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911 Cards in this Set

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The vestibular system is related to the ______ system.


The auditory system is related to the ________ system.


TRUE OR FALSE: Neither the gustatory sense (taste) nor olfaction (smell) are chemical senses.

False, both are chemical senses.

The sense of ___________ evolved from special mechanical receptors related to the touch system.

audition (hearing)

What does the auditory system detect?

Changes in the vibration of air molecules that are caused by sound sources.

Intensity is measured as _________

Decibels (dB)

What is measured in decibels (dB)?

Sound intensity (loudness)

Sound intensity, measured in decibels (dB) is perceived as ________


Unit of measure for sound frequency

Hertz (Hz)

Hertz is a unit of measure for what aspect of sound?

Frequency (perceived as the pitch of a sound.)

What are the two ways in which a sound is measured?

  1. Intensity (dB) - Loudness of a sound.
  2. Frequency (Hz) - The pitch of a sound.

Intensity is also known as


Amplitude is also known as __________



The force that sound exerts per unit area (usually measured as dynes per sq cm). Amplitude corresponds to the volume of a sound and is also known as intensity.

The force that sound exerts per unit area

Amplitude (Intensity)

How is amplitude measured?

Amplitude, or intensity, is usually measured in dynes per square centimeter.

_____________ is usually measured in dynes per square centimeter.


A single alternation of compression and expansion of air.


Pure Tone

A sound that has only ONE frequency of vibration.

___________ is a sound that has only ONE frequency of vibration.

Pure Tone

How is a pure tone represented?

A pure tone is represented as a sine wave.

A pure tone is described physically in terms of what two measures?

  • Amplitude
  • Frequency


the # of cycles per second in a sound wave; measured in hertz (Hz)

The number of cycles per second in a sound wave; measured in hertz (Hz)


Frequency is heard as __________


The pitch of a sound is its __________


Fundamental Frequency

The predominant frequency of a tone or visual scene.


A multiple of the fundamental frequency

(Example - if the fundamental frequency - 440Hz the harmonics will = 880, 1,320, 1,760 etc)


the characteristic sound quality of a musical instrument, as determined by the relative intensity of its various harmonics.

What quality of sound is determined by the relative intensity of the various harmonics in an instrument?



conversion of one form of energy into another.

___________ is the conversion of one form of energy into another


What is the purpose of the pinna, or external ear?

The external ear captures, focuses, and filters sound into the second part of the ear -- the ear canal.

This part of the ear captures, focuses, and filters sound into the second part of the ear -- the ear canal.

The pinna, or external ear.

Ear Canal

the tube that leads from the pinna to the tympanic membrane

___________ Is the tube that leads from the pinna to the tympanic membrane.

Ear Canal

The ear canal is also known as the

auditory canal

the auditory canal is also known as the

ear canal

The __________ part of the ear is a distinctive characteristic of mammals


What is the purpose of the "hills and valleys" of the pinna?

To modify the character of sound that reaches the middle ear. Some frequencies are enhanced, others are suppressed. Human ears enhance 2,000 - 5,000 Hz sounds because those are critical for speech perception.

These structures modify the character of sound, enhancing some frequencies and suppressing others.

the "hills and valleys" of the pinna (external ear)

The frequency range human ears enhance

2,000 - 5,000 Hz

Why does the human ear enhance frequencies of 2,000 - 5,000 Hz?

because those are critial for speech perception.

Aside from frequency enhancement and suppression the pinna is also important in ______________

identifying and locating sound source

Part of the ear important in identifying and locating sound source


What part of the ear concentrates sound energies?

Middle Ear

The cavity between the tympanic membrane and the cochlea.

Middle Ear

Middle Ear

the cavity between the tympanic membrane and the cochlea.

The tympanic membrane is also known as

the eardrum

the eardrum is also known as

the tympanic membrane

Tympanic membrane

the partition between the external ear and the middle ear.

The partition between the external ear and the middle ear.

Tympanic Membrane

Inner Ear

The cochlea and vestibular apparatus.

The cochlea and vestibular apparatus make up the

inner ear

The end of the ear canal is sealed by the

tympanic membrane

The tympanic membrane seals the

end of the ear canal


Three small bones that transmit vibration across the middle ear, from the tympanic membrane to the oval window.

  • Incus (Anvil)
  • Malleus (Hammer)
  • Stapes (Stirrup)

Three small bones that transmit vibration across the middle ear, from the tympanic membrane to the oval window.


  • Incus (Anvil)
  • Malleus (Hammer)
  • Stapes (Stirrup)

What is the function of the ossicles?

The ossicles mechanically couple the tympanic membrane to the inner ear at the oval window.

What do the ossicles connect?

The ossicles mechanically couple the tympanic membrane to the inner ear at the oval window.

Oval Window

the opening from the middle ear to the inner ear

The opening from the middle ear to the inner ear is called the

oval window


(Latin for "Hammer") the Malleus is a middle ear bone (ossicle) that is connected to the tympanic membrane.

The Malleus is also known as

the Hammer

The Malleus is a _________


The Malleus is part of what part of the ear?

the middle ear. The Malleus is the ossicle that is connected to the tympanic membrane.

The ossicle connected to the tympanic membrane is the


Also known as the Hammer


The Incus is also known as

the anvil

The anvil is also known as

the incus

The ossicle that is situated in the middle is the


the stirrup is also known as

the stapes


(Latin for stirrup) -- a middle ear bone (ossicle) that is connected to the oval window.

The ossicle that is connected to the oval window.

Stapes (stirrup)

What is connected to the oval window

Stapes, and ossicle or bone of the middle ear.

What happens when sound waves strike the tympanic membrane?

The tympanic membrane vibrates with the same frequency (Hz) as the source sound.

When a sound wave strikes the tympanic membrane and cause it to vibrate in the same frequency as the source sound, what happens?

The ossicles start moving

What causes the concentration and amplification of vibrations that focus the pressures from the larger tympanic membrane onto the smaller oval window?

How the ossicles are attached to the tympanic membrane.

What is the purpose of how the ossicles concentrate and amplify the vibrations to force the pressure from the larger tympanic membrane onto the smaller oval window?

The amplification is crucial for converting air vibrations into inner ear fluid movements.

What is a crucial element of how air vibrations are converted into inner ear fluid movements?

The ossicles concentrating and amplifying the vibrations of sound from the larger tympanic membrane onto the smaller oval window.

How does the middle ear protect us from damaging loud sounds?

Within 200 ms. of a loud sound the brain signals muscles to contract -- stiffening the ossicles and reducing the effectiveness to sounds.

When does the brain signal the tensor tympani and the stapedius to contract?

Within 200 milliseconds of a loud sound -- this stiffens the ossicles and reduces the effectiveness to loud sounds.

Muscles that attach to each end of the chain of ossicles.

  • Tensor Tympani
  • Stapedius


a middle ear muscle that is attached to the stapes.

The middle ear muscle that is attached to the stapes


What attaches the malleus to the tympanic membrane

the tensor tympani - a middle ear muscle

The tensor tympani attaches the

tympanic membrane to the malleus

When sound waves strike the tympanic membrane this causes

the tympanic membrane to vibrate at the same frequency as the sound.

Why don't the noises we make seem overly loud to us?

Because the middle ear muscles, the tensor tympani and stapedius also activate just before we make a sound. This reduces the effectiveness to loud sounds and prevents our own voice from seeming loud to us.

What part of the ear transduces vibrational energy into neural activity

The cochlea


A snail-shaped structure in the inner ear that contains the primary receptors for hearing.

A snail shaped structure in the inner ear that contains the primary receptors for hearing


Where are the primary receptors for hearing located?

In the Cochlea

the vestibular canal, the middle canal, and the tympanic canal are

the three canals of the cochlea

the vestibular canal is also known as the

scala vestibuli (one of three canals in the cochlea)

the scala vestibuli is also known as the

vestibular canal (one of three canals in the cochlea)

the middle canal is also known as the

scala media (The central of three canals in the cochlea)

the scala media is also known as the

middle canal of the cochlea (The central of the three canals in the cochlea)

the tympanic canal is also known as

the scala tympani (one of the three canals in the cochlea)

the scala tympani is also known as

the tympanic canal (one of the three canals in the cochlea)

The middle canal is the

central of 3 spiralling canals inside the cochlea, situated between the vestibular canal and the tympanic canal

what is situated between the vestibular canal and the tympanic canal?

the middle canal (scala media) -- the central of three canals in the cochlea

measurements of the cochlea

the cochlea measures about 4 mm in diameter and 35 - 40 mm long in adults.

This part of the ear measures 4 mm in diameter and 35 - 40 mm long in the average adult.

the cochlea

what is the purpose of the round window?

because the fluid in the canals of the cochlea is not compressible, when the stapes pushes onto the oval window the round window bulges out a bit

What separates the tympanic CANAL from the middle ear?

A flexible membrane called the round window

The round window separates what?

the tympanic CANAL from the middle ear

Round Window

A membrane separating the tympanic CANAL from the middle ear

What part of the cochlea converts sound into neural activity?

the organ of Corti

What is the purpose of the Organ of Corti?

the Organ of Corti is the part of the cochlea that converts sounds into neural activity.

Organ of Corti

A structure in the middle ear that lies on the basilar membrane of the cochlea and contains the hair cells and terminations of the auditory nerve

A structure in the middle ear that lies on the basilar membrane of the cochlea and contains the hair cells and terminations of the auditory nerve

Organ of Corti

Where are hair cells contained?

the organ of corti

Where are the terminations of the auditory nerve?

The Organ of Corti

Where are the terminations of the auditory nerve and hair cells?

The Organ of Corti

What are the 3 main structures in the Organ of Corti?

  1. Hair Cells
  2. Supporting Cells
  3. Terminations of Auditory Nerve Fibers

Hair cells are one of three main structures of ___

the organ of corti

the terminations of auditory nerve fibers are one of three main structures of

the organ of corti

Besides the terminations of auditory nerve fibers and hair cells, what other structure makes up the organ of corti?

supporting cells

What is the base of the organ of corti?

The Basilar Membrane

Where is the Basilar Membrane located?

at the base of the Organ of Corti

Basilar Membrane

a membrane in the cochlea that contains the principal structures involved in auditory transduction

a membrane in the cochlea that contains the principal structures involved in auditory transduction

Basilar Membrane

The Basilar Membrane is located inside the


Hair Cells

One of the receptor cells for hearing in the cochlea

the stapes moves in and out because sound waves his the tympanic membrane and this

ripples fluid in the vestibular canal

what causes ripples in the fluid inside the vestibular canal?

When the stapes moves in and out in response to sound waves striking the tympanic membrane.

