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319 Cards in this Set

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what usally happens within two years of a teen getting pregnant
pregnant again
what are three things that may have a factor with teen pregnancy
national goals, sex education, socioeconomic implications
what are the 4 options for teen pregnancy
keeping it
what are some interventions for risk for altered health imbalance 5
eliminate barriers to healthcare, teaching/learning principles, counseling, promoting family support, providing referrals
what are 3 nursing considerations r/t delayed pregnancy
reinforce/clarify info, facilitate expression of emotions, provide parenting info
what is the incidence of substance abuse r/t teens
what about alcohol
1:10 exposed
1:2drink during preg
what are 2 ds r/t alcohol abuse during preg
fae (effects)
fas is associated w cns damage what effect does it have on the baby? what does the baby look like? why is it diff?
looks like down syndrome
w/o chrom abnormallity
fae delays what
learning abilities
what is the most common drug used during pregnancy
how does smoking affect sids stats
3x more frequent with smoking
what 3 substances cross the placenta
what affects does thc have on the mother 3
what affects does thc have on the baby 3
mom: tachy, anemia, poor weight gain

baby: irritable, tremors, hard to console
what affects does cocaine have on the baby 2
hypoxia, meconium staining
cocaine causes what pregnancy problem
abruptio placenta
with cocaine (abruptio placenta) what 4 things may happen during pregnancy
women who do drugs tend to have what
what are 2 opiods
with a baby what effects does amphetamines and methamphetamines have on the baby
iugr, bleeding around the brain, baby goes through w/d,\
with a baby that is going through wd what needs to be done 3
move to quiet location
give phenobarbetal
with heroine abuse what drug is not used
what lab test is done when drug abuse is suspected
toxicology on mom and baby
what lab test is done when drug abuse is suspected
toxicology on mom and baby
with cocaine and heroin what happens to the body 4
increased bp
unstable pulses
dilated pupils
what are the 2 most important inverventions r/t cocaine and heroin
pain control
preventing heroin w/d
what kind of precautions are necessary with dealing with someone w/d
seizure (pad side rails)
with the birth of an infant w congenital abnormalities what 2 things need to be adressed
factors influencing emotional response
grief and mourning
what are the nursing considerations r/t abnormalities
promote bonding/attachment
provide info
facilitate communication
provide referrals
what 3 things should be done w preg loss
prepare memory packet
provide referalls
acknowledge and present infant
what 3 things need to be done if woman is suspected of being abused
develop safety plan
affirming she is not to blame
provide referrals
what is a missed abortion
have no idea baby is dead
no clues or s/s
with a missed abortion what are you supposed to use
quantative beta hcg serum
what is an abortion
loss of fetus before viability
what does an abortion show on ultrasound and what does it look like once its out
blood on utz
brown once out
what does black and white rep on utz
black liquid
white bones
what are the 6 types of abortions
spontaneous, threatened, incomplete, complete, recurrent spontaneous, inevitable
with a threatened what is the first sign and what needs to be done
vaginal spotting
beta hcg tests
what is an inevitable what do you see
nothing they can do, vaginal bleeding, ruptured bow, cramping
what is an incomplete, what is the most likely cause
you were preg but at some point heart stopped, usually chrom abnormalities
with an incomplete what needs to be done
dnc; some comes out but not all
what is a complete
like labor or severe period lasting only a few hours (does not need dr)
what is recurrent spontaneous, what do you give the mother
3 or more;
usually an underlying medical condition
give prednisone
when do you hear heart beat what happens at 14 weeks
6 weeks
wieth dic how often do you need to be monitored
2 weeks
with gtd you do what rather than dnc
bleeding out does what to baby
what is an ectopic preg
distal ends (toward ovary)
proximal (toward uterus)
what is pid
scarred tissue from chlam or gon
if you have scar tissue in tube what does it do
makes it hard to move down to uterus (may rupture tube)
with a ruptured tube what happens
acute onset abdominal pain with or without spotting
what are the causes of ectopic preg
tubal surgeries
any reason to have scar tissue
with an ectopic preg what are two drugs given
rhogam and methotrexate (chemo)
what does methotrexate do
kills fast growing cells
what is gestational trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform mole ) (molar preg)
trophoblast makes placenta huge
if a tube is not ruptured (found by utz) what needs to be done what if it is ruptured
beta serum

