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92 Cards in this Set

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What is used to treat myasthenia gravis (muscular disease) by reversing neuromuscular blockers by stimulating nicotinic receptors?
Neostigmine is a
muscarinic agonist
About Muscarinic Agonists
(SLUD the pig)- bradycardia, tearing/sweating, relaxation of smooth muscles, miosis, increased urination
Which drugs are a Muscarinic Agonist used to treat Alzheimer's Dementia
Donepezil and Rivastigmine
About Muscarinic Antagonists
Boy + Bear: dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, tachycardia, CNS: confusion, agitation, delirium, hallucination, and memory loss
Atropine, Scopolamine, Solifenacin, Tolterodine, Oxybutin, propantheline, the bromides, trihexylphenidyl, benzotropine are all
Muscarinic Antagonist
What is the antidote for SLUD overdose?
This drug is used for cardiac arest in code blue situations, an antispasmodic/antidiarrheal. Good in eye surgeries to widen the pupils
This drug helps lessen motion sickness and is similar to atropine
These drugs are for urinary incontinence and overactive bladder
Solifenacin, Tolterodine, oxybutin, and propantheline
These drugs are bronchodilators
Iprantropium bromide and tioptropium bromide
These drugs are for parkinson's symptoms
Trihyexylphenidyl and Benztropine
List the Adrenergic Agonists
Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Isoproternol, Dobutamine, dopamine, Phenylphrine, and Albuterol
Epinephrine is used for
treating asthma, anaphlyactic shock, stops small bleeding, and cardiac arrest/code blue. Good for increasing bp and tachycardia
Epinephrine how it works:
vasoconstricts skin/mucous membrane, vasodilation of liver, heart, and skeletal muscles.
Norepinephrine treats
dramatic increased bp, severe septic shock
Norepinephrine is different because
it can only be a short term med since it will eventually cause a loss of blood flow to kidneys and extremities and can also cause reflex bradycardia
About Isoproternol
Decreases Bp, bronchodilator, and hyperglycemia and in diabetics, increases contraction. Treats: bradycardia and asthma
increases contraction and cardiac output, treats acute heart failure
Will increase bp without hurting kidneys and increases kidney function. Drug of choice for: cardiovascular shock while also treating acute heart failure
reflex bradycardia, decongestant, and treats tachycardia
This drug decreases bp, treats chronic hypertension, treats withdrawal symptoms of nicotine, opiates, benzo, and alcohol, avoid abrupt withdrawal, SE's: drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, headache, impaired ejaculation
word ending for a-1 blockers
a-1 blocker MOA
blocks a1 receptors
a-1 blockers treat
HTN, urinary retention, and Raynaud's disease
a-1 blockers side effects
orthostatic hypotension, first dose effect: fainting when rising, reflex tachycardia, dizziness, drowsiness, nasal congestion, headache, decreased libido. Rise slowly and take at bedtime
Selective and Nonselective b-blockers ending
b-blockers MOA
blocks beta-1 and beta-2 receptors
B-blockers treat
Hypertention, angina, post MI, heart failure, atrial fib., and tachycardia
B-blocker's Side Effects
sexual impairment, heart failure, bradycardia, peripheral vasoconstriction, bronchoconstriction, hypoglycemia in diabetics. Do not stop immediately! Use caution in people with: asthma, copd, prd, and diabetics
Ace-Inhibitors word ending
ACE-I's treat
chronic hypertension, slows progression of CHF, and slows renal failure in diabetics
How ACE-I's work
Na+ leaves so K+ stays causing decreased hr and bp
ACE-I's Side Effects
Hacky cough, hyperkalemia, non-allergic rash, hypotension, rarely angioedema (swelling of lips and face)
Angiotension II Receptor Blockers (ARBs) word ending
blocks angiotension II receptors
About ARBs
Same treatments as ACE-Is and synergy with ACE-Is, also much safer than ACE-I because it is less likely to cause cough, rash, and angioedema
Calcium Channel Blockers word ending
*mostly pine* except verapamil and dilitiazem
inhibit the entrance of Ca2+ into smooth muscle cells
CCBs are similar to
CCBs Side Effects
vasodilation, edema, headache, reflex tachycardia, flushing, and constipation
What does verapamil and diltiazem do?
decreases force of contraction and treats chronic hypertension, angina, atrial fib, and tachycardia
What's Diuretics do?
Blocks reabsorption of Na+, when Na+ is increased, water will follow.
