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39 Cards in this Set

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Giving employees shared authority, responsibility and decision-making with their managers. Giving them broad authority to make workplace decisions.



- Give employees stock ownership, leading to potential profits as the value of the firm increases.

- Motivates employees to work smarter and harder so they can share in the firms financial success.

What do they do?

Stock Options

1. Right to buy a specified amount of company stock at a given price within a given time period.

2. Being offered more frequently to employees at all levels

3. Approximately 1/3 of all options got to the top five executives at a firm.

1. What options do employees have

2. Frequency to whom

3. Who gets priority?

Employee stock ownership plans

Company-sponsored trust fund holds Shaws of stock for employees

• Usually covers all full time employees

• Employer pays for the shares of stock

• Employees receive stock shares (or value of stock) when they retire or leave the company.

4 options

Stock options for employees.

Company gives employees the option to buy shares of its stock

• Can be granted to one, a few, or all employees

• Employees pay a set price to exercise the option

• Employees receive shares of stock when (and if) they exercise the option, usually during a set period.



Group of people with certain skills who share a common purpose, approach, and performance goals

Work teams

Relatively permanent groups of employees with complementary skills who preform the day to day work of organizations.

Five types of teams

• self managed teams

• cross-functional teams

• virtual teams

• work teams

• problem-solving teams

Self-managed Teams

Teams that are empowered to decide how they complete their daily tasks.

Cross-functional teams

Teams that are made up of members from different functions or parts if a firm.

Virtual teams

Groups of geographically or organizationally separated coworkers who use technology to communicate and work together.

Problem-solving teams

These teams comprise knowledge workers who meet to solve specific problems then disband.

Team size

Under 12. Ideally 6-7

Team level

The teams average level of ability, experience, personality, and any other factors.

Team diversity

The teams differences of ability, experience, personality, and any other factors.

Opposite of team level

What are the stages of team development?







Forming stage


Storming stage

Conflict, disagreement

Norming Stage

Establishment of order and cohesion

Performing Stage

Cooperation, problem solving.

Adjourning stages

Task completion

Team cohesiveness and norms

The extent to which team members feel attracted to the team and motivated to remain part if it.

Team norm

A standard of conduct shared by team members that guides their behaviour

Cognitive conflict

A disagreement that focuses on problem and issue related differences if opinion.

Affective conflict

As disagreement that focuses on individuals or personal issues.

Process if communication

Sender ➡ receiver: contex

Receiver ⬅ sender: noise


Encoding a message includes what?

Translating the meaning into understandable terms

Low context cultures rely on what? Give examples of these countries.

- explicit written and verbal messages

Canada, US, Switzerland, Germany, Austria

High context cultures rely on what ?

Give examples of countries that are like this.

Communication depends not only on the message but also on the center. Is nonverbal cues, past and present experiences, and personal relationships between the parties.

Japan, Latin America, India

What are the basic forms of communication ?

1. Oral

2. Written communication

3. Formal communication

5. Informal communication

6. Nonverbal communication

Cynical listening

Receiver of a message feels that the sender is trying to gain some advantage from the communication

Form of Oral Communication ( aka defensive)

Offensive listening

Receiver tries to catch the speaker in a mistake or contradiction

Oral Communication

Polite listening

Receiver listens mechanically to be polite rather than to communicate

Oral Communication

Active listening

Requires involvement with the information and empathy with the speakers situation

Oral Communication

When is written communication more effective?

Reflects it's audience the channel carrying the message and a suitable degree of formality.

Characteristics of formal communication

Flows within the chain if command

- Downward communication

- Upward communication

Open and honest communication is key

Informal communication

Grapevine: is an internal information channel that passes information from unofficial sources.


Nonverbal communication

Gestures, posture, eye contact, tone and volume, dress & grooming

External communication

A meaningful exchange of information through messages sent between an organization and it major audiences .