with gta what test is done
chorionic villi gets what
edematous and large-uterus becomes large and fluid filled
there is complete and partial what are they; what happens if you keep having a gtd
complete-full no baby
partial-some embryo
may become cancerous
what is the biggest indicator of gtd
increased hcg
what is a marginal, partial, total (complete) placenta previa
m- higher than 3 cm from os
p- within 3 cm
c- covers os
tx depends on how much vag bleeding what happens once you start bleeding
go to hospital
what are the risk factors of previa
more than one fetus
what is the first sign of pp and where does bleeding come from
sudden painless vag bleeding; comes from ch villi
if mother is stable the mom is sent home if stable on..
procardia and terbutaline
what is abruptio placenta
not good adherance, not getting enough oxygen and may cause ptl
what is apparent and hidden abruptio placenta; what is worse
apparent is hem
hidden is consealed

hidden worse
if clot is placenta it is painful and causes what
contractions (severity depends on where it is)
what are some s/s of abruptio placenta
uterine tenderness
stiff board like uterus
increased resting tone b/c irritability (should be 5-10)
how do you know if you have ap
if baby suddenly has iugr
what are some risk factors of ap
cocaine, htn, short umb cord, thrombofilia (usually gets hepatits from thrombofilia)
what is preeclampsia
140/90 w/ proteinuria
what is eclampsia
140/90 w/ proteinuria and seizures
what is gestation htn
increased bp at greater than 20 weeks w/o proteinuria
what is chronic htn
increased bp prior to preg (increased risk of preeclampsia)
how do you find out how much protein is being lost
24 hour urine catch
what is the patho of preeclampsia
with pregnancy, there is an increased vascular volume and co (normally woman can respond well) some are sensative to angiotensin 2 which causes vasoconstriction and vasospasms
what are the 3 things that vasoconstriction do
cell damage
decreased bld flow
increased bp
what are s/s of preeclampsia
face and hand edema
wg of 5-6 lbs week
as a result of vasoconstriction there is a decrease flow to what
brain, heart, kidney, placenta
with kidneys there is a decrease in renal perfusion what labs are seen
dec grf
inc bun, creat, uric acid
with dec blood to kidney, there is also glomular damage and protein falls out, results in protein uria resulting in
with edema, there is an increased viscocity of blood, what are the labs that are seen
inc hct
dec plateles, coloid pressure (pulmonary edema)
with dec blood blow to liver-what happens? and what labs are seen
liver edema-epigastric pain-sml hem

inc ast, alt (liver enzymes)
with a dec in blood to brain what are the s/s and what are the tests done
ha, infarct, visual changes

inc dtrs (seizures)
inc clonus
what are the interventions for hemorrhagic conditions
monitor hypovolemic shock
monitor fetus
promote tissue ox
fluid replacement
prep for surgery
what are the labs that are taken with hem conditions

what are they looking for
d dimer (dic)
clin hauer betke
looking for mixing
with hyperemesis gravidarum when does this begin and when do symptoms start
begins before 20th week
sx by 6 weeks
what are the complications
acid imbalances, vik k, electrolytes, dehydration
what could it be r/t, and what is the mom sent home with
hormones and phhyschosocial abn

zofran or regalan pump
what are two interventions for hyperemesis
monitor and drink fluids between vomitting
sit up after eating
what is the cure for preeclamsia and what are risk factors

