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176 Cards in this Set

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Prokaryotic Cells
Karyon= Kernel

Prokaryotic Cells

Kingdom _________

No true nucleus, Genetic material is in "nucleoid" region
Prokaryotic cells

No _______________ cells
Prokaryotic Cell structure
Capsule (Slime layer): A layer of gelatinous material covering the cell.

Composition varies with species:
Plypeptides, polysaccharides, Glycoprotein
Glycocalyx Capsule (slime layer)

1) adhesion-to surfaces
2)Osmotic barriers
3)Protect bacteria from Phagocytosis
4)Storage of nutrient
Flagella (pl) Flagellum (s)

(Know how to draw all forms)
Fimbriae and Pili (pl) Pilus (s)
Small hair-like projections

1)Sexual conjugation-Pili form tubes for transfer of genetic material.

2) Surface adhesion

3) Bacteriophage receptors (Some viruses attach to pili)
Cell Wall
1) Maintains the shape of the cell
2) Physcial Protection-
3) Enables the cell to escape rupture (lysis) in a hypotonic environment Lattice/Net like structure.

consists of peptidoglycan
Gram + structure
many layers of peptidoglycan. forms a thick ridged structure. contain teichoic acid.
Gram - Structure
Thin layer of peptidoglycan. Looser lattice (less rigid cell wall). High lipid content. No teichoic acid.
Plasma membrane
1) Regulates diffusion in and out of the cell
2)Contains active transport system
3)Site of enzymes involved in ATP production.
Fluid Mosaic Model
Phospholipid bilayer

A "dynamic" arrangement of phospholipids and proteins
Contain chlorophyll only found in photosynthetic bacteria.
The nuclear material:
1 chromosome (DNA) loose in the cytoplasm in the nucleoid region. Bacteria often contain small circular, double-stranded DNA molecules called plasmids.
Granules scattered throughout the cytoplasm

Assemble amino acids into polypeptides (protein synthesis)
Cytoplamic inclusions:
Accumulated stored materials

1) Metachromatic granules (Volutin) Stored form of phosphate

2)polysaccharide granules
3)lipid inclusions
Inclusions of iron oxide. act like magnets. May protect cells from accumulation of hydrogen peroxide
Highly resistant structure. Produced by certain bacteria. All members of the family Bacillaceae Produce endospores.

E. g. Bacillus and Clostridium

Resistance: -The most resistant of all living cells.

Highly resistant to: -Desiccation (Dried out), heat and toxic chemicals. Low metabolic activity (dormant)

Low water content. - Thick spore coat

Heat resistant chemicals (calcium and dipicolinic acid)

formation of endospores: Not a reproductive process. Vegetative cell forms a single spore. germinates to form one vegetative cell
Eukaryotic cells
(Eu =Good Karyon= Kernal)
eukaryotic Cell

Protista, plantae, fungi, animaila

True nucleus containing genetic material. contain membrane bound organells
network of fibers that form a dynamic framework fo support and movement.

Microfilaments/Actin filaments

Intermediate filaments
Form: cilia, flagella and centrioles
Specialzed structures that perform specific functions. sequester reactions.

Many contain folded membranes (increase surface area)
spherical or Oval
contains DNA
Nuclear Envelope/Membrane
Double membrane perforated by pores. Maintains nuclear shape and regulates transport in and out of the nucleus.
One or more spherical bodies within the nuclear envelope.

Functions in the synthesis of ribosomal RNA
Endoplamic Reticulum (ER)
Rough ER: Studded w/ ribosomes. site for synthesis of secretory proteins and membrane molecule


Smooth ER- Lack ribosomes synthesizes: Phospholipids, fats and steroids.

Formed of 2 subunits : 60S and 40S.

Free ribosomes: suspended in the cytoplasm

Bound ribosomes: attached to ER

sites of protein synthesis
Golgi Apparatus:
Flattened sacs, stacked on one another. receive and Modify products from the ER. Packages products in vesicles; Transport, Secretory, and Storage.

LYSOSOMES: Membrane- enclosed sac of hydrolytic enzymes.

function in phagocytosis, recycling cells own organic material

Programed cell destruction.
Lysosomal storage disease:
Lysosomes lack one of the hydrolytic enzymes

e.g Tay-sachs disease: Lacke enzyme to digest lipid. Excess lipid accumulates and damages brain cells
"Power House of the Cell"

Inner membranes folds into cristae sites of cellular respiration (ATP production)
Plasma Membrane (Fluid Mosaic model)
Semipermeable/ Selectively permeable. controls what enters and leaves the cell.

Maintains the cells "Homeostasis" (Homo=same Stasis= standing)

Keeps the internal chemical composition within narrow limits.
The movement of materials across the plasma membrane.
Passive Transport:
Does not require (ATP Energy) from the cell.
Simple Diffusion
molecules move from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration.
facilitated diffusion:
A carrier protein combines with a specific substance and moves it across the membrane.
The diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane.

Water moves from a higher to a lower concentration of water

Water moves toward a region of higher solute (dissolved substance) concentration.
the control of water balance
iso- same

concentration of dissolved substances are the same inside and outside the cell. No net flow of water

More solute concentration
Low solute conc.
(osmotic lysis) Bursting of a cell in a hypotonic solution
shrinkage of the cytoplasm due to loss of water in a hypertonic solution
channel proteins:
Portiens which form channels through the membrane allowing passage of certain molecules.

(Gated channels: some can act as "gates" that open and close)
Active Transport
Can move substances against their concentration gradient.

Requires that the cell expend energy (ATP)
e.g. Sodium-Potassium pump
1)Phagocytosis (cell eating)
2)Pinocytosis (cell drinking)
3) Receptor- Mediated Endocytosis (way most viruses enter human cells
Vacuole fuses w/ plasma membrane & expels contents from cell.
Charles chamberland
Porcelain filters used to filter (remove) bacteria
Dmitri Ivanovsky
Some filtrates remained infectious???
Martinus Beijerinck
"Contagium vivium fluidium" contagious living fluid

Later coined the name virus (meaning Poison or venom)

Prior to 1930's: Lack of technology needed to : isolate, propagate, observe and analyze was not available.
Wendell Stanley
Crystallized the first virus (TMV) Consisted of Protein and RNA
viruses first observed w/ and electron microscope
Mendels Particles:
Gregor Mendel

Certain inherited traits seem to be passed from parent to offspring as discrete hereditary "particles"
Hershey and chase
genetic material of some viruses was DNA
General Characteristics and structure of viruses
Contain a single type of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA

Contain a protein coat (Capsid) around the nucleic Acid

Consists of protein subunits called capsomeres

Is Antigenic/Immunogenic (stimulates antibody production
some viruses have a/an
envelope around the protein coat.
Multiply inside living cells
(viruses can't synthesize proteins or generate ATP
Viruses take over
the metabolic activity of host cells
Important for clinical control:
Difficult to disrupt viral replication w/out interfiering w/ host cell funciton
virus size
Most only seen w/ an electron microscope (20-1400 nm)
virus Shapes

Icosahedral (20 sided polyhedron) Enveloped; complex
Environmental Effects on Viruses
A. Heat: most are destroyed by > 60 degrees C
B. Cold: little effect (survive -76 degrees c over 1 yr
c. Desiccation: Tolerated drying
D.pH: tolerates pH ~5-9
E. Disinfectants: most are ineffective Alcohol can destroy lipid enveloped viruses
agents are most effective
e.g. Hyrogen peroxide, cholorine, iodine

f. UV light damages nucleic acid
Classification: Based on:

1) Type of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA)
2) Strategy for replication
3) Morphology
Cultivation of Viruses (reguires _________
Living cells

1)living animals and plants
2)embryonated eggs: Virus is injected into embryonic tissues and membranes
3)Tissue/Cell culture: Cells in solution that provides : nutrients, proper osmotic pressure, pH etc
Primary cell and embryonic diploid cell lines: Grow for a short time in vitro
Continuous/immortal cell lines: Can be maintained I virto indefinitely
4) Bacterial Culture
T-even Bacteriphage Lytic Cycle
T-even Bacteriphage Lytic Cycle

Phage tail attach to specific receptors on bacteria
T-even Bacteriphage Lytic Cycle

Phage release enzyme -------> LYSOSOME dissolves part of the bacteria cell wall
T-even Bacteriphage Lytic Cycle

Viral DNA takes over the machinery of the host cell and begins producing viral DNA and structural components
T-even Bacteriphage Lytic Cycle

Maturation cycle
Phage DNA assembles into complete viruses
T-even Bacteriphage Lytic Cycle

Phage lysosome breaks down bacterial cell wall and multiplied phages are released
Burst time
the time from adsorption to release. "Burst Size" = the average number of virons released by a cell (50-200 virons for T-Even phage)
Lysogenic Cycle
Lysogeny: Viral DNA is incorporated into the host DNA without causing lysis of the host cell.

Lysogenic cell: A cell containing a prophage (provirus)
Prophage genes are repressed by a repressor protein.

Latency: Ability to remain in host cells for long periods.
Phage conversion:
Induction/ Excision: Certain environmental factors may cause a prophage to revert to the lytic cycle.

e.g. UV light or certain chemicals

SPECIALIZED TRANSDUCTION: When a prophage is excised from the host chromosome it can take with it adjacent DNA from the bacterial chromosome.
Animal viruses
Penetration occurs by Receptor Mediated endocytosis
uncoating by viral or host cell enzymes
Maturation and release (Budding)
Latent Viral infections
Virus remains in asymptomatic host cell for long periods.
Reactivated by: fever, UV light, stress, trauma, hormonal changes, and repair mechanisms in the cell eg cold sores, shingles.
Wilhelm Ellerman and Olaf Bang
Found that leukemia could be transferred to healthy chickens by cell-free filtatres containing viruses
F.Peyton Rous
Chicken sarcoma (cancer of connective tissue) similary transferred (cell free filtrates containing viruses)
Genes that cause a normal cell to be transformed into a malignant cell.
Michael Bishop and Harold varmus
Cancer inducing genes carried by viruses are derived from the animal cells genome.
Normally direct synthesis or products for cell growth and development
When a virus containing a n oncogene is introduced into a cell, the cell may be unable to regulate synthesis of the virus's oncogene. The excess product may result in uncontrolled cell division.
Stanley Prusiner
Received the nobel prize in Medicing for his work on prions (proteinaceous infectious particles
Infections proteins:
Inherited and transmissible by ingestion, transplant & surgical instuments.
Spongiform encephalopathies
sheep scrapie, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Dz, Gerstmann-Staussler-Scheinker syndrome, fatal familial insomnia, mad cow Dz, several others
Prion Characteristics
Resist to heating
Not sensitive to radiation Tx
Not destroyed by enzymes that digest RNA and DNA
Not sensitive to protein denaturing agents, such as phenol
Shown to move easily from one species to another
Normal cellular prion protein on cell surface.
The harmful form:Scrapie protein is believed to result from a mutation in a normal gene fro PrPc, or contact with the altered/harmful for converts the normal protein into harmful form.
The harmful PrPsc form accumulates in
brain cells forming plaques
build up
to cut
hydrogen bonds are broken by
viruses are species
Antimicrobial substances produced by microorganisms
Major genera of Antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs
1)PCN (fungi)
2)Cephalosporium (fungi)
3)Streptomyces (actinomycetes)
4)Micromonospora (Actinomycetes)
5)Bacillus (Gram + Bacteria)
Inhibit the growth of bacteria
Kills bacteria
Narrow spectrum
Affects only a select group of microbes.
Broad spectrum
Affect large numbers of bacteria (Gm+ and Gm-)
Overgrowth by a resisant organism
Antibiotic and Antimicrobial drug
Modes of Action
1)Inhibition of cell wall synthesis
2)Inhibition of protein synth
3)Injury to plas. mem
4)Inhibition of Nucleic acid synth
5)Inhibion oh the synth of essential metabolites
mechanisms or resistance to Antibiotic and Antimicrobial drugs
1)Ability to destroy the antimicrobial
2)prevent penetration of the antimicrobial
3)Alteration of target structure
4)Active transport (efflux pumps)
Antibiotic and Antimicrobial drug

Control of resistance
1)Administer effective doses and finish the complete dosage
2)avoid using outdated, weakened antibiotics
3)Eliminate indiscriminate use.
4)Comibined therapy: Two or more antibiotics given simultaneously
SYNERGISTIC: pcn AND streptomyci

combine an antibiotic w/ a b/lactamase inhibitor
Augmenti (Amoxicillin combined w/ potassium clavulanate.)
metabolic reactions require enzymes
synthesis of chemiacal compounds requires energy
Mechanisms of enzyme action

Enzymes lower "______________"
Activation energy

Enzyme structure: Active site: gives the enzyme is specificity

Binds w/ the substrate to form an enzyme-substrate complex. some Enzymes are protein only, others have a protein and a nonprotein portion.
Protein portion of enzyme

COFACTOR: Nonprotein component
coenzyme: organic cofactor -metallic cofactor
apoenzyme + cofactor =
holoenzyme (Whole Charge)
Enzyme structure
"lock and key" fit: enzymes only react w/ a specific substrate.

specificity is due to surface configuration/conformation (shape) of the protein

Conformation is the result of: Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary structers.
Weak interaction:
Hydrogen bonding
ionic bonds
hydrophobic interactions (nonpolar R groups)
Covalent Linkage:
Disulfide bridges b/w two cyusteine monomers (disulfide bond)
in addition to conformation specificity involves IONIC CHARACTER
Factors influencing enzyme activity
Enzymes can be denatured by temp and pH
Substrate concentration
competitive inhibition
noncompetitive inhibition
feedback inhibition

*know graphs in book for test*
Exoenzyme/Extracellular enzymes:
function outside the cell.
endoenzymes/intracellular enzymes
functions inside the cell
The science of heredity. The study of genes:

How they carry info (codes),pass that info on and how is that info expressed
The functional units of heredity.
Genes contains the info (codes)for inherited characteristics. Morphology, metabolism, behavior, pathology, etc.
the genetic makeup of an organism (the information itself)
the total of all genes (genetic information) in a cell.
the physical/external manifestation of the genotype. (the physical traits or appearance)
Genes consist of segments of
A nucleic acid (repeating units called nucleotides)

Three basic parts:
Base: Adenine,thymine, guanine, cytosine
Sugar: deoxyribose
In eukaryotic cells DNA is
wound around clusters of histones (chromosomal proteins) DNA is made up of two antiparallel strands joined by hydrogen bonds.
DNA replication
Enzymes unwind the double helix
DNA Polymerase adds
new bases to the new DNA strand -DNA replication
one original and one new strand
RNA sugar is
Transcription translation
Transcription translation

*just remember this*
The process of synthesizing messenger RNA (mRNA) from a DNA template

Involves RNA polymerase binding to a promoter
Uracil substitutes for thymine

In eukaryotic cells a processing step is needed:
Introns are removed and exons are joined together with a cap and tail.

The use of a mRNA template in protein synthesis

1. (initiation) mRNA becomes associated with a ribosome

2. (elongation) A series of Transfer RNA's (tRNA) each w/ a specific amino acid attaches to mRNA in the ribosome. Peptide bonds form b/w amino acids.

Each set of 3 bases on mRNA = a codon

Each codon specifies a specific amino acid. tRNA carries the anticodon and the amino acid

3. Termination/stop) a termination or stop codon/signal attaches and the ribosome, mRNA and protein separate.
Genetic Transfer
Frederick Griffith
Working w/ 2 strains of strep. pneumonia:

Heat killed virulent (w/capsules)+ Live Avirulent (no capsules) --------->Live Virulent (with capsules)
genetic transfer

the process in which genes are transferred from one bacterial cell to another as "naked" DNA in solution.
Genetic Transfer

Mechanism of Transformation:
Fragments of DNA from lysed cells are taken up by other bacteria and recombine w/ their own DNA
genetic transfer

Transfer of genetic information by cell to cell contact

donor (F+) cell attaches to recipient (F-) cells by means of sex pili and transfers genetic material. can transfer plasmids or parts of its own chromosome.
genetic transfer

Transfer of genetic information from one bacteria to another by means of a bacteriophage.
small self-replicating circles of DNA found in many bacteria (symbiotic mutualistic relationship)

F plasmid (fertility)/ conjugative plasmid
conjugative plasmid
carries genes for sex pili and transfer of the plasmid.
Dissimilation plasmids
Encode enzymes for catabolism of unusual compounds. Eg some pseudomonas can metabolize toluene, camphor and petroleum hydrocarbons. Poss use in bioremediation
Bacteriocinogenic Plasmids (Bacteriocins):
Proteins which kill other bacteria
R Plasmids (Resistance factors)
Provide resistance to antibiotics and other chemicals
Plasmids for toxin production:
eg. Tetanospasmin Staphylococcal enerotoxin
Genes for several traits may be
coupled together on the same plasmid
Barbara McClintok

"jumping genes" segments of DNA that can move their position in the genome

contain insertion sequences that code for an enzyme for cutting and resealing DNA (transposase)

complex transposons carry other genes in addition to transposase genes.
Any alterations in the base pair sequence.
(mutation in gametes can be passed on to offspring)
spontaneous Mutations:
Results from mistakes in replication or natural background radiation= Natural spontaneous

1 mutation/10 (5) - 10 (10) replications
induced mutations
Mutagens/mutagenic agents: Agents which alter DNA. eg X rays; carcinogens ----Man made
Categories of mutations (point mutations)
Base pair substitutions

