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65 Cards in this Set

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Whether in symp or parasymp what must always be present before synapsing at the target organ?
In the brainstem the parasympathetic divsion arise from what cranial nerves?
III (oculomotor), Facial (VII), Glossopharyngeal (IX), Vagus (X)
Where do the parasymp nerves arise from?
brainstem and S2-S4 of spinal cord (the craniosacral division)
The cranial portion distributes to all organs except those in the ______.
The bladder, reproductive structures, rectum are all innervatd by parasymp fibers from the ______- spinal cord.
The parasymp division _________ (conserves, depletes) and _____- (restores, diminishes) energy: by ___(dec./inc.) the heart rate, blood pressure (inc./dec.) peristalisis, ______(opens/closes) sphincters, and increases glandular activity
conserves, restores, decreases, increases, opens.
Where is the accessory oculomotor nucleus located?
in the midbrain near the oculomotor nucleus
what is another name for the accessory oculomotor nucleus?
the edinger westphal nucleus
Is the edginger westphal nucleus rostral or caudual to the CN III?
What synapses in CN III? what fasciculus?
MLF medial longitudinal fasciculus
T/F the oculomotor nucleus contains LMN?
True, lower motor neurons
Where do the axons from the edinger westphal go?
travel with the oculomoter nerve through wall of cavernous sinus to enter orbit through superior orbital fissure.
What sinus does the edingerwestphal travel through?
What fissure does the edinger westphal travel through to get to it's target?
superior orbital fissure
Where do presynaptic neurons coming from the edinger westphal synpase?
on the ciliary ganglion within the orbit.
Where do the postsynpatic cell bodies of the parasymp edinger westphal nucleus lie?
in the ciliary ganglion in the orbit
Where do the postsynpat neurons of the ciliary ganglion synapse?
innervate the sphincter pupillae and ciliaris
What path do the postsyn neurons of the ciliary ganglion take?
they ravel on short ciliary nerves (branched of V1) and pierce the sclera
What branch of the trigeminal nerve is the edinger westphal associated with?
V1 - opthalmic
What is the action of teh sphincter pupillae?
narrows the pupil
what is the action of the ciliaris?
when the ciliaris is activated by the parasymp innervation, what type of vision occurs? (distant/near)
Near vision
Why when the muscle contracts is the lens relaxed?
the muscle uses the importance in muscle "bulging" and thus when contracted the zonule fibers have a 'release' on the lens and it becomes more spherical.
T/F the sympathetic also innervates the ciliaris.
T/F The sympathetic and parasympathetic postganglionic neurons innervate the same muscles of the eye.
FALSE, symp: dilator pupillae (outer muscle of iris). Para: sphincter pupillae, and ciliaris.
What parasymp neuron is associated with CN VII?
superior salivary nucleus (salivatory nucleus)
What CN is the the salivatory nucleus associated with?
CNVII - facial
What path does the salivatory nucleus axon take? What CN does it follow?
follows the CN VII path and goes into the internal auditory meatus, once in the petrous part of the temporal bone the greater petrosal nerve leaves and reenter the cranial vault only to again leave via the foramen lacerum where it joins with the deep petrosal nerve (sympathetics) to form the nerve of the pterygoid canal
What nerves form the nerve of the pterygoid canal?
The greater petrosal nerve (parasymp) and the deep petrosal nerve (symp)
THe nerve of the ____ ____ conveys the presynaptic parasymp to the pterygopalatine ganglion where they synapse on the postsynpatic parasympathetic cell bodies.
pterygoid canal
the nerve of the pterygoid canal conveys the presyn parasymp to the ______ ________ where they synapse on teh postsyn parasymp cell bodies
pterygopalatine ganglion
The postsyn parasymp cell bodies neurons are carred by the zygomatic nerve, what branch of the trigeminal is this?
