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46 Cards in this Set

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Most antibody response in the periodontal tissues is __.
GCF anitbodies are produced __, not from __.
locally; serum
Duing healing and fibrosis of periodontal disease, __ and __ mediate fibroblast activation.
lymphocytes and macrophages
Complement glycoproteins are synthesized by __ and __.
liver and macrophages
__ is the critical complement component and account for __ of C'. The __ is the criticl feature.
C3; 1/3; thioester
Six regulators of C' activation have been identified and are encoded on a tight cluster on chromosome _.
What are the first of the primary leukocytes to enter the infected tissue?
The two most common opsonins are __ and __.
C3b and IgG
Type I LAD is the inability to express __ subunit of integrins while the Type II do not express the ligand for __ and __ selection binding. Is type I homo or heterozygous?
beta-2; P and E; both
During delayed type hypersensitivity what are the players in the recruitment and activation and in resolution and activation?
IL-2 and TNF; IFN-gamma
When is Ab-mediated hypersensitivity activated?
during tissue destruction
The prokaryotic proteolytics ezymes associated with streptococci are? With actinomyces? Becterioides and Porphyrmonas?
hyaluronidase and glucuronidase;chondroitin sulfatase; collagenase
Give 3 examples of virulence factors.
leukotoxins, bacteriocins (streptococci), and competitions fro nutrients
During competition fro nutrients, p.g. need __ and __ to grow and p.i. need __ and __ to grow.
iron and hemoglobin; estrogens and steroid hormones
Endotoxin is associated with what type of bacteria?
gram negative
Endotoxin interacts with host cells via __ and __. It then recruits cytokines and elicits bone resorption via __.
CD14 and toll-like receptors; IL-1
Another inflammatory stimulant, peptidoglycan and muramyl peptides are associated with what kind of bacteria?
gram positive
What are the 3 red complex organisms?
t. denticola, p. gingivalis, and t. forsythia
__ can cause the gums to have a blue tint.
Subgingival calculus
__ and __ lead to bone resorption.
IL-1 and PGE2
__ leads to increased production of IL-1, MMPs, and PGE2.
__ gradient in gingivals sulcus facilitates the chemotaxis of PMNs.
IL-8 is a __ product.
epithelial cell
Prostaglandin production produced __ and __ metabolites.
cyclooxygenase and lipooxygenase
Name 3 things that can inhibit prostaglandin production or activity.
Steroids, NSAIDs, and COX inhibitors
Most collagenase in inflamed gibgival tissue is eukaryotic or prokaryotic?
__ is a risk factor for cardiovascular and pulmonary disease.
Enhanced __ production is associated with alveolar bone resorption and lower levels of decoy receptor.
__ in inflamed tissue may be a major source of high levels of RANKL, as well as __.
T cells; PDL fibroblasts
Generally, the condylar angle generated by the orbiting condyle when the mandible moves laterally is larger or smaller than when the mandible protrudes straight froward?
The father or nearer a point is to a controlling factor, the more its movement is influenced by the factor.
When horizontal overlap increases, the anterior guidance angle __. As vertical overlap increases, the anterior guidance table __.
decreases; increases
The longer radius of a curve of spee causes a flatter or more acute plane of occlusion?
The mandible is moving away from a horizontal reference plane at a 45 degree angle. The flatter the plane, the __greater or lesser__ will be the angle at which the posterior teeth move away from the maxillary posterior teeth and therefore the __taller or shorter__ the cusp can be.
greater; taller
If a radius is placed perpendicular to a horizontal reference plane, then posterior teeth located distal to the radius will need _taller or shorter cusps_ than those located mesial to the radius.
If the plane of occlusion is rotated more posteriorly, it can be seen that _more or less_ posterior teeth will be positioned distal to the perpendicular from the reference plane and will need shorter cusps.
What are the 3 determinants of lateral translation movement?
amount, timing and direction
The rotating condyle is capable of moving laterally within the area of a __ degree cone suring lateral translation movement.
The more superior the laterla trasnaltion movement of the rotating condyle, the _taller or shorter_ is the posterior cusp.
Do more immediate mor more progressive laterla translation movements require shorter posterior cusps?
The _greater or lesser_ the distance of the tooth from the rotating condyle, the wider the angle formed by the laterotrusive and mediotrusive pathways. Is this true for maxillary or mandibular teeth?
greater; both
The _greater or lesser_ the distance of the tooth from the midsggital plane, the wider the angle for by latero and mediotrusive movements.
Do more anterior or more posterior teeth in the dental arch form wider angles for latero and mediotrusive pathways.
As the amount of lateral translation movement increases, the angle between the mediotrusive and laterotrusive pathways generated by the centric cusp _increases or decreases_.
Do more anterolateral or more posterolateral movements of the rotating condyle produce smaller angles formed by the medio and laterotrusive pathways.
The greater the intercondylar distances, the _greater or smaller_ the angle formed by the latero and mediotrusive pathways.