What happens when fluid inside the vestibular canal ripples?

It causes the Basilar Membrane to ripple.

What causes the Basilar Membrane to ripple?

when fluid inside the vestibular canal ripples

What shape is the basilar membrane?

The basilar membrane is tapered, narrowest at the base where high frequency sounds have their greatest effect and widest at the apex where low frequency sounds have their greatest effect

what part of the basilar membrane is where high frequency sounds have their greatest effect?

The base -- the narrowest part of the basilar membrane.

What part of the basilar membrane is where low-frequency sounds have the greatest effect?

The apex -- the widest part of the basilar membrane.

How does the cochlea determine the frequency of sound?

the frequency of sounds is encoded by the specific location on the basilar membrane that shows the largest vibration in response to that sound.

Place Coding

the differential response to sounds depending on the location along the membrane

The differential response to sounds depending on the location along the membrane.

Place Coding

Hair cells transduce

movements of the basilar membrane into electrical signals

what transduces the movements of the basilar membrane into electrical signals?

Hair cells

_____________ is what ultimately gets converted into neural activity

The movements of the basilar membrane (this happens through the actions of hair cells)


A stiff hair that protrudes from a hair cell in the auditory or vestibular system.

A stiff hair cell that protrudes from a hair cell in the auditory or vestibular system.


Where are stereocilium located?

in the auditory or vestibular system on the upper surface of the hair cells.

How do stereocilia form a mechanical bridge between the basilar membrane and the tectoral membrane?

Although the bases of hair cells are implanted in the basilar membrane, their stereocilia penetrate the tectorial membrane above to form a mechanical bridge between the two membranes.

What forms the bridge between the basilar membrane and the tectoral membrane?

Stereocilia on hair cells

The bases of hair cells are implanted in

the basilar membrane

while the bases of hair cells are implanted in the basilar membrane, the hair cells stretch upward towards the

tectorial membrane where the hair cells' stereocilia penetrate the tectoral membrane to form a mechanical bridge between the two membranes.

Techtorial Membrane

A membrane that sits atop the organ of corti in the cochlear duct

A membrane that sits above the organ of corti in the cochlear duct

Techtorial membrane

How large of a deflection of stereocilia do you need to produce a large depolarization of hair cells and why?

You only need a tiny deflection of the stereocilia to produce a large depolarization of hair cells because of the tip links that connect the non-selective ion channels to the tips of neighboring stereocilia

How are the stereocilia on hair cells connected to one another?

Via tip links that connect the non-selective ion channels to the tips of neighboring stereocilia.

What happens when the tip links physically pop open the non-selective ion channels?

A rapid depolarization of the hair cell as K+ and Ca++ rush in.

what does depolarization of a hair cell lead to?

a rapid influx of Ca++ at the base of the hair cell?

The rapid influx of Ca++ at the base of the hair cell causes

synaptic vesicles there to fuse with the presynaptic membrane and release neurotransmitters to stimulate adjacent nerve fibers.

What caues the synaptic vesicles at the base of the hair cell to release neurotransmitters?

The rapid influx of Ca++ at the base of the hair cell fuse with the presynaptic membrane and release neurotransmitters to stimulate adjacent nerve fibers.

When do the stereocilia close their non-selective ion channels?

The stereocilia close their non-selective ion channels when the hair cell sways back into its normal position.

Stereocilia's ability to rapidly switch on and off allows hair cells to

track the rapid oscillations of the basilar membrane

Inner Hair Cells

1 of the 2 types of receptor cells for hearing in the cochlea. IHCs are closer to the central axis of the cochlea.

____________ are the hair cells closer to the central axis of the cochlea.

Inner Hair Cells (IHC)

____________ hair cells are farther from the axis of the cochlea

Outer Hair Cells (OHC)

Vestibulocochlear Nerve

Cranial nerve VIII that runs from the cochlea to the brainstem auditory nuclei.

Cranial Nerve VIII is also known as

The Vestibulocochlear Nerve

The Vestibulocochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve VIII) runs from

the cochlea to the brainstem auditory nuclei

This nerve runs from the cochlea to the brainstem auditory nuclei.

Vestibulocochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve VIII)

How are hair cells organized within the human cochlea?

In the human cochlea the hair cells are organized into a single row of about 3,500 IHCs and 12,000 OHCs in 3 rows.

How are IHCs organized within the human cochlea?

3,500 IHCs in a single row.

How are OHCs organized within the human cochlea?

12,000 OHCs are organized in 3 rows

Approximately how many IHCs does the human cochlea contain?

3,500 IHCs

Approximately how many OHCs does the human cochlea contain?

12,000 OHC are organized in three rows inside the cochlea

The fibers of the vestibulocochlear nerve (Cranial Nerve VIII) contact

the base of the hair cells

IHC Afferents,IHC Efferents, OHC Afferents, and OHC Efferents are all

Neural connections within hair cells, each one relying on a different neurotransmitter.

IHC Afferents

Convey to the brain action potentials that provide the perception of sound. IHC are about 95% of the fibers leading to the brain.

These make up 95% of the fibers leading to the brain.

IHC Afferents -- Convey to the brain action potentials that provide the perception of sound.

These convey to the brain action potentials that provide the perception of sound.

IHC Afferents

IHC Efferents

Lead from the brain to the IHCs -- Through which the brain can control IHC responsiveness.

OHC Afferents

Convey info to the brain about the mechanical state of the basilar membrane (but not perceptions of sound)

OHC Efferents

Lead from the brain to the OHCs allowing them to control the stiffness of regions of the basilar membrane to sharpen its tuning

Convey info to the brain about the mechanical state of the basilar membrane (but not the perception of sounds)

OHC Afferents

lead from the brain to the OHCs allowing them to control the stiffness of regions of the basilar membrane to sharpen its tuning

OHC Efferents


in reference to an axon, carrying nerve impulses from a sensory organ to the CNS or from one region to another region of interest.

In reference to an axon, carrying nerve impulses from a sensory organ to the CNS or from one region to another of interest.



In reference to an axon, carrying information from the nervous system to the periphery, or from a region of interest to another.

In reference to an axon, carrying the information from the nervous system to the periphery, or from one region of interest to another.


What frequencies will IHC afferents respond to?

Each IHC afferent has a maximum sensitivity to a particular frequency of sound, but will ALSO respond to neighboring frequencies if the sound is loud enough

Each _______________ has a maximum sensitivity to a particular frequency of sound but will also respond to a neighboring frequency if the sound is loud enough.

IHC Afferent

Tuning Curve

A graph of the responses of a single auditory nerve fiber or neuron to sounds that vary in frequency and intensity.

A graph of the responses of a single auditory nerve fiber or neuron to sounds that vary in frequency and intensity.

Tuning Curve

THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT? --if an auditory neuron has its best frequency at 1,200 Hz (a very weak tone) -- but for sounds that are 20 dB louder the cell will respond in frequencies from 500 - 1,800Hz

Tuning Curve

Auditory brain stem pathways run from where to where?

Auditory brain stem pathways run from the brainstem to the cortex.


The region of the brain that consists of the:

  • Midbrain
  • Pons
  • Medulla

The region of the brain that consists of the midbrain, pons, and medulla.


The midbrain is part of the


the pons is part of the


the medulla is part of the



the outer layer of a structure

Most of the auditory part of the Vestibulocochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve VIII) is made up of

Most of the auditory part of the Vestibulocochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve VIII) is made up of nerve fibers carrying info from the IHCs to the brainstem.

At ___________ the auditory fibers terminate in the cochlear nuclei where some initial processing occurs.

At the brainstem the auditory fibers terminate in the cochlear nuclei where some initial processing occurs.

At the brainstem the _____________ terminate in the cochlear nuclei where some initial processing occurs.

auditory fibers

At the brainstem the auditory fibers terminate in the ________________ where some initial processing occurs.

Coclear Nuclei

Where does initial auditory processing occur

The cochlear nuclei

Cochlear Nucleus

Left and right brainstem nuclei that receive input from auditory hair cells and send output to the superior olivary nucleus.

Left and right brainstem nuclei that receive input from auditory hair cells and send output to the superior olivary nucleus.

Cochlear Nucleus

What sends output to the superior olivary nucleus?

Cochlear Nucleus

Superior Olivary Nucleus receives information from the

Cochlear Nucleus

Superior Olivary Nucleus

Left and right nuclei that receive input from the left and right cochlear nuclei and provide the first binaural analysis of auditory information?

Left and right nuclei that receive input from the left and right cochlear nuclei and provide the first binaural analysis of auditory information

Superior Olivary Nucleus

Where does the first binarual analysis of auditory information occur?

Superior Olivary Nucleus

The __________ pass the binarual info to the inferior colliculi -- the primary auditory centers of the midbrain

superior olivary nuclei

the superior olivary nuclei pass ________ info to the inferior colliculli -- the primary auditory centers of the midbrain


the superior olivary nuclei pass binaural info to the ______________

the inferior colliculli -- the primary auditory centers of the midbrain

What is the primary auditory center of the midbrain?

the inferior colliculi

Inferior Colliculi

Paired grey matter structures of the dorsal midbrain that process auditory info.

Paired grey matter structures of the dorsal midbrain that process auditory info.

Inferior Colliculi

The middle division of the brain


Where do the outputs of the inferior colliculi go?

to the medial geniculate nuclei of the thalamus

the medial geniculate nuclei of the thalamus gets its input from

the inferior colliculi

Medial Geniculate Nucleus

The left and right nuclei in the thalamus that receive input from the inferior colliculi and send output to the auditory cortex.

The left and right nuclei in the thalamus that receive input from the inferior colliculi and send output to the auditory cortex.

Medial Geniculate Nucleus

The medial geniculate nucleus is located in the


The inferior Colliculi sends output to

the auditory cortex

the auditory cortex gets its input from

the Inferior Colliculi


the brain regions at the top of the brainstem that receive input from the inferior colliculi and send output to the auditory cortex.

The brain regions at the top of the brainstem that receive input from the inferior colliculi and send output to the auditory cortex.


At least 2 pathways from the medial geniculate nucleus extend to

several auditory cortical areas

Tonotopic Organization

A major organizational feature in auditory systems where neurons are arranged as an orderly map of stimulus frequency with cells responsive to high frequency located at a distance from those responsive to low frequency.

A major organizational feature in auditory systems where neurons are arranged as an orderly map of stimulus frequency with cells responsive to high frequency located at a distance from those that are responsive to low frequencies.

Tonotopic Organization

Low Frequency sounds are heard as


High Frequency Sounds are heard as


Treble is __________ frequency


at the higher levels of the auditory system, auditory neurons are not only excited by certain frequencies they are _________

also inhibited by neighboring frequencies

What does the excitation and inhibition of auditory neurons in the higher levels of the auditory system used for?

They help us discriminate tiny differences in the frequencies of sound.

How do we discriminate tiny differences in the frequency of sound?

Because at the higher levels of the auditory system auditory neurons are not only excited by certain frequencies they are also inhibited by neighboring frequencies.

Many sounds activate the _______

primary auditory cortex

(Example - tones, noise, etc)

Where is the primary auditory cortex located?

on the upper surface of the temporal lobes

Speech sounds activate both

the primary auditory cortex on the upper surface of the temporal lobes and more specialized auditory areas

These sounds activate the primary auditory cortex on the upper surface of the temporal lobes and more specialized auditory areas.

speech sounds

Tones, notes, and noise activate the

primary auditory cortex on the upper surface of the temporal lobes, but not the more specialized auditory areas involved when you hear speech.

Areas of the brain activated during lip reading

are the primary auditory cortex on the upper surface of the temporal lobes AND the more specialized areas involved when you hear speech.

The fact that the parts of the brain active during lip reading are the same parts of the brain active when people hear speech indicates _______

that the auditory cortex integrates non-auditory info with sounds.

How do we know that the auditory cortex integrates non-auditory info with sounds?

Because the parts of the brain active during lip reading are the same parts of the brain active when listening to speech.

An enlarged region of each semicircular canal that contains the receptor cells (hair cells) of the vestibular system.
The inability to smell.


The inability to smell.

PNS is also known as

The Peripheral Nervous System

The _____ has an array of miniature acoustic detectors packed into a space the size of a pea.


The transduction of air molecules into neural activity is ______________________ response than photoreceptors

1000x Faster in their response

Which are faster in response time; photoreceptors or auditory receptors?

Auditory receptors are 1000x faster than photoreceptors.

Steps of peripheral processing in audition.

  1. The external ear and middle ear collect sound waves and amplify pressure.
  2. They transmit to fluid-filled cochlea in the inner ear where complex soundwaves are broken down into simple sinusoidal components.
  3. Hair cells encode frequency, amplitude, and phase based on tonotopy and then transmits by parallel pathways to the auditory nerve

The steps of central processing in audition.

  1. Superior olivary complex gets info from both ears
  2. SOC sends info to the inferior collicuis and integrates it with the motor system.
  3. Motor system relays info to the thalamus and cortex.


Sound is

pressure waves generated by vibrating air molecules; displacement as little as 10 picometers can be heard.

The 4 major features of sound waves

  1. Amplitude
  2. Frequency
  3. Waveform
  4. Phase

Amplitude is measured in

decibels (dB)

Decibels (db) measures which of the four aspects of sound?

Amplitude (Intensity/Loudness)

Hertz measures which of the four features of sound?


Frequency is measured in

Herzt (Hz)

The amplitude of a sound plotted against time is known as

its waveform

Why is the phase of a sound important?

Because it is important for sound localization.

Measurement that goes from peak to peak of a soundwave is its

amplitude (or intensity)

What is the frequency range for human hearing?

15Hz - 20,000 Hz

Fourier Analysis

a mathematical process used to analyze sounds as the sum of sine waves.

A mathematical process used to analyze sounds as the sum of sine waves.

Fourier Analysis

Parts of the Outer Ear

  1. Pinna
  2. External Auditory Canal

The Pinna and External Auditory Canal are parts of the ______________

Outer ear

The pinna and the concha are shaped to

filter sound waves from different elevations

These ear structures are shaped to filter sound waves from different elevations.

Pinna and Concha

The purpose of the Auditory Meatus is to

Amplify; it boosts sound pressure 30 - 100 fold.

This structure in the ear is intended to amplify sound, it can boost sound pressure 30 - 100 fold.

Auditory Meatus

The purpose of the middle ear is to

concentrate sound energies

This part of the ear transforms airborne sounds into vibrations that can be detected by hair cells

the middle ear

This part of the ear boosts air pressure 200 fold in order to overcome air-fluid transition.

Middle ear

The two mechanical processes of the middle ear are

  1. When the larger tympanic membrane funnels sound onto the smaller oval window.
  2. the lever action of the ossicles

Conductive Hearing Loss can occur as a result of

Conductive hearing loss can occur as a result of ossification of middle ear bones or damage to the outer ear.

This type of hearing loss can occur as a result of the ossification of middle ear bones or damage to the outer ear.

Conductive Hearing Loss

Why does ossification of the middle ear bones or damage to the outer ear often result in conductive hearing loss?

because it lowers the efficency of energy transfer.

This membrane attaches to the malleus

The tympanic membrane

The tympanic membrane attaches to what bone?

the malleus

The stapes attaches to what membrane?

the oval window

the oval window is attached to what bone?

The stapes

What is the purpose of the inner ear?

The inner ear structures convert sound into neural activity

The base of the cochlea is close to what membrane?

oval window

This structure in the ear transforms waveforms from sound pressure into neural impulses.


The Cochlea transforms wave forms from

Sound pressure into neural impulses.

What does the oval window do?

it is where the sound waves enter via the stapes (ossicles)

What membrane in the ear allows the fluids in the cochlea to move?

The round window

The round window is a membrane that separates _____________ from _______________

The round window is a membrane that separates the scala tympani from the middle ear.

What membrane separates the scala tympani from the middle ear?

The Round Window

Where do the fluids of the ear mix?

at the cochlear apex

What is the fluid mix at the cochlear apex called?




The fluid mix at the cochlear apex.


an enlarged region of each semicircular canal that contains the hair cells of the vestibular system.

An enlarged region of each semicircular canal that contains the hair cells of the vestibular system


Central Deafness

A hearing impairment that is related to lesions in auditory pathways or centers, including sites in the brainstem, thalamus, or cortex. Cortical deafness and word deafness are two examples of central deafness.

A hearing impairment that is related to lesions in the auditory pathways or centers, including sites in the brainstem, thalamus, or cortex.

Central Deafness

Cortical Deafness and Word Deafness are two types of what

Central Deafness

Two types of central deafness

  1. Cortical Deafness and Word Deafness


A hairlike extension. The extensions in the hair cells of the cochlea are cilia.

One of the three types of small structures on the tongue, located in the back, that contain taste receptors.

Circumvallate Papillae

Cochlear Implant

An electromechanical device that detects sounds and selectively stimulates nerves in different regions of the cochlea via surgically implanted electrodes.

An electromechanical device that detects sounds and selectively stimulates nerves in different regions of the cochlea via surgically implanted electrodes.

Cochlear Implant

Cochlear Nuclei

Brainstem nuclei that receive input from auditory hair cells and send output to the superior olivary complex.

Brainstem nuclei that recieve input from auditory hair cells and send output to the superior olivary complex.

Cochlear Nuclei

Where does the cochlear nuclei send it's output?

to the superior olivary complex.

The superior olivary complex receives its input from

the cochlear nuclei in the brain stem

Coincidence Detector

A device that senses the co-occurence of two events.

A device that senses the co-occurence of two events.

Coinicidence Detector

A hearing impairment that is associated with the pathology of the external-ear or middle-ear cavities.

Conduction Deafness

Cortical Deafness

A hearing impairment that is caused by a fault or defect in the cortex.

A hearing impairment that is caused by a fault or defect in the cortex.

Cortical Deafness.


A small gelatinous column that forms part of the lateral-line system of aquatic animals and also occurs within the vestibular system of mammals.

A small gelatinous column that forms part of the lateral-line system of aquatic animals and also occurs within the vestibular system of mammals.



Hearing loss so proufound that speech perception is lost.

Hearing loss so profound that speech perception is lost.


Dendritic Knob

A portion of olfactory receptor cells present in the olfactory epithelium.

A portion of olfactory receptor cells present in the olfactory epithelium.

Dendritic Knob.

Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)

A modified form of MRI in which the diffusion of water in a confined space is exploited to produce images of axonal fibertracts.

A modified form of MRI where the diffusion of water in a confined space is exploited to produce images of axonal fibertracts.

Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)

Duplex Theory

a theory that we localize sound by combining information about intensity differences and latency differences between the two ears.

A theory that we localize sound by combining info about intensity differences and latency differences between the two ears.

Duplex Theory.

According to Duplex Theory how do we localize sound?

By combining information about intensity and latency differences between two ears.

Ear Canal

a tube leading from the pinna to the middle ear

the tube leading from the pinna to the middle ear

Ear Canal

External Ear

The part of the ear that we readily see (the pinna) and the canal that leads to the eardrum.

The part of the ear that we readily see and the canal that leads to the eardrum make up the

external ear


a complex arbor of dendrites from a group of olfactory cells

A complex arbor of dendrites from a group of olfactory cells.


When sound waves displace hair cells it generates

nerve impulses that travel to the brain.

Hearing loss

decreased sensitivity to sound, in varying degrees.

Decreased sensitivity to sound in varying degrees

Hearing Loss

Inferior Colliculi

Paired grey matter structures of the dorsal midbrain that receive auditory information

Paired grey matter structures of the dorsal midbrain that receive auditory information

Inferior Culliculi

The inner ear consists of

The cochlea and the vestibular apparatus

The Cochlea and the Vestibular Apparatus make up the

inner ear

Labeled Lines

The concept that each nerve input to the brain reports only a particular type of information.

The concept that each nerve input to the brain reports only a particular types of information.

Labeled Lines.

Lateral-Line System

A sensory system, found in many kinds of fish and amphibians, that informs the animal of water motion in relation to the body surface.

A sensory system, found in many kinds of fish and amphibians, that informs the animal of water motion in relation to the body surface.

Lateral-Line System

The Medial Geniculate Nucleus recieves input from ____________________

Inferior Colliculi

The Medial Geniculate Nucleus sends output to__________

The auditory Cortex

Receives input from the inferior colliculi and sends output to the auditory cortex

the medial geniculate nucleus

The cavity between the tympanic membrane and the cochlea

the middle ear

Minimal discriminable frequency difference

The smallest change in frequency that can be detected reliably between two tones.

The smallest change in frequency that can be detected reliably between the two tones.

Minimal Discriminable Frequency Difference

Mitral Cell

A type of cell in the olfactory bulb that conducts smell information from the glomeruli to the rest of the brain.

A type of cell in the olfactory bulb that conducts smell information from the glomeruli to the rest of the brain.

Mitral Cell

Motion Sickness

The experience of nausea brought on by unnatural passive movement as in a car or a bus.

Olfactory Bulb

An anterior projection of the brain that terminates in the upper nasal passages and, through small openings in the skull, provides receptors for smell.

An anterior projection of the brain that terminates in the upper nasal passages and through small openings in the skull, provides receptors for smell.

Olfactory Bulb

Olfactory Epithelium

A sheet of cells, including olfactory receptors, that lines the dorsal portion of the nasal cavities and adjacent regions, including the septum that separates the left and right nasal cavities.

A sheet of cells, including olfactory receptors, that line the dorsal portion of the nasal cavities and adjacent regions, including the septum that separates the left and right nasal cavities.

Olfactory Epithelium

Olfactory Receptor Cell

A type of neuron, found in the olfactory epithelium, which senses airborne odorants via specialized receptor proteins.

A type of neuron, found in the olfactory epithelium, which senses airborne odorants via specialized receptor proteins.

Olfactory Receptor Cell

A structure in the inner ear that lies on the basilar membrane of the cochlea and contains the hair cells and terminations of the auditory nerve.

Organ of Corti

Otoacousitc Emission

A sound produced by the cochlea itself, either spontanously or in response to an environmental noise.

A sound produced by the cochlea itself, either spontaneously or in response to an environmental noise.

Otoacoustic Emission


a small crystal on the gelatinous membrane in the vestibular system.

A small crystal on the gelatinous membrane in the vestibular system.



Toxic to the ears, especially to the middle or inner ear.

Means "toxic to the ears", especially to the middle or inner ear.


The opening from the middle ear to the inner ear.

The oval window

A small bump that projects from the surface of the tongue and contains most of the taste receptor cells.


Pattern Coding

Coding of info in sensory systems based on the temporal pattern of action potentials.

Coding of info in sensory systems based on the temporal pattern of action potentials.

Pattern Coding


A chemical signal that is released outside of the body of an animal and affects other members of the same species.

A chemical signal that is released outside the body of an animal and affects other members of the same species.


The membrane separating the cochlear duct from the middle-ear cavity

Round Window


A small, fluid-filled sac under the utricle in the vestibular system that responds to static positions of the head.

A small, fluid-filled sac under the utricle in the vestibular system that responds to static positions of the head.


The central of 3 spiraling canals inside the cochlea, situated between the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani

Scala Media

Semicircular Canal

One of the tree fluid-filled tubes in the inner ear that are part of the vestibular system. Each of the tubes, which are at right angles to one another, detects angular acceleration.

Sensorineural Deafness

A hearing impairment that orginates from cochlear or auditory nerve lesions.

A hearing impairment that originates from cochlear or auditory nerve lesions.

Sensorineural Deafness

Sensory Conflict Theory

A theory of motion sickness suggesting that the discrepancies between vestibular info and visual info simulate food poisoning and therefore trigger nausea.

A theory of motion sickness that suggests the dicrepancies between vestibular info and visual info simulate food poisoning and therefore trigger nausea.

Sensory Conflict Theory

Spectral Filtering

Alteration of the amplitude of some, but not all, frequencies in a sound. When performed by the irregular shapes of the external ear, this process is a source of info that assists in the localization of sounds.

Alteration of the amplitude of some, but not all, frequencies in a sound. When performed by the irregular shapes of the external ear, this process is a source of info that assists in the localization of sounds.

Spectral Filtering

Brainstem nuclei that receive input from both the right and left cochlear nuclei, and provide the first binaural analysis of auditory information.

Superior Olivary Nuclei


A substance that can be tasted

A substance that can be tasted is called a _____


A membrane that sits atop the organ of Corti in the cochlear duct.

Tectorial Membrane

The encoding of sound frequency in terms of the number of action potentials per second produced by an auditory nerve

temporal coding

The muscle attached to the malleus that modulates mechanical linkage to protect the delicate receptor cells of the inner ear from damaging sound.

Tensor Tympani


A sensation of noises or ringing in the ears

A sensation of noises or ringing in the ears


Trace Amine-Associated Receptors (TAARs)

A family of probably pheromone receptors produced by neurons in the main olfactory epithelium. TAARs are candidate pheromone receptors, despite being situated outside the VMO

A family of probable pheromone receptors produced by neurons in the main olfactory epithelium. They are candidate pheromone receptors, despite being situated outside the VMO.

Trace Amine-Associated Receptors (TAARs)

These phermone receptors are produced by neurons in the main olfactory epithelium.

Trace Amine-Associated Receptors (TAARs)

The partition between the external ear and the middle ear

the tympanic membrane (eardrum)


A small, fluid-filled sac in the vestibular system above the saccule that responds to static positions of the head.

Where is the Utricle located?

in the vestibular system above the saccule

Brainstem nuclei that receive info from the vestibular organs through cranial nerve VIII (The Vestibulocochlear Nerve)

Vestibular Nuclei

Vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)

The brainstem mechanism that maintains gaze on a visual object despite movments of the head.

The brainstem mechanism that maintains gaze on a visual object despite movements of the head.

Vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)

VOR is also known as

the Vestibulo-ocular reflex

Cranial Nerve VII that runs from the cochlea to the brainstem auditory nuclei

Vestibulocochlear Nerve

Vomeronasal Organ

A collection of specialized receptor cells, near to but separate from the olfactory epithelium, that detect pheromones and send electrical signals to the accessory olfactory bulb in the brain.

A collection of specialized receptor cells, near to, but separate from the olfactory epithilium, that detect pheromones and send electrical signals to the accessory olfactory bulb in the brain.

Vomeronasal Organ

The VMO is also known as

The Vomeronasal Organ

Vomeronasal System

A specialized chemical detection system that detects pheromones and sends electrical signals to the accessory olfactory bulb in the brain.

A specialized chemical detection system that detects pheromones and sends electrical signals to the accessory olfactory bulb in the brain.

Vomeronasal System

Word Deafness

The specific inability to hear words, although other sounds can be detected.

The specific inability to hear words, although other sounds can be detected.

Word Deafness


The process of focusing by the cilliary muscles and the lens to form a sharp image on the retina.

The process of focusing by the cilliary muscles and the lens to form a sharp image on the retina.



In the context of sensory processing, the progressive loss of receptor sensitivity as stimulation is maintained.

In the context of sensory processing, the progressive loss of receptor sensitivity as stimulation is maintained.


Amacrine Cells

Specialized retinal cells that contact both the bipolar cells and the ganglion cells, and are especially significant in inhibitory interactions with the retina.

Specialized retinal cells that contact both the bipolar cells and the ganglion cells, and are especially significant in inhibitory interactions with the retina.

Amacrine Cells

Amacrine cells contact these two types of cells

Bipolar and ganglion cells

These cells are especially significant in inhibitory interactions with the retina.

Amacrine cells

Amacrine Cells are significant in what type of interaction with the retina?

Inhibitory Interactions



Reduced visual acuity that is not caused by optical or retinal impairments.

Reduced visual acuity that is not caused by optical or retinal impairments.


Bipolar Cells

A class of interneurons of the retina that receive info from rods and cones and pass the info to retinal ganglion cells.

A class of interneurons of the retina that receive info from rods and cones and pass the info to retinal ganglion cells

Bipolar Cells

Blind Spot

The portion of the visual field from which light falls on the optic disc. Because there are no receptors in this region, light striking it cannot be seen.

The portion of the visual field from which light falls on the optic disc. Because there are no receptors in this region, light striking it cannot be seen.

Blind Spot


One of three basic dimension of light perception; varies from dark to light.

Three basic dimensions of light perception

  1. Brightness
  2. Hue
  3. Saturation

Brightness, Hue, and Saturation are

the three basic dimensions of light perception.

One of three basic dimensions of light perception; varies from dark to light.


Ciliary Muscle

One of the muscles that controls the shape of the lens inside the eye, focusing an image on the retina.

One of the muscles that controls the shape of the lens inside the eye, focusing an image on the retina.

Ciliary Muscle

Complex Cortical Cell

A cell in the visual cortex that responds best to a bar of a particular size and orientation anywhere within a particular area of the visual field.

A cell in the visual cortex that responds best to a bar of a particular size and orientation anywhere within a particular area of the visual field.

Complex Cortical Cell


A class of photoreceptor cells in the retina that are responsible for color vision.

A class of photoreceptor cells in the retina that are responsible for color vision.



The transparent outer layer of the eye, whose curvature is fixed. It bends light rays and is primarily responsible for forming the image on the retina.

Extraocular Muscle

One of the muscles attached to the eyeball that control its position and movement.

Extrastriate Cortex

Visual Cortex outside of the primary visual (striate) cortex.

Visual cortex outside of the primary visual cortex.

Extrastriate Cortex


The central portion of the retina, packed with the most photoreceptors and therefore the center of our gaze.

The central portion of the retinal, packed with the most photoreceptors and therefore the center of our gaze.


A class of cells in the retina whose axons form the optic nerve.

Ganglion Cells

Horizontal Cells

Specialized retinal cells that contact both the receptor cells and the bipolar cells.

Specialized retinal cells that contact both the receptor cells and the bipolar cells

Horizontal Cells


One of three basic properties of light perception; hue varies around the color circle through blue, green, yellow, orange, and red.

This basic property of light perception varies around the color circle through blue, green, yellow, orange, and red.



The circular structure of the eye that provides an opening to form the pupil

Lateral Geniculate Nucleus

The part of the thalamus that receives info from the optic tract and sends it to visual areas in the occipital cortex.

The part of the thalamus that receives info from the optic tract and sends it to visual areas in the occipital cortex.

Lateral Geniculate Nucleus

The Lateral Geniculate Nucleus is located in the


Lateral Inhibition

The phenomenon by which interconnected neurons inhibit their neighbors, producing the contrast at the edges of regions.

The phenomenon by with interconnected neurons inhibit their neighbors, producing the contrast at the edges of regions.

Lateral Inhibition


A structure in the eye that helps focus an image on the retina. The shape of the lens is controlled by the ciliary muscles inside the eye.

A structure in the eye that helps focus an image on the retina, its shape is controlled by the ciliary muscles inside the eye.



Of or consisting of relatively large cells

Of or consisting of relatively large cells


Mirror Neuron

A neuron that is active both when a person makes a particular movement and when that individual sees another person make that same movement.

A neuron that is active both when a person makes a particular movement and when that individual sees another person make that same movement.

Mirror Neuron


Nearsightedness; the inability to focus the retinal image on objects that are far away.

Nearsightedness; the inability to focus the retinal image on objects that are far away.


Occipital Lobes

Large regions of cortex covering much of the posterior part of each cerebral hemisphere, and speciallized for visual processing.

Large regions of cortex covering much of the posterior part of each cerebral hemisphere, and specialized for visual processing.

Occipital Lobes

A region of cortex in which one eye or the other provides a greater degree of synaptic input

Occular Dominance Column

Ocular Dominance Slab

A slab of visual cortex, about 0.5 mm wide, in which the neurons of all layers respond preferentially to stimulation of one eye.