1.Same -sense mutation: codes for the same amino acid

2. Mis-Sense mutation: Codes for a different amino acid eg. sickle cell anemia: CTT= Glutamic acid changed to CAT =Valine
3. Nonsense mutation: codes for a "stop" signal or a stop signal is substituted w/ an amino acid
Frameshift Mutation
insertions or deletions: results in Mis-Reading of many codons

eg. Deletion THE CAT ATE THE RAT
Gene regulation/control

Constitutive Enzymes:
Produced constantly (Present at all times) Not subject to repression. Other enzymes are expressed only as needed.
Gene regulation/control

Repressible enzymes:
subject to repression
Gene regulation/control

inducible enzymes
produced by the cell only when needed
selective expression of genes
Operon model
Regulatory gene: codes for a repressor protein
Promoter: Site of RNA polymerase attachment.
Operator gene: acts as a switch. Controls transcription of the structural gene.
Structural gene: codes for the amino acid sequence of a protein.
Repressible Operon: Normally in the "on" mode but is turned off when the gene product is in abundance.
the gene product acts as a ___________________
Corepressor. The corepressor activates the repressor.
translational and Post-Translational control

DNA technology

The use of microorganisms, cells, or cell components to make a product.

e.g. foods, antibiotics, vitamins, enzymes
genetic engineering:
The manipulation of genetic material for practical purposes.
selection and mutation

Artificial selection:
Breed/culture a naturally-occurring organism/ microbe that produces desired product.
Mutagens cause mutations that might result in a microbe w/ a desired trait.
site directed mutagenesis:
change a specific DNA code to change a protein
Recombinant DNA technology:
Techiques for recombining genes from different sources in vitro and transferring this recombinant DNA into a cell where it may be expressed. Allows genes to be moved across species barriers.
Recombinant DNA Technology

Overcomes natural barriers
Anatomical, molecular, physical appearance, behavioral, molecular
Recombinant DNA Technology

Restriction Enzymes
Discovered In bacteria
Destroy Bacteriophage DNA and DNA picked up in transformation in bacterial cells.
Cannot digest (host) DNA because of methylated cytosines.
Recognize short, specific nucleotide sequences.
Recongition sequences:
"Symmetrical" sequences 4-8 nucleotides running in opposite directions.
Palindromes: e.g. GAATTC on one strand and CTTAAG on the other.
R. Enz. cut between the same adjacent nucleotides on both strands.

double-stranded DNA w/ single -stranded ends. "sticky ends"
THese sticky ends are used to join DNA from different sources.
These unions are temporary (held by hydrogen bonds)
Can be made permanent by adding DNA LIGASE
Outcome; A DNA molecule carrying a new combination of genes.
Gel Electrophoresis:
Separtes molecules based on size and electrical change.
Used to separate restriction fragments
Isolate and purify individual fragments
Band patterns used in DNA fingerprinting
Carry new DNA to desired cell.
Shuttle vectors can move cloned DNA amoung several different species.
Plasmids and viruses can be used as vectros. (Recombined DNA molecules are useful only if they can be made to replicate)
Gene Libraries
Gene Libraries are made of Pieces of an entire genome stored in plasmids or phages

*cDNA* is made from mRNA by reverse transcriptase

DNA can be inserted into a cell by: Transfromation, Electroporation, Protoplast fusion, Microinjection; Gene gun
PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
Amplifies DNA
Extremely small samples of DNA can be multiplied to high concentration.
Used to:
clone DNA for recombination
Amplify DNA to detectable levels
Sequence DNA
Diagnose genetic disease
Detect pathogens
RFLP Analysis:
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
Each person has a unique array of RFLPs a "genetic fingerprint"
FORENSIC USE: 1/million chance two people will have matching DAN fingerprints for the few regions tested.
Subunit/ Piggyback vaccines:
nonpathogenic viruses carrying genes for pathogen's antigens as vaccines
Genetic Screening:
Diagnosis of genetic disorders.
Gene Thereapy
to replace defective or missing genes
antisense RNA:
complementary to normal RNA. Blocks mRNA from directing protein synthesis
DNA Probes:
Used to detect and identify pathogens in food and pt's.
Applications of Genetic Engineering
subunit/piggyback vaccines
genetic screening
gene therapy
antisense RNA
DNA Probes
Human Genome project:
Nucleotides have been sequenced
Human Proteome Project
May provide diagnostics and tx's
Agricultural Uses:
Insect and Dz resistance, Herbicide resistance, Retard spoilage, Nitrogen fixation
Genetic Engineering
Safety issues and Ethics
avoid accidental release
Genetically modified crops must be safe for consumption and for the environment.
Who will have access to an individuals genetic information?