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50 Cards in this Set

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1. The two major anatomical subdivisions of the nervous system are:
2. Information going into the brain and spinal cord travel on:
afferent neurons
This part of a typical neuron receives signals:
4. Which of these neuroglia cells have most identical functions:
oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells
5. Factors that increase the speed of conduction of a nerve signal include:
diameter of axon
6. Nerve and muscle cell cytoplasm are ______in respect to the outside of the cell.
7. The threshold potential is the point at which an action potential occurs.
8. This ion leaks out of the cell membrane:
9. Action potentials move down a myelinated fiber by:
salutatory conduction
10. Which of these is not a neurotransmitter:
11. All cases of Alzheimer’s disease can be traced to a genetic cause:
12. The spinal cord starts at:
foramen magnum
he spinal cord mater that differs slightly from that of the brain:
dura mater
n epidural anesthetic would be administered in this layer of spinal meninges:
dura mater
15. The ascending tracts of the spinal cord:
carry afferent information
Starting at the nerve fiber, what is the correct order of connective tissue from inner to outermost:
endonerium, perineurium, epineurium
Select the correct number of spinal nerves:
8 cervical nerves
Shingles is caused by the
Varicella-zoster virus
A proprioceptor embedded within muscle that monitors muscles stretch:
muscle spindle
20. You step on a tack with your right foot. The reflex act of putting down your left foot is termed:
crossed extensor reflex
21. Toward the front of the brain would be termed:
22. The part of the pituitary that is made of brain matter:
23. The nervous system arises from this embryonic germ layer:
24. The telencephalon and diencephalons of the brain arise from this:
25. CSF is produced by:
choroid plexus
26. A lesion in this area of the brain might cause an inability to form new memories:
27. Nonfluent aphasia would be a symptom of lesion in this area of the brain:
Broca’s area
28. Select the cranial nerve that opens the eyelid, constricts the pupil and focuses:
oculomotor (III)
elect the cranial nerve that provides swallowing, speech and regulation of viscera:
vagas (X)
30. Which of the following terms would apply to the origin of stimuli when discussing receptors:
exteroceptors, interoceptors
31. Pain receptors are also known as:
32. Which of these pain sensations would most likely travel along myelinated fibers:
somatic pain
33. Which of the following is not an edogenous opioid:
substance P
34. The taste buds at tips and sides of tongue:
35. Adaptation to odors occurs in:
olfactory bulbs
36. The one organ in which there are no pain receptors:
37. The only nerves in the body exposed directly to the external environment:
olfactory cells
38. The neural folds of an embryo join to form a neural tube at this stage of embryonic development:
4th week
39. Lesions were once induced in this part of the brain as a treatment for retardation or mental illness:
frontal lobe
40. The frequency of spina bifida occurring can be reduced by taking:
folic acid supplements
41. Associated with each pair of spinal nerves is a ganglion. This ganglion is on the:
dorsal root
42. The 1st cervical nerve pair can be found exiting:
Above the C1 (Atlas)
43. Early symptoms of spinal cord injury may include:
dangerous drop in blood pressure and fever
44. When a nerve “crosses over” from one side of the spinal cord to the other, we term it:
45. A lesion in this part of the brain could lead to severe loss of motor control:
46. The most lateralization of the brain would be found in:
47. The following selections have a cranial nerve name following by a number. Select the one which has the correct name and number together.
Oculomotor (III), facial (VII), vagas (X)
48. The neuroglial nerve that has recently been describes as a possible neural stem cell:
satellite cell
49. Cranial nerves I, II, VIII are:
50. The cranial nerve sends significant numbers of fibers to both sides of the brain in humans but is almost completely ipsilateral in some other animals such as birds: