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41 Cards in this Set

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natural selection

small, random, inheritable differences among individuals that result in different chances of survival and reproduction


all stimuli that affects behavior at any given



an automatic response to a specific stimulus

chance definition of learning

change in behavior due to experiences

schlinger's definition of


relatively permanent changes in relations between environment and behavior due to changes in environment


an energy change that affects (sensory receptors and) behavior


anything that an organism does that can be measured

system desensitization

the scene (CS) for fears is paired with a positive (US) relaxation

desensitization to one scene prepares you for the next

exposure therapy

person is gradually exposed to fear evoking stimulus while feeling relaxed

parsimonious explanation

one that makes the fewest assumptions

three implications of environment definition

1) both inside and outside the organism

2) that it is always changing

3) that it is never the same for any two individuals

circular explanation

an explanation in which the evidence for the explanation is the same as the behavior to be explained

two ways taste aversion differs from typical conditioning

CS and US occurs together only one time

Interval between the CS and US was several minutes which is longer


using pavlovian conditioning to reverse the unwanted effects of previous conditioning

(conditioned emotional responses)

first person to study human emotions systematically

John B. Watson


after a period of repeated drug use, level of drug required to produce a high increases

taste-aversion experiments

rats preferring sweet tasting water but then exposed to gamma radiation when drinking it become nauseous, therefore later avoided saccharin water

aversion therapy

a CS that elicits inappropriate sexual arousal is followed by a noxious US

conditioned taste aversion

(conditioned food avoidance) certain foods become CS for bad experiences and aversion happens towards CS


disapproved sexual activities which are considered perverse or unnatural

defining elements of pavlovian conditioning

the behavior elicited by the US is a reflex response

the appearance of the two stimuli is independent of behavior


procedure of repeatedly presenting the CS alone and contingency between CS and US dissolving

spontaneous recovery

reappearance of a CR after extinction

compound stimuli

CS consists of two or more stimuli and is presented simultaneously, paired with a US for one more trials


effect of one stimulus overshadows the effects of others completely


novel stimuli that is part of compound stimulus, includes effective CS and will not become a CS due to prior experience with one company

latent inhibition

appearance of a stimulus without the US, interferes with the ability of that stimulus to become a CS later

sensory preconditioning

previous experience with a neutral stimulus can affect later conditioning, slower


one event (X) is contingent to another event, (Y) to the extent that (X) occurs if and only if (Y) occurs

pavlov's theory of classical conditioning

conditioning of reflexes = reflex response

US paired with a UR = unconditonal reflex

NS paired with US and then CS can elicit CR

evidence against pavlov's theory


preparatory response theory

UR is an innate response designed to deal with US but the CR is a response designed to prepare for the US

higher-order conditioning

procedure of pairing a neutral sitmulus (NS) with a well-established (CS)

four ways of pairing CS and US

trace (CS begins before US appears)

delay ( CS and US overlap)

simultaneously (CS and US coincide exactly)

backward (CS follows the US)

stimulus substitution theory

CS merely substitutes for the US in evoking the reflex response

compensating response theory

the CR prepares the subject for the US by compensating for its effects

unconditional reflexes

occur less unconditionally, inborn, permanent in all members of species

conditional reflexes

not present at birth, acquired through experience and will vary from individual


once person is addicted to a drug, failure to take the drug produces strong cravings for the drug and other feelings of discomfort


get something like conditioning but haven't conditioned

variables that influence pavlovian

how CS and US are paired

temporal contiguity