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35 Cards in this Set

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How long is a pregnancy?

How many days from LMP to birth?

When does the gestational calendar begin?

When is the baby considered an embryo? A fetus?

-266 days

-280 days

-1st day of last menstrual period

-from fertilization to wk 8, wk 9 to birth

Where does fertilization occur?

How long is an egg viable? Sperm?

How long is the theoretical fertile window?

-oviduct (fallopian tubes)

-12 to 24 hrs

-24 to 48 hrs

-3 to 10 days

How do sperm find their way to oocytes?

What blocks/destroys most sperm?

How long does it take for a sperm to reach egg? What takes place for 2-10 hrs?

-sniff via olfactory receptors

-acidic vagina, cervix, immune sys

-30 min, capacitation (motility, membranes weakened)

What digests holes in zona pellucida?

What happens after the 1st sperm enters oocyte?

Is it better to be earlier or later for a sperm?

-acrosomal reaction

-polyspermy are blocked


4 steps after sperm penetrates oocyte:

1) egg (oocyte) completes meiosis II

2) nuclei fuse into zygote

3) cleavage (mitosis) w/in 36 hrs

4) blastocyst (100 cells) forms after 4 or 5 days

What happens 6-7 days after fertilization?

What are transferred?

What happens to leftover embryos?

-blastocyst implants into endometrium of uterus

-IVF embryos

-turn into embryonic stem cells

How long does implantation take? When is it complete?

What signals to maintain endometrium?

What secretes hCG?

What does it do?

What is it also used for?

-5 days, by day 26

-human chorionic gonadotropin


-promotes placentation

-fertility treatments

What's the pregnancy hormone?

When and how is it detected?

What happens if levels too low?

What does it signal for?

When does it decline?


-1 wk after fertilization, in urine


-maintain endometrium & prevent menstruation

-when estrogen & progesterone increase

What is the placenta made of?

When does it begin to form and fully form?

What distinctive structures are in the chorion & endometrium respectively?

What is exchanged across placenta? What is not exchanged?

-embryonic & maternal tissues

-forms 3rd wk, fully formed 3rd mon.

-chorionic villi, decidua basalis

-nutrients, gas, waste


In the placenta where do the blood vessels reside?

What's the difference in the 2 umbilical arteries and 1 vein?

-in umbilical cord into chorionic villi

-arteries=O2 & nutrient poor, vein=O2 & nutrient rich

4 embryonic membranes critical to development & purposes:

1) inner amnion: protect embryo in amniotic fluid

2) outer chorion: placental exchange

3) allantois: structural base of umbilical cord & becomes bladder

4) yolk sac: forms gut & is source of blood cells/vessels

What takes over hormone secretion from corpus luteum after 4 mo.?

What hormones prepare mammary glands for lactation?


-progesterone & estrogen

How many weeks in pregnancy? In fertilization to birth?

When is the embryo stage? What happens in this stage?

When is the fetal stage? What happens?

What's the earliest a baby can survive birth?

-38 wks, 40 wks

-1st 2 mo: development & growth

-last 7 mo: organs grow & become functional

-24 wks

What is the 1st functional organ to form? When?

When does baby reach 1"?

-heart, at 3rd wk

-8th wk

When are major abnormalities possible to develop in baby?

What drug caused abnormalities? What was it supposed to treat?

-wks 3 to 8


-morning sickness

What happens in 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimesters?

1st: morning sickness

2nd: fetal movements

3rd: fetal growth & rapid weight gain

What is amniocentesis?

What is chorionic villi sampling used for?

-fluid from amnion removed & tested

-genetic screening for disorders

Conditions in pregnancy:

Pregnancy induced hypertension-

Placenta attached to uterine wall covering cervix-

#1 cause of preventable defects-


-placenta previa

-fetal alcohol syndrome

What's a spontaneous abortion?

In what pregnancies is this common?

When does this commonly occur?

What supplement helps to prevent?


-chemical pregnancy (early preg.)

-within 1st 20 wks

-folic acid

What hormone initiates changes in uterus thus initiating labor?

What are Braxton hicks contractions?

-oxytocin (from pituitary)

-false labor

What is stimulus in labor/childbirth?

What is the effector in birth?

-baby's head


3 stages of labor & what happens:

What's the difference in a vertex & breech birth?

1) dilation: cervix dilates & amnion ruptures

2) expulsion: full dilation & crowning

3) placental: after birth expelled

-vertex is headfirst, breech is bottom end first

What's an episiotomy?

What % of US births are C sections?

-incision to reduce tearing when fetus stretches vulva


What's the neonatal period?

What scores the baby's physical status after birth?

What's a normal score?

-period from birth to 4 wks

-Apgar score

-8 to 10

What % of US births have defects?

What's the most common defect?

What are 3 other defects in order from most common to least?


-heart defects

-cleft lip, down syndrome, spina bifida

What % of couples are infertile?

What are 4 types of ART?


1) artificial insemination (low sperm)

2) gamete intrafallopian transfer

3) surrogate mothers

4) in vitro fertilization

When was in vitro discovered?

What is the process?

What's the pregnancy rate?


-eggs removed & directly fertilized w/ sperm in a dish & implanted @ blastocyst


How much does it cost to raise a child on average?


In fetal circulation, what are paired by 3.5 wks?

What delivers nutrients/waste?

What organ is non functional?

Which blood vessel bypasses liver?

Which 2 bypass pulmonary circuit?

What happens to all these at birth?

-heart & blood vessels



-ductus venosus

-foramen ovale & ductus arteriosus

-they're all occluded

In prenatal development, what comprises the conceptus?

What is the attachment of conceptus to endometrium called?

-products of conception: fetus, placenta, membranes


What is parturition?

True labor contractions

How far apart are contractions initially? Closer to birth?

Why do they periodically relax?

What causes labor pain?

-30 min apart, 1 to 3 min

-allow blood flow to placenta & fetus

- stretching in ischemia of myometrium in the vagina, cervix, perineum

What's the difference b/w primipara & multipara?

What does each do in labor?

-primipara is giving birth for 1st time, multipara is having given birth before

-duration of labor stages is longer in primipara than in multipara

4 stages of labor:

Which stage does water break?

Which stage starts when baby's head enters vagina/crowning?

Which stage expels placenta, amnion, & other fetal membranes?

1) early dilation (water breaks)

2) late dilation

3) expulsion (crowning)

4) placental stage (expulsion of fetal membranes)

When is puerperium?

What does it entail?

What is involution?

-first 6 wks after birth (postpartum)

-mother's anatomy/physiology return to normal, uterus shrinks, breastfeeding suppresses estrogen to help shrink uterus

-shrinkage of uterus