A slab of visual cortex, about 0.5 mm wide, in which the neurons of all laters respond preferentially to stimulation of one eye.

Ocular Dominance Slab

Off-Center Bipolar Cell

A retinal bipolar cell that is inhibited by light in the center of its receptive field.

A retinal bipolar cell that is inhibited by light in the center of its receptive field.

Off-Center Bipolar Cell

Off-Center Ganglion Cell

A retinal ganglion cell that is activated when light is presented to the periphery, rather than the center, of the cells receptive field.

A retinal ganglion cell that is activated when light is presented to the periphery, rather than the center, of the cell's receptive field.

Off-Center Ganglion Cell


Referring to a cocentric receptive field in which the center inhibits the cell of interest while the surround excites it.

Referring to a cocentric receptive field in which the center inhibits the cell of interest while the surround excites it.


On-Center Bipolar Cell

A retinal bipolar cell that is excited by light in the center of its receptive field.

A retinal bipolar cell that is excited by light in the center of its receptive field.

On-Center Bipolar Cell

On-Center Ganglion Cell

A retinal Ganglion cell that is activated when light is presented to the center, rather than the periphery, of the cell's receptive field.


Referring to a cocentric receptive field in which the center excites the cell of interest while the surround inhibits it.

A retinal ganglion cell that is activated when light is presented to the center, rather than the periphery, of the cell's receptive field.

On-Center Ganglion Cell

Referring to a cocentric receptive field in which the center excites the cell of interest while the surround inhibits it.


The theory that color vision depends on systems that produce opposite responses to light of different wave lengths.

Opponent-Process Hypothesis


One of the two components of photopigments in the retina. The other component is retinal.

What are the two components of photopigments in the retina?

  1. Retinal
  2. Opsin

Optic Ataxia

A spatial disortientation in which the patient is unable to accurately reach for objects using visual guidance.

A spatial disorientation in which the patient is unable to accurately reach for objects using visual guidance.

Optic Ataxia

Optic Chiasm

The point at which the two optic nerves meets.

The point at which the two optic nerves meet.

Optic Chiasm

Optic Disc

The region of the retina devoid of receptor cells because ganglion cell axons and blood vessels exit the eyeball there.

The region of the retina devoid of receptor cells because ganglion cell axons and blood vessels exit the eyeball there.

Optic Disc

Optic Nerve

Cranial Nerve II, the collection of ganglion cell axons that extend from the retina to the optic chiasm.

Cranial Nerve II, the collection of ganglion cell axons that extend from the retina to the optic chiasm.

Optic Nerve

The optic nerve is also known as

Cranial Nerve II


Cranial Nerve II is also known as

the optic nerve

Optic Radiation

Axons from the lateral geniculate nucleus that terminate in the primary visual areas of the occipital cortex.

Axons from the lateral geniculate nucleus that terminate in the primary visual areas of the occipital cortex.

Optic Radiation

Optic Tract

The axons of retinal ganglion cells after they have passed to the optic chiasm; most terminate in the lateral geniculate nucleus

The axons of retinal ganglion cells after they have passed to the optic chiasm; most terminate in the lateral geniculate nucleus.

Optic Tract

Of or consisting of relatively small cells



A quantum of light energy

A quantum of light energy is called a


Photopic System

A system in the retina that operates at high levels of light, shows sensitivity to color, and involves the cones.

A system in the retinal that operates at high levels of light, shows sensitivity to color, and involves the cones.

Photopic System

Photoreceptor Adaptation

The tendency of rods and cones to adjust their light sensitivity to match ambient levels of illumination.

The tendency of rods and cones to adjust their light sensitivity to match ambient levels of illumination

Photoreceptor Adaptation.

Neural Cells in the retina that respond to light


Where are photoreceptors located?

in the retina

Primary Visual Cortex

Also called the striate cortex, V1, or Area 17. The region of occipital cortex where most visual info first arrives.

The region of occipital cortex where most visual info first arrives.

Primary visual cortex

The Primary Visual Cortex is also known as these three names

  1. Striate Cortex
  2. V1
  3. Area 17

The aperture, formed by the iris, that allows light to enter the eye


Range Fractionation

A hypothesis of stimulus intensity perception stating that a wide range of intensity values can be encoded by a group of cells, each of which is a specialist for a particular range of stimulus intensities.

A hypothesis of stimulus intensity perception stating that a wide range of intensity values can be encoded by a group of cells, each of which is a specialist for a particular range of stimulus intensities.

Range Fractionation

Receptive Field

The stimulus region and features that affect the activity of a cell in a sensory system.

The stimulus region and features that affect the activity of a cell in a sensory system.

Receptive Field


The bending of light rays by a change in the density of a medium, such as the cornea and the lens of the eyes.


The receptive surface inside the eye that contains photoreceptors and other neurons

The receptive surface inside the eye that contains the photoreceptors and other neurons



One of the components of photopigments in the retina. The other one is opsin.


The photopigment in rods that responds to light

The photopigment in rods that respond to light



A class of light-sensitive receptor cells (photoreceptors) in the retina that are most active at low levels of light.

A class of light-sensitive receptor cells (photoreceptors) in the retina that are most active at low levels of light



Referring to the condition in which a maximal numbers of receptors of one type have been bound by molecules of a drug; additional doses of a drug cannot produce additional binding.


A region of blindness caused by injury to the visual pathway or brain.

A region of blindness caused by injury to the visual pathway or brain.


A system in the retina that operates at low levels of light and involves the rods.

Scotopic System

Simple Cortical Cell

Also called bar detector or edge detector. A cell in the visual cortex that responds best to an edge or a bar that has a particular width, as well as a particular orientation and location in the visual field.

A cell in the visual cortex that responds best to an edge or bar that has a particular width, as well as a particular orientation and location in the visual field.

Simple Cortical Cell

Spatial-Frequency Filter Model

A model of pattern analysis that emphasizes Fourier analysis of visual stimuli

A model of pattern analysis that emphasizes Fourier Analysis of visual stimuli

Spatial-Frequency Filter Model

Spectrally Opponent Cell

A visual receptor cell that has opposite firing responses to different regions of the spectrum.

A visual receptor cell that has oppostite firing responses to different regions of the spectrum.

Spectrally Opponent Cells

A hypothesis of color perception stating that there are three types of cones, each excited by a different region of the spectrum and each having a separate pathway to the brain.

Trichromatic Hypothesis

Visual Acuity

Sharpness of vision

Visual Field

The whole area that you can see without moving your head or eyes

The whole area that you can see without moving your head or eyes.

Visual Field


The length between two peaks in a repeated stimulus such as a wave, light, or sound.

The length between two peaks in a repeated stimulus such as a wave, light, or sound.


The three main structures in the organ of Corti are:

  1. Hair Cells
  2. Framework of Supporting Cells
  3. Basilar Membrane

This structure in the organ of Corti vibrates in response to sound.

Basilar Membrane

What happens when there is inward movement of the oval window?

Inward movement of the oval window displaces inner ear fluids causing the round window to bulge and deform the cochlear partition.

At the ____________________ the traveling sound wave is translated into a shearing motion.

Organ of Corti

the ______________ pushes hair cells against the tectorial membrane as perilymphatic pressure waves pass.

Basilar Membrane

The Basilar Membrane pushes ______ against the tectorial membrane as perilymphatic pressure waves pass.

Hair cells

The Basilar membrane pushes hair cells against the _____________ as perilymphatic pressure waves pass.

Tectorial Membrane

The basilar membrane pushes hair cells against the tectorial membrane as ________________

perilymphatic pressure waves pass.

TRUE OR FALSE: The shearing motion that bends the stereocilia on the hair cells in the organ or Corti can cause hyperpolarization or depolarization.

True, it can cause EITHER hyperpolarization or depolarization

Displacement of hair cells in the upward phase =


Displacement of hair cells in the downward phase =


TRUE OR FALSE: The organ of Corti operates on graded receptor potential.


Which part of the basilar membrane vibrates in response to high frequency sounds?

The narrow base of the basilar membrane vibrates in response to high frequency sounds.

Which part of the basilar membrane vibrates in response to low frequency sounds?

Low frequency sounds displace the wider apex of the basilar membrane.

Do Afferent nerve cells carry messages to or from the brain?

Afferent nerve cells carry messages TO the brain. The 'A' in Afferent means ARRIVE.

Do efferent nerve cells carry messages to or from the brain?

Efferent nerve cells carry messages FROM the brain, the 'E' in efferant means EXIT.

The afferent fibers of IHCs are sent where?

To the cochlear nucleus of the brainstem.

The efferent nerve fibers of IHCs come from where?

The lateral superior olivary nucleus

The afferent fibers of the tectorial membrane lead to where?

to the cochlear nucleus

The efferent fibers of the techtorial membrane come from where?

From the medial superior olivary nucleus.

flask-shaped epithelial cells that protrude in the scala media are

hair cells

_____________ sits on top of and overlaps the basilar membrane

Tectorial membrane

The tectorial membrane sits on top of and overlaps the

basilar membrane

Hair cells transform vibrational energy into

electrical signals

Hair cells transform ______________ energy into electrical signals


What constitutes 95% of the auditory nerve?

One row of inner hair cells (3,500)

What do the three rows of Outer Hair Cells do?

feed back energy to amplify the traveling wave by up to 65 dB.

These feed back energy to amplify the traveling sound wave by up to 65 dB.

The 12,000 (three rows) of outer hair cells

How many stereocilia are there per hair cell?

30 - 100+

How are the 30 - 100+ stereocilia arranged on each hair cell?

The 30 - 100+ stereocilia per hair cell are bilaterally symmetrical and arranged by height.

What transforms the shearing motion of hair cell bundles into graded receptor potentials?

the tip links that connect 2 adjacent stereocilia

The flux of K+ molecules is used to

both depolarize and hyperpolarize the hair cell.

What is used to depolarize and hyperpolarize the hair cell?

The flux of K+ molecules.

The apical end of the hair cell protrudes into the scala media and is high in _______ and low in ______________ due to pumps.

The apical end of the hair cell protrudes into the scala media and is high in K+ and low in Na+ in endolymph due to pumps.

This end of the hair cell is high in K+ and low in Na+ in its endolymph due to pumps.

The apical end

The basal end of the hair cell is low in __(chemical)__ and high in_(chemical)__ in perilymph from scala tympani.

The basal end is low in K+ and high in Na+ in perilymph from the scala tympani.

The ________ end of the hair cell is low in K+ and high in Na+ in its perilymph from the scala tympani.