obese, chronic htn, dm, aa women, vascular/kidney ds, american indian
what are some drugs used for preeclampsia
fish oil, prenatals, antioxidant therapy, vit e, baby aspirin, cal/mg supplements
what are the s/s of preeclampsia
blurred vision, ha
when does preeclampsia usually happen?
2nd trimester
with preeclampsia you are kept on bed rest for how long
keep on bedrest until 38 weeks or until worsened
what is considered severe PIH
160/110 with other s/s (ha blurred vision)
what is the antepartum management for preeclampsia
what is the therapeutic level of mag sulf how often is it checked
4-8 therapeutic
mag sulfate is used for seizures and is a cns depressant what does it cause 2
decreased reflexes, lethargy
how long is mag sulfate used for after delivery and what is it usually used with;
when is mag given
used w buritrol
24-48 hrs

given w brisk dtr
eclampsia you see tonic clonic seizures how long are they usually
what does the strip look like
1 min
poor strip
what are the 3 drugs that are given for seizures
fenolbarbitol, ativan, lorazepam
what are the signs of an oncoming seizure
eyes go back in head
few min they arent right
what is help
elevated liver enzymes
low plateles
help is always ass with what? decreased plt and mild preeclampsia may have what
severe preeclampsia

if you have help you are at increased risk for what
at what bp do drs get worried
what are the bp meds used during pregnancy
aldomet (not good)
nifetapine (procardia)
lebetafol w/ aldomet
hydrolozine IVP for ER only
if cvs is done what is needed? if husband is rh - the baby is?

father - no way baby is +
with direct coombs what are you looking for what is seen
looking for antibodies if high, jaundice
indirect coombs is on who
if coombs is - then + what happened
had mixing at some point
with incompatability what are they worried about
abo incomp means if mom is o and baby is?
anything but o
igg crosses placenta and does what
igm does what
igg cause hemolysis or rbc

igm most antibodies
after delivery check coombs, a b ab baby will be

test answer is o
if blood vessels rupture/get damaged what are we worried about r/t dm
what are the problems r/t powers
ineff uc
hypotonic dys
hypertonic dys
ineff maternal pushing
what are some problems r/t the passanger
fetal size (macrosomia, shoulder dystocia)
abn presentation (op, breech, transverse)
multifetal preg
fetal abn (hydrocephalus, tumor)
what are some problems r/t the passage
small contracted pelvis
shape of pelvis (gynecoid, anthropoid, android, platypelloid)
what are some problems with the psyche
maternal exhaustion
pain perception
what are some abn labor durations
prolonged, precipitate labor
what is dystocia
abnormal or diff childbbirth
what are some causes of prom
infection, incompetent cervix, fetal malpresentation, polyhydramnios, weak amniotic sac, procedures, intercourse
what are some complications of prom
maternal/fetal infection, chorioamnionitis
what is the management for prom
amniocenteis or pooledd fluid for fetal lung maturity, antibiotics, bethamethasone, nst, bpp
what are the nursing considerations for prom
monitor for infections
what is prl
after 20th week before 37th week
what are some ass factors with ptl
uterine irritability/bleeding, dehydration, infection, anemia, incompetent cervix, prom, abnormalities
what are some signs of ptl
ucs, baby balling up, cramps, backache, pelvic pressure, prom, vag bleeding
what are the drugs that cause contractions to stop and also used for ptl
nifedipine, idomethacin
what drugs are used to stop ptl
rest fluid antibiotics

tocolytics: terbutaline, mag sulfate
betameth: lung mat
how do you pretict ptl
cervical length
fital fibronectic
how do you id ptl
frequent prenatal visits (usually not a big chance if you get checked)
what are some placental abnormalities
accreta, increta, percreta
why are the placental abn an emergency
bc they are all risk factors for pphem
what is accreta, increta, percreta
a-placenta grows slightly into myometrium
i-placenta grown deeply into myometrium
p-perforation of uterus by placenta
what two things may be necessary
hysterectomy blood transfusion
what is a prolapsed cord
compressed by presenting part-interrupted blood flow and reduced oxygen
what are some causes of prolapsed cord
high station, small fetus, breech, transverse, polyhydramnios
what are signs of prolapsed cord
cord visual
palpated on ve
what is the management of prolapsed cord
pressure on cord to improve blood flow, oxygen, cesarean
what are the 3 types of uterine rupture
complete, incomplete, dehiscence
what are the causes of rupture
previous uterine surgery, classical incision
what are the s/s of rupture
abd pain, hypovolemic shock, fetal distress, absent fht, no uc, palpate fetus
what is the management of rupture
cesarean, uterine repair or hysterectomy, blood transfusion
what are the nursing considerations for rupture
give pitocin carefully, watch for hypertonic ucs, give terbutaline prn, assess shock
what are some causes of uterine inversion
pulling on cord, excessive fundal pressure, adherent placenta, weak uterine wall
what are the signs of inversion
uterus not felt in abdomen, uterus seen in vagina, pain, hem, shock
what is the management for inversion
replace uterus, hysterectomy, iv fluids, blood, tocolytic drugs
what are the nursing considerations for inversion
correcting shock, foley cath, npo stable
what is the cause of anaphylactoid syndrome: amniotic fluid embolism
amniotic fluid is drawn into maternal circulation to lungs
what are the signs of afe
resp distress, decreased cardiac function, circulatory collapse
what are the predisposing factors for early postp hem
overdistended uterus, multiparity, prolonged labor, induction, placenta retention
what are the signs of early hem
boggy or high fundus, excessive bleeding with large clots
what is the management of early hem
fundal checks and massage, express clots, check bladder, iv pitocin, methergine im, hemabate im, cytotec pr, bimanual comp, iv fluids, blood
what are the predisposing factors of early postpartum hem (trauma to birth canal-hematoma)
macrosomic infant, induction, forceps, vacuum
what kinds of lacerations are seen w the birth canal
vaginal, cervical, perineal
what is the management for trauma to birth canal
surgical repair of lacerations, ice to small hematomas, large require incision and drainage
what are the predisposing factors of late postpartum hem
placenta fragments, clots, manual removal of placenta, H/O pp hem, infection
what is the cause of late postpartum hem and when does it occur
occurs 6 days to 8 weeks after birth
what is the management for late postp hem
pitocin, methergine, hemabate, dilation and curettage (d &c), antibiotics
how much can the body tolerate in blood loss
how does the body compensate for hypovolemic shock
blood shunted to vital organs: brain, heart, kidneys
what are the signs of hypovolemic shock
pale, cold skin, tachycardia, hypotension, tachypnea, urine output decreases to less than 30ml per hr
what is the management for hypovolemic shock
control bleeding, blood transfusion
what are the nursing considerations for hypovolemic shock
blood pressure and pulse, fundal and lochia check, o2 sat
what are the labs seen with hypovolemic shock
hgb, hct, foley, oxygen via mask
what are the thromboembolic disorders 3
venous stasis, hypercoagulation, blood vessel injury
what are the predisposing factors for thromboembolic disorders
varicose veins, obesity, thrombophlebitis, smoke, oral contraceptives, multigravida
what are the signs of superficial venous thrombosis
swelling, redness, warmth, pain
what is the management for superficial venous thrombosis
analgesics, rest, elastic stockings, anticoagulants not needed
what are the s/s of dvt
swelling of leg, heat, tenderness, cool
how do you dx dvt
homans sign, ultrasound, doppler flow, mri, venography
what is the management of dvt
bedrest, heparin until labor, coumadin postp, analgesics, antibiotics
how do you prevent dvt
loose clothing, avoid prolonged sitting
what is pulmonary embolism
blood clot or amniotic fluid debris that occludes blood flow to lungs, dvt
what are the signs of pe
dyspnea, chest pain, tachycardia, tachypnea, cough
what is the management of pe
thrombolytic drugs, morphine, dopamine, oxygen, hob elevated, heparin
what is the nursing considerations for pe
maintain open airway, monitor client
with pueperal infection what is seen
fever of 100.4 after 1st 24 hours
what are some puerperal infections
bacterial infections, metritis, wound infection, uti, mastitis, septic pelvic thrombophlebitis
what are the risk factors for infection
c/s, rapid delivery, macrosomia, cavuum, forceps, manual removal placenta, lacerations, episiotomy, catheter, prolonged rom, ve
what are the signs of endometritis
fever, chills, uterine pain, foul lochia
what is the tx for endometritis
what are the signs of wound infection
edema, redness, pain
what is the management for wound infection
incision and drainage, antibiotics, analgesics
what are the signs and tx of uti
dysuria, frequent urination, fever

what do you teach your pt with uti
wipe front to back
what is the etiology of mastitis
staph aureus enters through cracked or blistered nipple
what are the s/s of mastitis
flu like, fever, ha, red area
what is the managment for mastitis
antibiotics, cont breastfeeding or pumping, abscess must be drained
what are the signs and management for septic pelvic thrombophlebitis
signs: pain fever tachycardia
management: antibiotics, haparin
what are the factors for ppdepression
hormones, lack of sleep, lack of support, marital dysfunction
what are the s/s of ppdepression
fatigue, unable care for self or baby
what is the management for ppdepression
rest, antidepressants, psychotherapy, ect
what is postpartum psychosis
sleep disturbance, confusion, hallucinationss, delusions, throughts of killing herself or baby
what is the management of ppdepression
hospitalization, antidepressants, antipsychotic
what are the interventions for thermoregulation
neutral thermal environment, wearning to pen crib
why do babies tend to have pain
too much stimulation
why do they have problems with infection
passive immunity from mom and immature immunie system
what are the interventions for nutrition and preterm infant
parenteral feedings, enteral feedings, gavage feedings, oral feedings
with babies how do the babies progress with feeding
24-28 weeks tpn, then gavage, then nippling
when do babies get to leave nicu
when they are not aapneic, gain weight, maintain temp they tend to say into nicu until due date
what is the interventions for rds
give surfactant
what babies tend to have rds
asphixia, dm moms, c/s, not enough cortisol
how do you tell if a baby is having trouble breathing
tachypnea, tachycardia, nasal flaring, zyphoid retrations, audile grunting, cyanosis
what abg levels do yous ee
increased co2 and decreased o2
what does the cxr show
what is a requirement for bronchopulmonary dysplasia
still being on oxygen after 28 days of life
what weight do you usually see with bpdysplasia
1500gm or less
what interventions do you do for bpdysplasia
mom steroids to prevent ards minimize o2 needs
what is a periventricular intraventricular hemorrhage and how do you dx
brain or head bleed, utz and head circumfrance
when do babies tend to get periventricular intraventricular hemorrhage
less than 32 weeks or 1500gm
how is periventricular intraventricular hem graded
1-4 3-4 have neurological defesets
when do babies tend to get retinopathy of prematurity and how do you get it
24 weeks
damage to retina (prolonged sepsis, decreased ventilation, abn vision)
what are the s/s of necrotizing enterocolitis
abdomnimal distention and diff breathing
what is necrotizing enterocolitis
death of intestines which leads to cellular death
with necrotizing enterocolitis what do you do r/t feedings
dont feed early look for residual-ischemia-death of intestines
with posterm infants what do we worry about
maconium stained fluid, big peeling, skin, clavicals
with small and large for gestational age what is diff about it
diff protocol for hyperglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypothermia, rds
what is asphyxia
lack of oxygen with oxygen
with asphyxia what needs to be done
stimulate pos pressure-oxygen-suction
what babies tend to get transient tachypnea
what is transient tachypnea s/s
increased respirations (60-80)
something resolves on its own term
with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn when does it go away
every 4 hours
when is tachypnea something to look into