List the Thiazide Diuretics
HCTZ and metolazone
Thiazide Diuretics are best at
hypertention, while treating mild to moderate edema
Thiazide Diuretic Side Effects
dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and hypokalemia
List the Loop Diuretic
Furosemide is best at
Loop diuretic MOA
blocks na+ reabsorption in the loop of henle
Major Side Effect for Loop Diuretics
People taking loop diuretics will also need
K+ supplements and avoid taking before bedtime
List the potassium sparing diuretics
Spironolactone MOA
blocks aldosterone production, Na+ wasting and K+ retention
About Spironolactone
Never powerful enough to use alone and helps prevent hypokalemia
Side Effects of Spironolactone
Hyperkalemia and gynecomastia
What is Aspirin's MOA?
Irreversibly cox-I and cox-II
About Apirin
Effects last 7-10 days, daily dose: 81 mg or 325 mg
Aspirin Side Effects
GI Ulcers and Reye's Syndrome
What is the market ploy that is like Aspirin?
Aggrenox, which is not any better than Aspirin
Anti-platelets are used in secondary prevention by treating
previous MI, previous CVA, TIA, or ischemic stroke, and angina
Antiplatelet Primary prevention treats
50 yrs old +, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and currently smokes *these people need to take a daily aspirin*
Other uses of antiplatelets
acute coronary syndrome and after stent placements
What is the antiplatelet that is only used in emergency situations?
Glycoprotein IIb-IIIa Inhibitors
What are the anticoagulants
Heparin, LMWH, and Warfarin
What is Heparin's MOA
bind to antithrombin III to inhibit fibrin formation
Heparin is drug of choice for
rapid onset treating acute stroke, MI, DVT, and PE
Heparin Side Effects
Minor/major bleeding, avoid use after surgeries with high risk of bleeding
Heparin is prescribed in
Units, not mg!
Heparin monitoring
APTT-length of time it takes for clot to form (average: 30-40 seconds)
What is the heparin antidote
Protamine sulfate
Low Molecular Weight Heparins (LMWH)
longer half-life and more selective same effects as heparin and costs 4 times more more without APTT monitoring
Warfarin MOA
blocks synthesis of Vit K dependent clotting factors
Warfarin onset
3-5 days and very narrow therapeutic window
Why is Warfarin useful?
Only oral anticoagulant
Warfarin Side Effects
minor/major bleeding, N/V, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and hair loss
Warfarin is not for
pregnant women, alcoholics, recent surgeries with high risk of bleeding, peptic ulcer disease
What is the warfarin antidote
Vit K
Monitoring Warfarin
typical INR is 1.0 therapeutic INR is 2.0-3.0
About Angina
Chest pain from blood flow that is insufficient to meet the demands of Oxygen in the heart
What are the drug options to treat Angina?
B-Blockers, CCBs, and Nitrates
Nitrate Side Effects
Vasodilatory SE's, headache, orthostatic hypotenstion, flushing
Nitrate tolerance
will occur and allow drug free intervals of 8-12 hours per day
Compliance information for Nitroglycerin Sublingual Tablets
rapid onset of 1-3 minutes, dissolve under tongue, may repeat every 3-5 minutes, more than 3 tablets go to the ER, you know it's working when: there's tingling under the tongue and a headache
These are other nitrate options that can be taken daily to prevent attacks
Nitroglycerin ointment, transdermal patch, sustained release capsules, Isosorbide dinitrate, and isosorbide mononitrate
Treatment of Angina in a hospital setting
IV nitrates, B-blockers, CCBs, Heparin or aspirin, IV Morphine
Treatment for Chronic stable angina
nitrates, CCBs, or B-blockers, and acute SL nitro
Treatment for variant angina
nitrates or CCBs and SL nitro
Warfarin Patient Education
avoid vit K binging, keep intake of vit K steady, same time each day, don't skip doses, don't use aspirin or other NSAIDs, not for pregnancy, alochol consumption in moderate amounts no more than once or twice per week, watch for bleeding in stools and urine, nose bleeds, gums, or cuts, and clot signs include SOB, chest pain, and swelling in legs
What do thrombolytics do?
Clot busters treating acute DVT massive PE, MI, clotted catheters, and stroke
Contradictions of Thrombolytics
active bleeding, aortic dissection, cerebral neoplasm (cancer) or aneurysm, surgery, or trauma
What is important about thrombolytics?
Used with heparin, they work together because thrombolytics will break the clot while heparin keeps it from forming.