Basal end

A hair cell generates a sinusoidal receptor potential to a sinusoidal stimulus to

preserve temporal information

When the shear pulls on the tip links and open the K+ channels this leads to


When the hair cells return to their pre-shear position what happens to the cells?


What is the resting potential of a hair cell membrane?

-45 to -60 mV

Depolarization opens __________ at the synaptic basal pole of the cell.

Ca++ channels

What triggers vesicle exocytosis and glutamate release in a hair cell?

When depolarization opens voltage dependent Ca++ channels at the synaptic basal pole of the cell.

Graphs of auditory nerve fiber responses -- show that additional sharpening takes place.

Tuning Curve

This nerve contains auditory fibers from the cochlea; each fiber divides into two branches, going to cells in the ventral and dorsal cochlear nuclei.

Vestibulocochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve VII)

True or False: The Superior Olivary Nucleus receives bilateral input.


In this part of the midbrain auditory neurons have a preferred elevation and horizontal direction as well as respond to complex patterns.

Inferior Colliculus

In this part of the brain auditory parallel pathways converge and mediate detection of specific spectral and temporal combinations of sound.

Auditory thalamus/medial geniculate complex

Auditory Thalamus/Medial Geniculate Complex

In this part of the brain auditory parallel pathways converge and mediate detection of specific spectral and temporal combinations of sound.

This part of the the temporal cortex maintains a topographical map of the cochlea; conscious perception of sound (including speech recognition.)

Auditory cortex in the temporal cortex.

These neurons act as coincidence detectors in the auditory system.

MSO Neurons (Medial Superior Olive)

The Medial Superior Olive (MSO) deals with what aspect of audition?

Timing = it receives stimulus from both ears and interprets differences in TIMING of bilateral inputs (determined by the length of each axon connection) and is used to locate sound source.

The Lateral Superior Olive deals with what aspect of audition?

Intensity = abouve 2kHz the head acts as an obstacle for short, high-frequency waves, resulting in lower intensity signals to the distant ear. Differences in INTENSITY are used by lateral superior olive and the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body to locate sound. Each LSO receives inhibitory input from the other LSO via MNTB interneurons.

What are the two kinds of latency differences?

  • Onset Disparity
  • Ongoing Phase Disparity

Onset Disparity

Difference in hearing at the beginning and end of a sound

the difference in hearing at the beginning and end of a sound.

Onset Disparity

Ongoing Phase Disparity

Continuous difference between ears in arrival of parts of a sound wave.

Continuous difference between ears in arrival of parts of a sound wave.

Ongoing Phase Disparity

The two divisions of the superior olivary nucleus are:

  1. Lateral Superior Olive
  2. Medial Superior Olive

The Lateral Superior Olive and the Medial Superior Olive are parts of the

Superior Olivary Nucleus

The Lateral Superior Olive processes

intensity differences

The Medial Superior Olive processes

The Medial Superior Olive processes latency differences but encodes sound by relative activity of the left and right sides.

_________ Processes latency differences, but encodes sound by relative activity of the left and right sides.

The Medial Superior Olive

The External ear structure selectively reinforces some frequencies called

Spectral filtering


Horizontal location

What localizes a sound in the azimuth?

Binaural intensity and latency cues

What is the azimuth?

Horizontal location

Spectral cues provide critical info about ____

elevation (vertical location)

______ provide critical information about elevation

Spectral cues

Vertical Location =


(eleVation is Vertical Location)

Elevation =

Vertical Location

The auditory cortex analyzes complex sounds in these two main streams:

  1. Dorsal Stream - In the parietal lobe, involved in spatial location.
  2. Ventral Stream - In the temporal lobe, analyzes components of sound.

Dorsal Stream of the auditory cortex

The Dorsal Stream is located in the Parietal Lobe and is involved in spatial location of sound.

This part of the auditory cortex is located in the Parietal Lobe and is involved in the spatial location of sound.

The Dorsal Stream of the Auditory Cortex

(DorSAL = parieTAL)

(You locate a shark by the dorsal fin and you locate a sound by the dorsal stream)

This part of the auditory cortext is located in the temporal lobe and analyzes the components of sound.

The ventral stream of the auditory cortex.

Where is the ventral stream of the auditory cortex located?

In the temporal lobe

Where is the Dorsal stream of the auditory cortex located?

In the parietal lobe

What it the dorsal stream of the auditory cortex involved in?

The dorsal stream of the auditory cortex is located in the parietal lobe and is involved in spatial location of sound.

This part of the auditory cortex is located in the parietal lobe and is involved in the spatial location of sound.

Dorsal Stream of the Auditory Cortex

This part of the auditory cortex is larger in musicians.

Heschl's Gyrus

Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) using MRI, shows fewer connections between the frontal cortex and temporal lobe in people who are

Tone Deaf

Decreased sensitivity to sound, ranging from moderate to severe.

Hearing Loss

Is a loss of hearing so profound that speech cannot be perceived even with the use of hearing aids.


Disorders of the outer or middle ear that prevent sounds from reaching the cochlea

Conduction Deafness

Originates from cochlear or auditory nerve lesions

Sensorineural Deafness

Three main causes of deafness:

  1. Conduction Deafness
  2. Sensorineural Deafness
  3. Central Deafness

These ear damaging effects may be due to drugs, noise pollution, or loud sounds.

Ototoxic Effects

Damage to hair cells can result in __________ a sensation of noises or ringing in the ears


Tinnitus is a result of

Damage to hair cells

Hearing Loss is a major disorder of the _____ system.

Nervous system

Hearing loss caused by brain lesions (such as stroke) with complex results.

Central Deafness

The inability to recognize spoken words

Word Deafness

Difficulty recognizing verbal and non-verbal auditory stimuli.

Cortical Deafness

Cochlear Implants are used to treat deafness due to

Hair Cell Loss

_____________ are used to treat deafness due to hair cell loss

Cochlear Implants

Broca's Aphasia is also known as

Expressive Aphasia

Expressive Aphasia is also known as

Broca's Aphasia

Signs of Broca's (Expressive) Aphasia

  • Anomia
  • Inarticulate
  • Non-Fluency
  • Agrammatic

Anomia, inarticulate, non-fluency, and agrammatic are indicative of what type of aphasia?

Broca's Expressive Aphasia

Broca's patients had damage to what part of the brain

Frontal damage to Broca's area

Wernicke's patients had damage to what part of the brain?

Posterior Superior Temporal Gyrus Damage (Wernicke's Area)

These patients were fluent and articulate, but meaningless "Word Salad". Unable to understand language in written or spoken forms.

Wernicke's (Receptive) Aphasia.

Wernicke's Aphasia is also knows as

Receptive Aphasia

Receptive Aphasia is also known as

Wernicke's Aphasia

5 Major Forms of Language Deficits:

  1. Agraphia
  2. Wernicke's Aphasia
  3. Broca's Aphasia
  4. Alexia
  5. Dyslexia

Area of damage for the form of language deficit known as Alexia

Angular Gyrus

Damage to to the angular gyrus can result in this form of language defecit.


Inability to read due to imparied visual input to language centers.



Inability to read due to impaired visual input to language centers.


Impaired reading due to imbalanced visual inputs

Form of language deficit marked by impaired reading due to imbalanced visual inputs.


The form of language deficit known as dyslexia involves this part of the brain

Planum temporale equal or larger on right side

If the Planum temporale is equal or larger on the right side this form of language deficit may occur



Major form of language deficit that is marked by the inability to write due to an impaired language center outputs to the motor systems.

Major form of language deficit that is marked by the inability to write due to an impaired language center output to the motor system.


The major form of language deficit known as agraphia involves what part of the brain?

Angular Gyrus

(AGraphia - Angular Gyrus)

The major form of language deficit that involves the angular gyrus is known as


This part of the PNS is part of the Vestibular System

The inner ear structures

This part of the CNS is part of the Vestibular System

Vestibular nuclei afferents to motor neurons, brainstem, and cerebellum.

Characteristics of the Vestibular Labyrinth

  1. Continuous with the Cochlea
  2. Also uses hair cells
  3. Transduce motion from the effects of gravity and linear and rotational accelerations of the head
  4. Elaborate set of interconnected chambers

This part of the vestibular system transduces motion from the effects of gravity and linear and rotational accelerations of the head.

The Vestibular Labyrinth

This part of the vestibular system is an elaborate set of interconnected chambers that is continuous with the cochlea and also uses hair cells.

Vestibular Labyrinth

Vestibular Labyrinth

This part of the vestibuluar system is an elaborate set of interconnected chambers that is continuous with the cochlea and also uses hair cells.

3 Axes of Angular Acceleration

Movements along the

  • x-axis
  • y-axis
  • z-axis

that convert the effects of gravity (linear and rotational accelerations of the head) into neural impulses.

What are the two Otolith Organs?

  • Utricle
  • Saccule

The Utricle and Saccule are

the two Otolith Organs

These organs respond to linear accelerations of the head and static head position relative to the ground (gravity) and contain vestibular hair cells.

Otolith Organs

  • Utricle
  • Saccule

What do the two otolith organs, the utricle and saccule do?

They respond to the linear accelerations of the head and static head position relative to the ground (gravity) and contain vestibular hair cells.

The 3 semicircular canals are specialized to

rotational accelerations (head turning)

These canals are specialized to rotational accelerations (head turning)

the 3 semicircular canals

The apical membranous sac is filled with what kind of fluid?


This is filled with endolymph

the apical membranous sac

The basal membranous sac is filled with what fluid?


Where do you find perilymph?

In the basal membranous sac of the vestibular labyrinth

The sacculus is oriented to the


the utricle is oriented to the



Directional Polarization

When hair cell bundles are selective for certain directions.

When hair cell bundles are selective for certain directions it's called

directional polarization

Vestibular Hair Cells are separated by


in the striola that separate the vestibular hair cells one side is _______

excited and the other side is inhibited.

_______ Contains a sensory epithilum of hair cells called macula

Otolithic Membrane


a sensory epithilum of hair cells

Calcium carbonate crystals


Where are otoconia located?

Embedded in the hair cells of the otolithic membrane.

3 Semicircular canals filled with endolymph encode ______

rotations of the head

________ houses the sensory epithelium (hair cells) called the crista


Ampulla houses the

sensory epithelium (hair cells) called crista.

What are Crista?

Sensory epithelium (hair cells) housed within the ampulla.

In the vestibular system hair cells extend out of the crista into

gelatinous cupula

These cells extend out of the crista into the gelatinous cupula in the vestibular system.

hair cells

When you turn your head to the left, what happens to the semicircular canals in the vestibular system?