when it associated with something else or other s/s
with meconium aspiration syndrome how do you monitor
the degrees vary
what are the two interventions with hyperbilirubinemia
exchange transfusions
what are the two transmissions of infections
what are the nursing considerations for prenatal drug
with congenital cardiac defects what are the classifications
acyanotic defects
cyanotic defects
defects w increased pulmonary blood flow
defects with obstruction of blood flow
defects with decreased pulmonary blood flow
mixed defects
what are the manifestations of congenital cardiac defects
heart murmurs
tachycardia and tachypnea
what are the predisposing factors for early postpartum hem
overdistended uterus, multipartiy, prolonged labor, induction, placenta retention
what are the s/s early postpartum hem
boggy or high fundus, excessive bleeding with large clots
what is the management of early postpartum hem
fundal checks and massage, express clots, check bladder, iv pitocin, methergine im, hemabate im, cytotec pr, bimanual compression, iv fluids, blood
what are the predisposing factors for early pp hem
macrosomic infant, induction, forceps, vacuum
what are the 3 types of lacerations for early pp hem
vaginal, cervical, perineal
what is the management for early pp hem
surgical repair of lacerations, ice to small hematomas, large require incision and drainage
what are the predisposing factors to late pp hem
placenta fragments, clots, manual removal of placenta, h/o pp hem, iinfection
how much blood loss can the body handle
with compensation of hypovolemic shock what does the body do
blood shunted to vital organs (brain, heart, kidneys)
what are the s/s of hypovolemic shock
cold skin, tachycardia, hyptension, tachypnea, urine output decreases to less than 30ml per hour
how do you manage hypovolemic shock
control bleeding, blood tansfusion
what are the nursing considerations for hypovolemic shock
blood pressure and pulse check, fundal and lochia check, o2 sat
what are the labs r/t hypovolemic shock
hgb, hct, foley, oxygen via mask
what are the 3 thromboembolic disorders
venous stasis, hypercoagulation, blood vessel injury
what are the predisposing factors for thromboembolic disorders
varicose veins, obesity, thrombophlebitis, smoke, oral contraceptives, multigravida
what are the s/s of superficial venous thrombosis
swelling, redness, warmth, pain
what is the management for superficial venous thrombosis
analgesics, rest, elastic stockings, anticoagulants not needed
what are the s/s of dvt
swelling of leg, heat, tenderness, oool
how do you dx dvt
homans sign, utz, doppler flow, mri, venougraphy
what is the management for dvt
bedrest, heparin until labor, coumadin, pp, analgesics, antibiotics
what is the prevention of dvt
loose clothing, aboid prolonged sitting
what is a pe
blood clot or amniotic fluid debris that occludes blood flow to lunds
what are the s/s of pe
dyspnea, chest pain, tachycardia, tachypnea, cough
how do you manage pe
thrombolytic drugs, morphine, dopamine, oxygen, hob elebvated, heparin
what is the nursing considerations for pe
maintain open airway, monitor client
what is puerperal infection risk factors
c/s, rapid delivery, macrosomia, bvacuu, forceps, manual removal placenta, lacerations, episiotomy, catheterization, prolonged rupture of mem,vag exams
what is the main sign of pueperal infection
fever of 100.4 after 1st 24 hr
what are the signs and tx of endometritis
fever, chills, uterine pain, foul lochia

