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33 Cards in this Set

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standard stance phase terms

heel strike

foot flat


heel off

toe off

standard swing phase terms




RLA terms

initial contack

loading response


terminal stance


pelvic rotation

rotation of pelvis opposite of thorax

maintains balance and regulates speed

8 degrees(4 forward-4 backward)

degree of toe out

average 7 degrees

angle formed by line of progression and line from heel to second toe

COG during gait

COG moves vertically and horizontally 2in equally

pelvic lateral tilt up and down minimizes displacement of COG

stride length

distance b/t R heel strike and the following R heel strike


step length

the distance measured b/t R heel strike and L heel strike


arm swing in gait

helps maintain balance

opposite UE and LE move simultaneously

Base of support


distance measured b/t the midpoints of heel contact of the L foot and R foot during gait


walking steps over period of time

adult avg-110-120steps/min

peak activity for gastoc-soleus

late stance phase: concentric raising of the heel during toe off

peak activity for Tibialis Anterior

Just after heel strike: eccentric lowering of the foot into PF

peak activity for quads

1st-single limb support durinng stance

2nd-just before toe off to initiate swing phase

peak activity for hamstrings

last part of swing phase: deceleration of unsupported limb

ROM requirements for gait

hip flexion-0-35

hip extension-0-10

knee flexion-0-60

knee extension-0

ankle DF-0-10

ankle PF-0-20


weak glut med causes pelvis to drop on and trunk sidebends to opposite side

during gait the pt will sidebend to same side of weakness

vaulting gait

uninvolved stance LE elevates at pelvis and PF allow the involved LE to swing and advance

crouch gait

lumbar lordosis, anterior pelvic tilt, hip and knee flexion, ankle PF

exaggerated arm swing

rocking horse gait

glut max weakness

hip tends to flex during stance without good stabilization by hip extensors:

trunk shifts post. to compensate for opposite leg glut max weakness

quadriceps weakness gait

inability to extend knee during stance

opposite of rocking horse

compensation w/ trunk fwd flexion and PF to hyperextend the knee

hamstrings weakness gait

both stance and swing affected

during swing: quads slap knee into hyperextension because hamstrings arent strong enough to slow down fwd swing of the LE

during stance: genu recurvatum

foot slap gait

weak DF: tibialis anterior

foot slaps on the ground during heel strike: ankle is not able to support weight of body at heel strike

waddling gait

shoulders behind hips

little to no reciprocal pelvis or trunk rotation

compensation of excessive lateral WS to advance LE


Foot drop

"steppage gait"

results from inability to clear foot during swing b/c weak DF

involves foot slap

compensation involves excessive hip and knee flexion to advance LE

spastic gait

stiff movement

toes catch and drag, LE adducted, hip and knee joints slightly flexed


scissor gait

spastic hib ADD

legs cross midline during gait

festinating gait

starts slow, increases and may continue until pt grasps an object

difficulty controlling acceleration and deceleration

parkinsonian gati

shuffling gait

flexed trunk w/ fwd COG, Flexed LE, decreased arm swing, decreased stride

short rapid steps attempting to regain balance

equinus gait

high steps b/c of excessive gastroc activity or LLD

Ataxic gait

wide BOS, jerky, unsteady movements, staggering appearance

drunken sailor

circumduction gait

circular motion in swing phase to advance the LE

compensates for insufficient:

hip flexion, knee flexion, or DF

Antalgic Gait

painful gait

shortened stance time to avoid WB on involved side