Movement of the endolymph bends the cupula in the left canal in the excitatory direction, exciting the afferent fibers on this side. In the RIGHT canal the hair cells are hyperpolarized and afferent firing there decreases.

Central projections from vestibular nuclei are involved in 2 major classes of reflexes:

  1. Helping to maintain equilibrium and gaze during movement.
  2. Rapid posture adjustments during movement.

The visual system extends from the _____ to the _____.

The visual system extends from the eye to the brain.

Neurons at different levels of the visual system have very different _________

Receptive Fields

Area V1 is organized in


Color vision depends on special

channels from the retinal cones through the cortical area V4.

Perception of visual motion is analyzed by a special system that includes

Cortical Area V5

The many cortical visual areas are organized into

two major streams:

  • Dorsal Stream - vision for movement and location.
  • Ventral Stream - vision for recognition of objects and faces.

The dorsal stream of the cortical visual areas deals with

vision for movement and location

This part of the cortical visual area deals with vision for movement and location

The dorsal stream

The ventral stream of the cortical visual areas deals with

vision for recognition of objects and faces.

This part of the cortical visual areas deals with vision for recognition of objects and faces.

the ventral stream

Neural signals in the retina converge on

ganglion cells. Their axons form the optic nerve and terminate in multiple brain regions.

These two parts of the eye focus light

Cornea and lens

This part of the eye bends light (Refraction) and forms the image


This part of the eye adjust the focus by changing the shape of the lens.

Cilliary Muscles

How do the ciliary muscles adjust the focus of the eye?

By changing the shape of the lens.

The process of focusing the lens is called


the pupil is an opening in the


the opening in the iris is called the


light entering the eye is controlled by the

pupil, an opening in the iris

Eye movement is controlled by

extraocular muscles

extraocular muscles control

eye movement.

Sharpness of vision -- falls off towards the periphery of the visual field.

Visual Acuity

Visual acuity is best where and why?

Visual acuity is best in the fovea because it has a high density of cones.

Where blood vessels enter and leave the eye

optic disc

This is due to lack of photoreceptors in the optic disc

Blind Spot

Rod cells are absent from this part of the eye


Rod cells are more numerous in the _____

periphery and are more sensitive to dim light than cones are.

Rod input converges on

ganglion cells in the scotopic system.

Visual processing begins in the


Rods and cones are types of

photoreceptor cells

These cells receive input from photoreceptors and synapse on ganglion cells, whose axons form the optic nerve.

Bipolar cells

the scototopic system is also known as


This visual system works in dim light

scototopic (rods)

this visual system requires more light and allows for color vision.

Phototopic system (cones)

Horizontal cells in the retina contact

photoreceptors and bipolar cells

these cells contact both bipolar and gangion cells in the visual system.

amacrine cells

these cells contact both photoreceptors and bipolar cells in the visual system

Horizontal cells

All cell types except ____ generate graded potentials in the visual system.

ganglion cells, they generate action potentials.

ganglion cells generate what kind of potentials in the visual system?

action potentials.

The visual system responds to a band of electromagnetic radiation measured in


each quantum has a


Quanta of light energy with visible wavelengthy are called


In rods, quanta of light are captured by the photopigment


Photopigments consist of these two parts:

  1. Retinal (Retinaldehyde)
  2. Opsin

What happens to retinal and opsin when rhodopsin is activated by light

when light activates rhodopsin, retinal dissociates, and the opsin is activated.

The visual system responds to changes in


brightness is created by the _____ system

Brightness is created by the visual system.

A process where interconnected neurons inhibit their neighbors and produce contrast.

Lateral Inhibition

How is contrast produced in the visual system?

Via lateral inhibition.

This membrane in the ear is tapered, being about 5 times wider at the apex than the base.

Basilar Membrane

How is the basilar membrane shaped?

The Basilar Membrane is tapered and is about 5 times wider at the apex than the base.

The principle components of the ear that convert sound into neural activity are collectively known as the

Organ of Corti

The oval window is adjacent to which part of the cochlear spiral?

The oval window is adjacent to the base of the coclear spiral.

The Cochlea is wider at the _____ and narrows at the ______

The cochlea is wider at the base and narrows at the apex, the opposite of the basilar membrane.

What flexible membrane separates the scala tympani from the scala media?

The Basilar Membrane

3 Main structures in the Organ of Corti

  1. Hair Cells
  2. Framework of Supporting Cells
  3. Terminations of the auditory fibers

True or False: The stereocilia are all the same height?

False, the heights of the stereocilia increase progressively across the hair cell, so the tops form a slope.

In what part of the brain is the cochlear nucleus located?

in the brain stem?

Efferent nerve fibers in the IHC (Inner Hair Cells) communicate with the

Efferent nerve fibers from the Inner Hair Cells carry information from the Lateral Superior Olivary Nucleus

Afferent nerve fibers in the Outer Hair Cells communicate with the

Afferent nerve fibers in the Outer Hair Cells communicate with cochlear nucleus in the brainstem.

Efferent nerve fibers in the Outer Hair Cells communicate with the

Efferent nerve fibers in the Outer Hair Cells carry information from the medial superior olivary nucleus.

IHC and OHC afferents both communicate with the

IHC and OHC afferents both communicate with the cochlear nucleus in the brainstem.

IHC and OHC efferent nerve fibers both communicate with

a superior olivary nucleus. The IHC is the lateral superior olivary nucleus and the OHCs are the medial superior olivary nucleus.

When K+ and Ca++ rush into the hair cell it causes

rapid depolarization of the hair cells.

Depolarization of the hair cell leads to a rapid influx of Ca++ at the *base* of the IHC which causes the synaptic vesicles there to release _______ transmitter


What is the purpose of OHCs?

they fine tune the cochlea to help discriminate frequencies by changing the length of the OHCs when the membrane potential changes.

2-Deoxyglucosee (2-DG) is used to map

auditory brain regions

physical property of sound


subjective sensory experience of sound


The cranial nerve that transmits cochlear impulses to the auditory cortices is known as the

vestibulocochlear nerve (CRANIAL NERVE 8)

In the auditory system efflux of K+ leads to


In the auditory system influx of K+ leads to


Path taken by auditory information is

Cochlea--> Superior Olivary --> Inferior Colliculli __> MGN --> Auditory Cortex

What are the binaural cues used to locate sound sources?

Intensity and Latency differences

Conductive hearing loss is due to

middle ear damage

middle ear damage leads to

conductive hearing loss

sensorineural hearing loss is due to

inner hair cell damage

Inner hair cell damage can caused this kind of hearing loss

sensorineural hearing loss

The ventral stream communicates (what or where) a sound is heard

The ventral stream communicates WHAT type of sound is heard

the doral stream communiicates (what or where) a sound is heard

The dorsal stream communicates where a sound is heard.

What is the purpose of the vental auditory streeam?

To communicate WHAT KIND of sound is heard (AN AC VENT CAN SEND 2 KINDS OF AIR, HOT/COLD)

what is the purpose of the dorsal auditory stream?

To communicate WHERE a sound is heard (A SHARK'S DORSAL FIN TELLS US WHERE IT IS)

The primary sound localization nucleus in the human brain is the

superior olivary nucleus

the two main divisions of the superior olivary nucleus are:

  1. Lateral Superior Olive - processes intensity differences
  2. Medial Superior Olive - processes latency differences (MEDIAL HAS AN M IN IT AND SO DOES TIME)

what is the purpose of the dorsal auditory stream?

To communicate WHERE a sound is heard (A SHARK'S DORSAL FIN TELLS US WHERE IT IS)

In the vestibular system nodding up and down is a movement on which axis?

Nodding up and down corresponds with the y-axis or "pitch"


y-axis -- nodding up and down

In the vestibular system shaking your head from side to side is a movement on which axis?

z-axis -- Shaking your head from side to side

In the vestibular system tilting you head from side to side is a movement on which axis?

x-axis -- tilting your head from side to side.

yaw is which axis?


roll is which axis?


(You roll a ball along the X)

What are the three semicircular canals called?

  1. Posterior Canal
  2. Anterior Canal
  3. Lateral Canal (Horizontal Canal)


The lateral semi-circular canal is also known as the

horizontal canal

The horizontal semicircular canal is also known as the

lateral canal

The ends of the u3 semicircular canals are attached to the


Each semicircular canal terminates near the utricle in an enlarged region called the


The ampullae contain

the hair cells that signal movement in the corresponding plane.

In the vestibular system these contain the hair cells that signal movemnt in the corresponding plane.

The Ampullae (Ampulla)

In the Vestibular System the Stereocilia of the hair cells are embedded in a gelatinous mass called the


The Utricle and Saccule provide additional vestibular information regarding

Straight line accelleration and deceleration.

The ossicles in the ear probably evolved from the


the auditory system evollved from the

vestibular system

The vestibular system evolved from the _____ system found in fish and amphibians

lateral-line system

Nerve fibers from vestibular receptors enter the lower levels of the brainstem and synapse in the

vestibular nuclei

Nerve fibers from the vestibular receptors enter the lower levels of the brainstem and synapse in the vestibular nuclei, but SOME fibers bypass the vestibular nuclei and go directly to

the cerebellum where they contribute to motor function

Outputs of the vestibular nuclei go to the

  1. Motor nuclei of the eye muscles
  2. thalamus
  3. cerebral cortex
  4. other areas as well


Vestibulo-ocular reflex is controlled by this system

the vestibular system

How do we know that the vestibulao-ocular reflex (VOR) operates on vestibular inputs and not just visual ones?

Because VOR also works when the eyes are closed.

A sheet of cells that lines the dorsal portion of the nasal cavities and adjacent regions (including the septum that separates the left and right nasal cavities) is called

olfactory epithelium

Three types of cells in the olfactory epithelium

  1. Supporting Cells
  2. Olfactory Receptor Cells
  3. Basal Cells


We have about how many olfactory receptor cells/

10 million

In the olfactory system numerous cilia emerge from the

dendritic knob.

In the olfactory system these cells are bipolar and a fine unmyelinated axon (among the smallest in the nervous system) runs to the olfactory bulb.

Bipolar olfactory receptor cells


FALSE, olfactory neurons can be replaced.

The direction of air flow in the nose is determined by complex curved surfaces called

turbinates (that form the nasal cavity)

In the olfactory system airborne molecules initially encounter

the fluids of the mucosal layer, which contain binding proteins that transport odorants to the receptor surfaces.

The name of the specific protein that must be used by all olfactory receptors


In the olfactory system interactions of odorants with receptors trigger the synthesis of second messengers, such as

cAMP (cyclic AMP)

Which system uses cAMP and Golf?