what are wound infectiosn s/s (puerperal infection)
edema, redness, pain
what is the management for puerperal infection
incision and drainage, antibiotics, analgesics
what is the uti s/s
dysuria, frequent urination, fever
what is the etiology of mastitis
staph, aureus enters through cracked or blistered nipple
what is the s/s of mastitis
flu like fever, ha, red area
what is the management for mastitis
antibiotics, cont bfeeding or pumping, abscess must be drained
what are the s/s and management of septic pelbic thrombophlebitis
s/s pain fever tachycardia

management antibiotics, heparin
what are the factors of pp depression
hormones, lack of sleep, lack of support, marital dysfunction
what are the s/s of pp dep
fatigue, unable to care for self or baby
what is the management of pp dep
rest, antidep, psychotherapy, ect
what is pp psychosis
sleep disturbance, confusion, hallucinations, delusions, thoughts of killing herself or baby
what is the management for pp dep
hospitalization, antidep, antipsychotic
hyperglycemia in uterus = what
what does the baby have once the cord gets cut
type one gets what and why
iugr bc they have vascular changes
babys that are uncrontrolled in first trimester (type 1 2) are what
the ones to worry about
what are the 3 things that are seen with dm
neural tube and tube defects and cardiac issues
when are gdm testing done
28 weeks
resp distress is a huge problem w what
what else is a baby def in besides sugar
with hypoglycemia what lab values do you see an increase in
increased retic
with a dm mom tell the mom to do what
kick counts
screening tests (measure back of neck)
anatomy utz/4 marker screen
amniotic fluid index
what are the classifications of dm
type 1
type 2
what are fetal effects of dm
congenital malformations
variations in fetal size
what are the neonatal effects of dm
fasting __ as we age
insulin needs __ a lot when pp bc why
bc placenta is gone
with gdm __ mal formation then needs a 28 week screening
gdm how many accuchecks daily and predm
what happens r/t trimesters and glucose needs
decreased in first
increases during second
how is the diet supposed to be with dm
diet low in sugar, high in fiber, limit to 30-40% carbs, constant;ly feeding
what are the risk factors for gdm
carb intolerance that develops during preg (change diet--insulin)
obesity, ama, family hx, previous baby 400gm, prior chrom def, prior iufd, prior gdm, multifetal preg
how do you identify for gdm-what is the cycle
1 hr gulcose screening-challange test (soda) 50mg, then check hr later-then should be less than 140, if not glucose tolerant, test 4 hr test-fasting then 100gm glucose soda--1hr--2hr--3hr
what should 1, 2, 3 hr test be
180, 155, 140
when does gdm become dx
if any 2 above are abn
what are the teaching for dm
teaching, dietary mgmt, hypo/hyperglycemia
high fasting glucose would indicate what
type 2 dm
if you have hyperglycemia out of nowhere what does it indicate
when does hgb levels indicate anemia
1st trimester hbg less than 11
2nd less than 103.5
what is the tx for iron
1000mg iron sup
what is the s/s of anemia
pallor, lethargy, dizziness, pica, ha
decreased o2 cap
what effects does the baby have w anemia
dec hgb and iron
what do you give the mother besides iron
ferrasulfate 1-3x daily 320mg
what are the se of iron
black stool, constipation
what is folic acid needed for
placental growth
with folic acid def what defects do you see
neural tube def-spinal bifida-cardiac anomolies
what is the dosage for folic acid
400mcg at least
with thalassemia what cant you give
with thalassemia what is the labs
look at cbc, h/h, mcv, dna testing for thal and sickle (hetero/homo) a and b
where do you get cmv and what kind of infection is it
daycare; fetal infection cranial ab/iugr
how is rubella transmitted and what are the s/s; does it cross the placenta
air droplets; fever rash

crosses placenta (aport)
with varicella what trimester is it life threatening
the tx for herpes is at what weeks and what what drugs are used
36 weeks
what are the s/s of parvo
rash, fever, join pain (main), fetal death, anemia, hydrops fetalis, no tx
with hiv how do moms get treated
need to be treated during preg
azt after 13-18 weeks 100mg 5x day labor azt iv no bleeding
with hep what do you do
give immunoglobin and vaccine
with toxoplasmosis where is it from and what do you give
from cats and meat thats not cooked; protaxoin, flagyl
what is the gbs tx during labor
2 doses during laboar amapcillin or penacillin