V2 - maxillary
Where are the presynaptic cell bodes and the postsynaptic cell bodies of the parasymp that targets the lacrimal, nasal and oral mucosa?
presynp: salivatory nucleus,
Parasymp: pterygopalatine ganglion
Where does the zygomatic nerve go and where does it synapse?
it carries the postsynap parasymp from the pterygopalatine ganglion into the orbit where the postsyn jump onto the lacrimal nerve (branch of V1) and convey info to the lacrimal gland.
postsynaptics from the pterygopalatine ganglion ride on other branches of ______- to reach the mucous glands of the oral and nasal mucosa.
V2 - maxillary
What nerve travels through the foramen lacerum?
greater petrosal from the salivatory nucleus (pregang. parasymp.)
CN VII has branches (and parasympthetic nerves) leaving and interacting with two ganglion (associated with glands) name them.
pterygopalatine ganglion and the submandibular ganglion
What nerves go to the submandibular ganglion?
chorda tympani and lingual nerve
If the submandibular gland was damaged with symptom would you see?
dry out nasal and oral mucosa
What parasymp nucles is associated with CN IX?
inferior salivary nucleus (salivatory nucleus)
What CN is associated with the inferior salivary nucleus?
Where do the fibers travel that leave the inferor salivary nucleus?
they pass with the glossopharyngeal nerve through the jugular foramen, only to leave the nerve to reenter the skull as the tympanic nerve which form a plexus on the inner surface of the tympanic membrane
What foramen do axons leaving the inferior salivary nucleus pass through?
jugular foramen
When the presynaptic from inf. salivary nucles leaves the jugular foramen it enters the skull again as what nerve?
tympanic nerve
The _____- _______ forms a plexus on the inner surface of the tympanic membran
tympanic nerve
What do presynaptic parasymp fibers leave the plexus formed by the tympanic nerve as?
the lesser petrosal nerve - to enter the cranial cavity and leave again via the foramen ovale
What foramen does the lesser petrosal nerve pass through?
the foramen ovale
What ganglion do the presynaptic parasymp fibers (lessser petrosal nerve) synpase on after just traveling through the foramen ovale?
otic ganglion
Where are the postsynapt parasymp fibers for the inf. salivary nucleus?
in the otic ganglion, just inferior to the foramen ovale
Where do parasymp postsyn neurons leaving the foramen ovale go?
to the parotid gland by riding on the auriculotemporal nerve (branch of V3)
What nerve do the parasymp postsynap neuron ride on to get to the parotid gland when leaving the otic ganglion?
the auriculotemporal nerve
What branch is the auriculotemporal nerve a part of?
branch of V3 - trigeminal - mandibular
Where is the dorsal motor of the vagus located?
What parasymp nucleus is assoicated with CN X
dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
where do fibers leaving the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus travel to?
fibers pass with vagus nerve through the jugular foramen.
after passing through the jugular foramen where does the presynaptic parasymp neurons synpase?
to autonomic pexuses of the thorax and abdomen - most fibers ride blod vessels to their target, where they synpase on postsynaptic parasymp in the wall of their target organ
Where are the post synaptic ganglion located for the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus?
no ganglion to worry about, synapse in the wall of the target organ
Where do you find intramural ganglion?
The presynp parasymp neurons that come from dorsal motor nucleus of vagus traveling down to abdomen and thorax
Do the parasymp from the sacral segments synpase on postsynp ganglion?
no, just synapse in wall of target organ
What is the name of the nuclei located in the sacral segment associated with parasymp?
intermediolateral nucleus (s2-s4 only) - sacral autonomic nucleus
If the parasymp in the sacral spinal cord was stimulated what would happen?
it goes to the colon, kidney, bladder and sex organs - you would get an erection, or urinate
what do presynaptic parasymp neurons use as their neurotransmitter?
ACH (acetylcholine) cholinergic neurons
What do postsynaptic parasymp neurons use?
ACH, also cholinergic
What is one major difference between parasymp and symp when descibing the way they distribute the message?
The parasymp - is very specific, synapsing in the wall of the target organ -
Sympathetic, synapses and send diffuse messages to it's target organs.
Does the parasymp and symp have antagonistic qualities when innervating the salivary glands?
yes, symp inhib, and parasymp increase activiity