The pathway of odorants through the olfactory system

  1. Odorant molecules bind to specific receptor proteins
  2. Receptor-odorant complex activates G protein, which combines with a molecule of GTP, displacing GDP.
  3. G-protein alpha subunit dissociates and activates adenyl cyclase, which produces cAMP.
  4. cAMP (second messenger) activates gated ion channel to allow Na+ and Ca++ ions to enter and depolarize it -- inducing Cl- channels to open and cause further depolarization.
  5. Receptor protein returns to unbound state.
  6. From the olfactory bulb impulses travel one of two pathways.

  • Amygdala and prepryiform cortext (Primary Olfactory Cortex -->Hypothalamus --> Lateral Posterior Orbitofrontal Cortex and Medial Dorsal Thalamus --> Orbitofrontal Cortex (Secondary Olfactory Cortex)

If the olfactory epithelium is damaged it

can be regenerated and will properly reconnect to the olfactory bulb.

How is the olfactory bulb organized?

into many spherical neural circuts (glomerui) where olfactory neurons synapse on the mitral cells in the olfactory bulb.

Where to olfactory neurons synapse?

on the dendrites of mitral cells in the olfactory bulb.

How are glomeruli organized within the olfactory bulb?

In zones according to the four receptor protein sub-families.

The olfactory cortex also contains neurons that respond selectively to MIXTURES of receptor-specific odorants, but NOT to

the individual odorants.

In humans FMRI studies show that the ______________ is activated during sniffing, whether or not an odor is present because the airflow provides somatosensory stimulation.

prepryiform cortex

Parts of the brain activated when you sniff the air AND A ODORANT IS PRESENT

Primary Olfactory (Prepyriform Cortex) and Secondary Olfactory (Orbitofrontal Cortex)

Pathway of light through the eye.

  1. Cornea (bends and focuses)
  2. Anterior Chamber (Aqueous Humor)
  3. Iris (Passes through the Pupil in iris)
  4. Lens (Focuses light to the back)
  5. Vitreous Chamber (just passing through)
  6. Retina (Macula/Fovea - light turns into neural impulses.)

C.A.P. Lens V.C.R.

A bending of light due to a change in the density of a medium


focus in the eye is adjusted by

changes in the SHAPE of the lens as controlled by CILLIARY MUSCLES

Cilliary muscles control

the shape of the eye (and thus the focus)

Amount of light that enters the eye is controlled by

the size of the pupil in the iris

dilation of pupils is controlled by which nervous system?

sympathetic autonomic nervous system

Constriction of the pupils is controlled by which nervous system

the parasympathetic

movement of the eye is controlled by

extraocular muscles

how many pairs of extraocular muscles are there?

3 pairs

The first stages of visual info processing occur in the


Photoreceptors (rods and cones) release

neurotransmitters to control the activity of the bipolar cells that synapse with them.

In the eye these cells make contacts among the receptor cells and bipolar cells

horizontal cells


in the eye these cells contact both the bipolar and the ganglion cells



In the eye these 4 kinds of cells do not produce action potentials, only graded local potentials.







The quanta of light that strike the eye are captured by rods via this photopigment receptor molecule


(Rhodopsin and RODS)

quanta of light that strike the eye to be captured by cones use these photopigment receptor molecules

opsin and retinal(dehyde)

When rhodopsin is hit by light in the rods retinal dissociates from the opsin molecule and reveals and enzymatic site. Then the altered opsin activates transducin which is a

transducin is a G-protein

In the eye the capture of a single quantum of light can lead to the closing of hundreds of

Na+ channels in the photoreceptor membrane (Closing the Na+ channels creates a hyperpolarization potential)

In the eye closing the Na+ channels due to the capture of a quantum of light creates what kind of potential (hyperpolarization/depolarization)

hyperpolarization potential


A metabotropic receptor is a type of membrane receptor of eukaryotic cells that acts through a secondary messenger. It may be located at the surface of the cell or in vesicles.
a type of membrane receptor of eukaryotic cells that acts through a secondary messenger.


The specialized chemoreceptors responsible for the human sense of smell are located in the PNS and pass through the ______ on their way to the olfactory bulb

Cribiform Plate

TRUE OR FALSE: The pyriform projection of the olfactory bulb contacts the thalamus before proceeding to the orbitofrontal cortex.


In non-primate vertebrates the ______ detects volatile chemicals

Main olfactory system

In non-primate vertebrates the ______ detects pheremones

accessory olfactory system

Olfactory receptor cells are



Olfactory receptor neurons are replaced every ______ weeks

6 - 8 weeks

Odorant Receptor Neurons express ______ odorant receptor genes? (HOW MANY?)


Odorant receptors can be described as:

(C-Protein Coupled/Ionotropic/Inhibitory/metabotropic)


A metabotropic receptor is a type of membrane receptor of eukaryotic cells that acts through a secondary messenger.

The olfactory bulb is comprised of groups of neuropil called


These cell axons form the lateral olfactory tract, which sends its projectionns to several brain areas, including the amygdala and entorhinal cortex.


Specialized receptors of odorant molecules are located on the _____ of bipolar cells.


Olfactory g-protein receptor activation requires the displacement of ______ in exchange for ______



The olfactory epithelium is made of how many zones?

IV (4)

The IV (4) olfactory zones are segregated on the basis of odorant receptor __________



These cells make connections between photoreceptors and bipolar cells


these cells make connections between bipolar and ganglion


Brightness and contrast in the visual system are constructs of

lateral inhibition

a ________ is a gap in perception where nothing can be consciously perceived


Large ganglion cells project to the _______ layer of the MGN


Small ganglion cells project to the ______ layer of the MGN


_______ cells are the only retinal cells capable of firing action potentials.


reduction of _____ near Na+ channels will cause them to close


Reduction of cGMP near Na+ channels will cause them to


______ refers to the sensitivity of retinal ganglion cells to difference in light-exposure between center/surround

luminance contrast

luminance contrast refer to the

sensitivity of retinal ganglion cells to difference in light-exposure between center/surround.

The left occipital lobe gets input from

both right and left eyes

_____ cells are necessary for boundary detection


Complex cells used in boundary detection get input from ________ cells


Cortical cell receptive fields show evidence of ______

frequency tuning

Area V1 is known as the

primary visual cortex

Rhodopsin is a photopigment used in rods to perceive differences in


The 3 axes of ____________ to which the vestibular system responds are X,Y, and Z

angular acceleration

_____ cells are embedded in the cupulae of the ampullae, which sense rotation of the head


Vestibular nuclei send their axons to the


If you see a particular pattern of dots on the wall, but do not realize the pattern is of a dog, you have experienced a ____



vibrations are initiated in the cochlea by movement of the ______ against the oval window


the organ of corti is located in the ______ canal


When hair cells bend ______ and _______ channels open to cause depolarization

Na+ and Ca++

The primary auditory cortex is located in the _______ lobe


(PrimAry and temPorAl)

at low frequencies, sound intensity is coded by this response property

the number of neurons responding

Who proposed volley theory?


what physiological limitation prevents a single auditory neuron from reliably tracking a high-frequency tone (10,000 Hz)?

The refractory period

which sound frequency does NOT produce maximal vibration at a specific point on the basilar membrane?


The more numerous outer hair cells (OHCs) may be involved in

increasing the cochlea's sensitivty

these cells may be involved in increasing the cochlea's sensitivity


Binaural cues for localizing sounds are processed by cells in which part of the brain?

Superior Olivary Nucleus

differences in time of arrival of sound are processed using ______ which only fire when sounds from both ears reach it at the same time.

coincidence detectors

Broca's area lies anterior and adjacent to the

Motor cortex

____________________ area lies anterior and adjacent to the motor cortex

Broca's Area

In most people Wernicke's area is found on the _____ lobe

left temporal

People with ______ aphasia have difficulty understanding others and produce utterances that have no meaning.

Wernicke's Aphasia

Frank had a stroke while driving home, but didn't realize it until he found he couldn't write a shopping list or read the news paper. Since he could still hear and speak normally, what part of his brain was affected?

Angular Gyrus

the angular gyrus connects the visual projection area with the _____ areas

auditory association areas and visual association areas.

the _____ connects the visual projection area with the auditory and visual association areas

angular gyrus

According to the Wernicke-Geschwind model, when we give a spoken response to an oral question, what is the sequence of brain activation?

auditory cortex to Broca's to Wernicke's

The most likely developmental anomaly in the language centers of the brain that causes dyslexia is a lateralized difference in the size of the

planum temporale

Dyslexia has a higher rate in languages with different

pronounciations of the same spelling

If someone has problems naming tools, using verbs, and imagining hand movements they have damage to which part of the brain

premotor cortex

There is evidence that the right brain hemisphere may assume left hemisphere language functions in what group of people.

children under 5 who suffer brain injury

that hemisphere of the brain is usually dominant in language?

the left

TRUE OR FALSE: Mirror Neurons are found in Broca's and Wernicke's areas


This theory accounds for low frequency sounds as neurons do fire at the same rate as low frequency sounds

frequency theory

sounds below 200Hz are a problem for place theory because

sounds below 200 Hz cause the entire basilar membrane to vibrate equally

an aphasia that deals with issues processing function words


When you write an answer to an oral question the pattern of activation is

Auditory Cortex --> Wernicke's --> angular gyrus

When reading out loud the pattern of activation is

visual system --> angular gyrus --> Wernicke's --> Broca's

n humans the range of visible light is ___ nm

400 - 800 nm

The conversion of light energy into energy the brain can use begins in the


True or false: photoreceptors are found at the front of the eye

False, they are at the back

visual info from the nasal side of each retina crosses to the other hemisphere at the _____

optic chiasm

an object's image falls on slightly different parts of the two retinas, depending on the distance of the object... this is known as

retinal disparity

these cells have bar-shaped receptive fields

simple cells

Movement is detected by

complex cells

low frequency contrast in objects is detected by different cells than high frequency contrast is an example of what theory

spatial frequency theory

cells in the parvocellular system have _____ receptive fields



the magnocellular system dominates the ____ stream that flows into the parietal lobes


the magnocellular system dominates the dorsal stream that flows into the _____ lobes


True or false: Magnocellular cells in area V1 are responsive to orientation, movement, retinal disparity and color

False, not color

Movement perception is a function of which brain area


the ventral and dorsal streams of vision converge on the cortex


Object agnosia is often a result of damage to the _____ cortex

inferior temporal

the ability to see an object is the same color despite different lighting conditions is known as

color constancy

Zeki found that light wavelength is coded in area


Zeki found that light color is coded in area


someone with damage to the right posterior parietal cortex would probably exhibit

left-side neglect

neglect occurs because of

a lack of attention to the space on one side of the body

visual awareness is due to

master cells in some part of the cortext that has not yet been identified.