly shaped rocky bodies that orbit the sun

What is the difference between a meteoroid a meteor meteorite

meteorite hits the ground a meteor is in the earths atmosphere vaporizing and a meteor is outside the earths atmosphere

What are comets

Comets are small icy objects that orbit the sun in elliptical orbit

Where are the majority of astroids located what region is this called

A majority of astroids are located between Mars and Jupiter this is called the astroid belt

What happens to comments because they're highly elliptical orbit

They form an atmosphere around itself

What is the difference between nuclear fusion a nuclear fission

Difference between nuclear fission fusion and nuclear fission is heavier atoms split instead of fuse

Stars are born in clouds of gas and dust called blank


The suns energy travel slowly from its core to its surface spray process of convection and radiation what does this mean

It heats up and then cools down

What role does gravity play in the stars formation

Gravity pulls the gas and dust together and pressure and temperature increases